I catched a fly and after 2h i successfully tied it's neck with a string. Now i have a pet fly

I catched a fly and after 2h i successfully tied it's neck with a string. Now i have a pet fly.

dubs decide what to do

PD: I won't kill neither free it, too much hours invested. Also i won't introduce the fly into any part of the body of anyone (includes me)

PD2: the fly is ok, is eating sugar and water and seems happy, wasn't hurt or knocked out in the process

try to get him to fly while you hold him. video it or something

Can he still fly?

dubs get

Catch another fly and put some thing sweet on it

Feed it butter and see if it turns into a butterfly, for science.

Go for a walk with him

put a wig on it and start a presidential bid



looks dead

Also, this. Go in to McDonalds or whatever with ur pet fly. Ask if it's ok if you and your pet fly share a meal toaletter at their restaurant.

I'll try, but is dificult to fil and catch at the same time

Yea but with the string is not the same

Let's try

put a bikini on it


release it, just pissing off the lurkers.


protip: after you catch one, put him in the fridge for a while. This will put him to sleep and you can easily attach string. My dad and his friends would catch them and glue tiny paper or balsa wood airplanes to them.

Wow that would be useful 2h ago, next time i will know thx

OP WILL DELIVER: Let's wait 24-48h....

Looks like a fake fly

Eat it, plus all the sugar.

give it a tiny sword and declare it the rightfu king of the Britons

teach it how to love a woman

Haha OP you are silly c:

kek blizzard, kek fatneck

It's difficult to record it

I wanna see it flying with the string on?
You could aid it a little, by lifting the majority of the weight of the string for it.
Over time it will gain strength and you can teach it to deliver pizza.

paint it purple

Nice xenomorph poster my dude.


Cum on it



do it fgt

At least feed it your jizz.

I think its a fake fly it looks fake. prove that its real

Put it in the freezer


Rollin for this

Catch more and make them kill each other for food


also reroll


kek x2

do what he said

I made the good old classic trump style

too late and too lazy but maybe tomorrow


was 2008, now is just a good mousepad


My sperm counts as a part of my body hahah

My dude i'm dying this shit is so funny


Also, I'm dying, this is fucking great.

catch a spider and put them together in a glass/box - film it

Too much fucking dubs, not a lot of fly's here in March... sorry

I will train it then

Tomorrow if i feel in the mood maybe I'll do it (I liked it haha), now is closed sorry

best thing ive seen in a while



Sup Forums isn't dead dead good thread

as a kid i used to do this with green june bugs. fun times



I was here.

no you weren't

Shit, you caught me.

convince it that it is transgender and give it gender reassignment surgery

Space program

OP HERE. I Have to go. Maybe tomorrow I make the McD TOALETTER Operation.


The Day Sup Forums got a fly to deliver pizza

pull its wings off then walk it like a doggo

Screencap dis

fuck you Reddit



Do the same thing with a wasp. Capture wasp using the freezer method already mentioned. Make it live with the fly.


OP, this is the best thread I've seen in a long while


Put me in screen plz

Op delivered thx for the keks



Needs to be done op

kiss it and tell it you love it

He said in OP he won't kill it.

That WOULD kill it.


op is cool guy for once?

no. you know the rules

rolling for this, don't be a pussy

Is the string connected to a leg?

Put it in your anus. You can do eeeet.

you're an idiot

this @read the thread before you post unoriginal gay shit


Since you won't put the fly in your ass, put the string in your ass then film it!!!




That fly is big as fuck

One more time, and check em!!

SO who's gonna suggest flies as drones to Amazon?


Remember the guy that sent animals flying with balloons? Like a frog? Do that, but instead of using a balloon catch a big amount o flies and attach the frog/mouse to them. After that set the flies free so that they can lift the animal away.

Tied the string to your dick and make the fucker fly

Microwave it OP


One off. Reroll