Imagine you are terminally ill. You have about 2 months left to live, the last 3 weeks you will be very sick...

Imagine you are terminally ill. You have about 2 months left to live, the last 3 weeks you will be very sick, weak and in pain.

What will you do with the 5 weeks you have.

>inb4 go fuck the hottest girl
>I allready got my pitty sex


kill myself

Go to the nearest heroin den and tell them to play darts on my body.

>inb4 junkie fuck
I've never tried Heroin, but I've heard it's by far the most pleasurable experience the human mind can muster, so why the fuck not?
Fuckloads of DMT too.

Taking flights to other parts of the world to see as much as I can(obviously robbing to get money) in case I don't reincarinate lol.

Reading this I wanted to actually call you a junkfag, you do make a point however. Maybe close to the end to distract from pain?

I am atheist, so don't really see the point in doing that.

>I'm an atheist
This phrase is on par with "I'm vegan" on the annoyance scale.

Pro tip:
>I'm one too

If i'm going to hell,i'm taking you all with me.



That would make me a bit happy, I have never been on a plane before. Medical bills fuck me and my family over good. No chance of doing that

>in case I don't reincarinate lol.

If you were reincarnated, what would you like to come back as?
>Cause i like ponies

I am with you on that, I only make it known in cases like this when I am approached by someone religious. My lack of any faith is my own

go to the other side of the planet, die there.

Bump. I dig this thread.

Does not matter if I die in a bed of Egyptian cotton of on a piece of cardboard, I wont remember any of it

kill someone who deserves it
you know who im talking about
that one dude you always hated
do it

Contact one of the Make A Wish programs and see if they can arrange for you to literally suck a log of shit out of Andy Sixx's asshole.

I hear you.
Thing is nothing seems worth it so close to the end. Dont know if everyone in my situation feels like this or if it is just the way I am dealing with it, but nothing feels worth doing.

Kinda the purpose of this thread, curious to know what others would do, maybe something is mentioned that seems worth it.

Watch TNG one more time

Save me a seat on the bus.

>robs money in case he doesent reincarnate
>doesent reincarnate because robbed money

Resistance is futile

You will be assimilated

Drive to jasper, Go into the woods and do a shit ton of drugs then die of an OD

sorry mate, i don't believe in any afterlife, so I won't be able to cheer you up
spend as much time as you can with your loved one.
If you have any regrets, it's time to right the wrongs, do all that you can. Make peace with your enemies, don't tell them you're going to die.
Say that you love them to anyone it's close to be true
At least, you might die content and be remembered as a pretty cool dude

God doesn't exist, or if he does he doesn't give a shit. What matters is people.


Love my girlfriend and just show her a good time, enjoy the world and die.
>Yes I am fun at parties

I would just get up and go. No packing or anything.
I would make sure my cat was taken care of and just go no end goal just go.
No cares, try anything offered to me, fuck it no more fear.
what the worst thing that can happen?
It would be a view changing experience for sure.

Go out with style.

>implying your posthumous memory is worth anything
Rape a bitch and kill a guy

Thanks for the words. I have long given up hope on any god being there, when I die I will be completely gone.

That scared the shit out of me when I first learned I have no chance of recovery, that was when I wanted to do all sort of things and fix all my wrings.

Now I have accepted it for the most part. I still feel like I am being being fucked over, but there is nothing or no one to blame.

My biggest fear is becoming so apathetic about my own death that I will leave my mother with a horrible last few days in the end

smoke tons of weed

kill Trump

America needed someone like trump as president, just not trump

the rest of the world didn't tho

Try to get sex with an underage girl. Doesnt have to be the hottest one, above average should suffice.

If you feel fear, then you are not apathetic, that's a good sign isn't it?
I don't know what to say man, be strong

Fight isis


all kinds of robberies and partying with the money


> is pity sex an actual thing, I've heard of it in tv and film but never heard of actual stories of it happening irl.

I'd do acid and coke and fucking spend the entire time at raves and churches in Japan/Singapore

OP the answer feels very clear to me.

You need to see this as an opportunity.

Not all woman will jump your dick out off pitty, but play your cards right with the right girl and it can be done.

How would you prove your awful situation to a girl, she would probably think you're just making it up to bone her.

Thanks user

Less weight and male, but im more of a thinker than a fighter so id probably get as far as italy, then join the mafia, and be inducted into their vampiric sect to obtain immortality.

She is a close friend of mine, she visited me a few times when I was in the hospital. It would have been one elaborate and expensive plan just to get her in bed.

So you didn't bone her? The plan failed or it just didn't work out? I need to know! I'm invested in this thread.

Well Sup Forums, this thread is probably ending soon.

If I am being honest, the reason I started it was because I was feeling fucking alone tonight and a bit scared. I moved in with my mother to spend the last month or two with, can hear her crying each night. I hate it.

Thanks for the company and ideas.



I meant that if I was faking it, it would have been an expensive and elaborate scheme just to have sex.

We did have sex soon after I was sent home


I assume you don't have a significant other, so in all honesty, I would buy a bunch of cocaine, and go on a coke filled whore binge. I would ask every half way attractive woman if they wanted to do some blow and Fuck. After a couple weeks of that, I would spend a week with family and friends. Really soak up the love man. With about 3 weeks left, i would go somewhere beautiful, and eat a .45 ago. I'd go out on my own terms, Fuck whatever disease I had. I'd do it my own way. If this is true OP. I feel for you brother. Hope you enjoy the time left. We'll all be there one day, its a fact of life. Godspeed my man.

snap chaty .me
>leak ex gf and win

I agree with the heroin guy. If you're not able to live long enough, I'd just do lots and lots of heroin about 4 weeks before you die. I'd also dose a shit ton of LSD one night and then do a high ass dose of MDMA before you become very ill. Go out having fun man, I hope you have a great few weeks/months of your life user.

Gtfo with that shit, low to put that here even for Sup Forums

Kill muslims

You're replying to a bot

pics of her?

Yeh, that poster was a java script.

I would spend every second trying to prolong my life. Its like dallas buyers club, that guy kept fighting and he was able to make it a few more years.

I would fight till the very end. Even if I thought I was going to fail I would keep going. I refuse to not exist, my main goal in life is to live forever.

that is not living, it would make your 'life' worthless.

What for?

I believe that death is the ultimate answer to life; and necessary as such.
It's a stage we all go through. We are just matter and energy, son, no metaphysics here.


Go to her house,
tell her I hid it for years,
tell her I loved her to death.

>Like a train

No shit, but i want to never end. I want to outlive the fucking sun. I want to do everything once. 100 years is not enough time for me.

Gather the dragonballs then. I don't think your consciousness dies in the classic way we think of it.

The way I see it, God is (You). The Universe observing, experiencing and recording itself.

Everyone is just electrical signals moving around a brain. I need to find a way to keep my brain from dying, everything else can go. I would rather live in pain then not live at all. Its a nice to think spiritually but i wont trust what my imagination can come up with.


Start a mob war.

Any plans you've decided on yet OP?

Sucks but its still better than dying.

Not sure if still around. But if I had a month left to live, I would ask uncomfortable questions to as many people of power as I could. Fly to best Korea and ask dicktator if he is different flesh and blood than the rest of us, shit like that. I think when someone is on the edge of death, they can really make others look at their lives.

That, and watch the last season of samurai jack

Le boomp


Rob a bank and give the money to people I love. Play my life like a bootleg GTA v