Daily reminder that Donald Trump is President of The United States and there is nothing you can do about it

Daily reminder that Donald Trump is President of The United States and there is nothing you can do about it.

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Thank God.

Praise God for this king of man

And KEK be praised for prosperous eight years.


Fuck trump

41,000 Muritards are hoping they can do something. You may join them.


actually i can continue the mass turding in his direction from all sides.

crowdfund your boyfriends eyeball surgery you butthurt hackess

wew, a Russian plant who is also about to sign a bill into law that would literally sell (the data) the American people to advertisers.

God bless this failure and traitor of a man.

За тобой уже едут




What worries me about this answer is Trump’s gullibility, his complete naivety in knowing how to establish truth. It never occurred to him that the border guard was giving an opinion and not a fact. It didn't occur to him that a border guard might not be an expert on the hidden actions of the Mexican president. Yet the ability to evaluate truths is essential to good decisions.

When asked about the triad, he had no idea what the questioner was talking about. I suspect that every other candidate actually did. The triad refers to an aspect of our nuclear defense that involves three different modes for delivering nuclear weapons: airplanes, land-based missiles, and submarine based missiles. You can not read about the history of nuclear weapons without coming across this central doctrine; its purpose was to assure that a Russian first-strike could not be simple and aimed at only one vulnerability. I don't expect every citizen to know this, but it is something that anyone who has spent any time thinking or reading about US defense policy knows. He did his best to answer without knowing what the question was, instead of asking. He was hiding his ignorance, of course; that's what politicians do. But I was appalled that someone running for president was so uneducated about US defense setup.

Of course, when he has to make a decision, he could ask an advisor. But as with the border patrol, I don't think he is prepared to evaluate the answer of an advisor, or even pick the right advisor.


And it's awesome.


How comes nobody punched him in the face yet?
You can literaly get away with claiming self defence since his actions cause direct harm to everyone and their (grand)*-children

>Man publicly says that he's not going to take money from Jews and be their puppet.
>I think to myself, "Well, that's him done then. The Jews aren't going to take that shit. They're going to ramp up the liberal crybaby propaganda even harder than they already have."
>Sure enough, that's exactly what they do.
>In spite of this, he still has enough support to prevail.
>Turns out you can't always just guilt and shame people over to your side.
I still don't really like the guy, but I have to admit it's an uplifting story and makes me think that more is possible than I'd originally considered. Plus I have to give the man points for the shedding of liberal tears he creates just by existing and the absolute deluge of them he brought about by becoming president.

His Grandma or mom was a JEW ! found out yesterday.



10-15 years ago internet fags claimed they were 'woke' because they watched videos of the illuminati being exposed.

All the sudden they're brainwashed by the very supreme powers they thought they were fighting against.

This new wave of 'Liberalism' is toxic as fuck. They're going so far to the left that they're circling back to straight fascism, while calling centrists fascists themselves....I don't understand. Wait yes I do, you're fucking idiots.