Hey Sup Forums I need a new hobby. 19 and going to uni online, have a decent amount of free time...

Hey Sup Forums I need a new hobby. 19 and going to uni online, have a decent amount of free time, friends can't hang most of the time. Vidya has lost all appeal to me recently, TV is shit as always, and movies won't do it for me either. Sup Forums is the same 10 shit posts every day. An hero is always an option, not favorable though. Anyone have a good hobby you can do alone? Any one that can make me even small amounts of money is good cuz broke obviously.



You can search for pedo stuff


There's no money in that, and its illegal. Not into that whole scene but fapping gets very old as well.

Into Music? ive gotten bored recently and downloaded some free programs to make beats and what not.

Speedcubing bro

A buddy i know goes to yard sales and buys unopened things and resells them for higher on facebook bidding sites

Into a lot of music most find boring, like Tom Petty, 90s rock, stuff around there. Never tried making anything though.

Yo vapourwave

That might be quite the idea user.

You lost me

Airsoft. You get to legally shoot people


Got beamed in the eyeball when I was a kid so momma never let me do that again, I could go back to it but I guess I never really thought twice about it, good sites you can find cheap guns you know of?

Tinder? What about getting some pussy. half of my buds all have found their current gfs on tinder too.

Pick up card games. I play mtg. Makes you meet people. Plus it can make you money if you flip cards from people who don't know how much they're worth

Nah I'm taken, get enough pussy as is

start weight lifting, its good for the mind too.

Don't know a thing about any of that kek

This one is definitely on the list

Evike has a good airsoft website. For starting a g&g combat machine is the perfect starter gun. And I'd recommend full seal eye protection (you can buy ESS googles for cheap used on ebay)

collect rare pepes

newfag here, what do u mean by "an hero"?

Kill yourself

This is a shady hobby, don't wanna steal others goods

Thats a slippery slope

Saw some guy talking about picking up shitty bikes from scrapyards and fixing them up and selling them, too bad I don't know dick about bikes.

1. Leave Sup Forums and never turn back. It's a waste of time.
2. Work at least 2 days a week. Good for earning a little money on the side, gaining work experience, contacts (both professional and social) and providing diversity in your life. It's also a good status symbol and a reason to feel good about yourself (in respect to not working at all).
3. Work out; weight lifting and cardio. Hit the gym. Daily exercise builds confidence and a healthy body.
4. Girlfriend/boyfriend.
5. Hobbies & activities: various sports (i.e. extreme sports, ball sports, martial arts/boxing, shooting, airsoft, climbing, biking, jogging etc), learning a trade (i.e. wood work, carpeting, simple electrics, fixing shit), music (i.e. instrument, programming, mixing/mastering), classic board games (i.e. chess, etc), learn to drive a car, programming.

The list is endless really.

Just stop going to Sup Forums.

Art. Drawing commissions. Check out Incase art, hundreds of dollars a piece.

Good call user, you might have just saved me from this wretched place