Hey b

Hey b.

You found Shia Labeouf’s hidden webcam 2 times.

You were able to use contrail patterns and celestial navigation to do it.

Will you PLEASE use some of your technical savvy & collective scientific abilities to find the snapchat killer?

This guy slaughtered 2 Delphi Indiana girls 6 weeks ago and no one has generated 1 single usable lead. WTF?

Other urls found in this thread:



Sup Forums did that, not Sup Forums. Also if that photo is all the evidence we have, it can't be done. Need more info.

well we could count the fucking pixels, if anything. at least tell us everything you know about this because we do not give enough of a fuck to google it

promise I'm not being a lazy smartass but - google it. there are audio files of him telling them to get down the hill. and other stuff about the case including GPS coordinates of the bridge etc...

It's been a while since anything great happened here. Well, if i was into traps everyday would be fucking ahh-mazing here but I'm not.
I sure as shit ain't to haxorman but happy to lurk.

It was Sup Forums, Sup Forums has been dead for a long time.

literally - one of the murdered girls took this pic immediately before the guy killed them according to all the news stories.

old railroad bridge, at Delphi Historic Trails shortly before the pair were kidnapped and murdered.

>promise I'm not being a lazy smartass but - google it. there are audio files of him telling them to get down the hill. and other stuff about the case including GPS coordinates of the bridge etc...

>promise I'm not being a lazy smartass

Yet doesnt provide any fucking links or backstory to even create interest.


working on it. b is temperamental so less is more when starting.

here is a mainstream media link:


Not op. But this did happen, still have no leads on the degenerate. Which one of you did it? Tell me now.

Christ that "down the hill" clip
How to sound like a murderer 101

here is the AUDIO:


It looks like a skinwalker to me.

Not that dude but from what I know, two girls were dropped off for a day of hiking. One girl took some pics with her phone. One of those pics, for some reason, was the guy in OP's pic. At some point, the girl turns the phone on and records somebody saying, "get down the hill". They were murdered and found on some guys property. The guy who owns the property had his shit searched and nothing found.

Problem is:
1. The cops have kept details private. Were they strangeled, shot, stabbed, hung?
2. The cops have openly said they are keeping some of the pics and audio from the public. Could be crime scene pics, could be a better pic.
3. Too many people have gave tips to dead ends. Some have even gave tips about people they don't like just because they think it would funny.
4. the reward, 240K, has people stomping through the trails trying to find something. One cop in an interview has even said "if anything of use at the crime scene was there, its long been compromised". Of course, the cops wrapped up and released the crime scene like 2 days after.

There's more but it's nearly impossible to figure out who the guy is based on a grainy, shitty pic.

>You found Shia Labeouf’s hidden webcam 2 times.
Sup Forums both here and cripplechans, did 90+% of the work on /HWNDU/.

>technical savvy & collective scientific abilities

It's called "weaponized autism" faggot.

I never realised Sup Forumstards were so fragile


You don't get my point at all. I'm pissed Sup Forums is such a crap hole. Fucking Sup Forums is doing better. Sup Forums has more sills, trolls, and white-knights than any other board and it's crap.

fukin kek

Once Moot was threatened with jail for stuff other people posted Sup Forums was RIP

to me: pol is a bunch of incentiveIZED DNC &/or RNC turds.

b is pure as the driven snow.

How late are you for the "/b is shit" party

Hmm idk does he have anything we can steal like a pack of thieving niggers

I've been pissed for years, the rage just never dies.

withholding info is a good strategy up to a certain point. I think that point has been reached. time to cough up all pics & vids...etc

All this info and you can't come up with a single lead?
Indians really are worthless.

who cares about a killer

the whole shia thing is just because it's funny to piss his delusional ass off

Honestly, the guy could possibly only be identified by his clothes. And if he did not dress up for the occasion, then family, friends or neighbors would be the only people able to do it.

Other way would be DNA, because I assume he raped them? If they were found within a reasonable amount of time that is.

I'm guessing some data can be taken from the picture, like race (White) approx age (30-40) and build (stocky). Soundclip is obviously of an American male. this could be crosschecked with known sex offenders who were in the area, and also of cell phones or credit cards registered in the area.

None of this can be done by a bunch of retards on Sup Forums.

Indians brains are poisoned by all the sewage runoff from Chicago

the full force of the us police department is here to help

all that stuff has been done. the calculus has been done, the legal triangulation has been done, everything x 100 has been done.

our police department cant find sht dude sorry, FREE WORLD signing out

its their grandfather... just saying.



herez the grandfather.