/stg/ - Back in the saddle again Edition

/Stranger Things General/ - Back in the saddle again Edition

>Previously on the last episode of /stg/



Let's fucking go!



>To Be Continued

>To Be Continued 2


>Memories of El

>Mike Remembers

Other urls found in this thread:


>that one moment we all thought /stg/ was dead

first for papa

And here's my edit I made tonight.
I know it's a piece of shit and nowhere near as good as my first one.
I just wanted something to do.

>Youth Gone



The reddit invasion is real

As a guy who was into photography using film cameras during highschool, his camera talk made me cringe and want to punch him

Also if I was Jon I would have started swinging way earlier

I liked the show, but it seems weird to have an active general. Especially considering all the episodes are released at once and there's nothing coming up soon and it aired some time ago

Important poll


That broke my heart

what the fuck was that song that played when the guys are all biking together at night after dnd? it's a synth but it definitely feels uncannily familiar to a song with lyrics, i don't buy that it's just an original synth thing

How was she planning on toasting these?

with her mind, how else

Much more impact in the ending
Nice one

barb? who?

She ate them once they thawed out.

how can do?

spinning them at high speeds

That was actually pretty good!
How the fuck are you so good at finding sad piano music?

Why didn't she steal syrup?

Same man, cringy af, kinda reminded me of me, and yea would've seen red and sperged waaay earlier

Try to start a /stg/ meme. There's nothing more gratifying than seeing a meme you helped start on the thread pasta.

she doesn't know what syrup is

So? There's no episodes of Game of Thrones and Dr. Who is a giant piece of shit, but those generals are still going. Spergers gonna sperg.

That one's by Anadel.
It was used in a trailer for the last episode of the TWD S2 game.

Best song from the OST lads and lasses?

For me it has to be this: youtube.com/watch?v=9zZfBBp-j6I

Now that the dust has settled, can we all agree that Mike a cute

Why the fuck would Nancy crawl in there?! REEEEEEEEEEEE

Thanks man!
Yeah, I didn't know how to end that one- so I went with one of my favorite shots from the show.

for the bantz

I love that song but I know it from The Sopranos

Now that the dust has settled can we all just grow up and accept that, as annoying as his character was, Lucas was the best actor?

is El Poster Dan asleep?

it was just a prank bruh

That there's no point bitching about remakes and reboots. They've always happened and they'll always continue to happen. No one is forcing you to watch anything and there's never been more variety in what you can watch.

There is literally no reason to watch something you don't like because there's so much good stuff out there. My life got so much better when I just stopped paying attention to the media I didn't like and watched what I enjoyed.

Chief getting put in the car by the men in black when leaving the hospital, the camera turns to a really vivid clear night sky, foreshadowing for next season? Indiana Jones joins the CIA and they get spooky with interdimensional aliens?


I didn't think Lucas was annoying, in fact I thought he was slightly too competent

lel no

I think that title goes to El, but Lucas was the best of the boys.


Oh thank god she got out at beginning of next episode lol

This one's pretty good, very comfy synth line

El is due for an Emmy for her work, Lucas can choke to death on an eggo

*best party actor
millie's emotional delivery with such simple lines was amazing.
but i'd say he ties with hopper for best male actor.

I don't know if I should wait a couple weeks to rewatch stranger things or just cave in and let the comfiness engulf me again at this very moment, is the two week wait to rewatch the series worth it Sup Forums?

What do we think about this proposal that we have /oursteve/

>tfw home alone watching and the lights flicker


fite me fgt

I think J Byers is up there as well

Do it now.
I rewatched with my girlfriend one day after having finished it myself.
It was fun seeing her reactions to things.

Find someone that hasn't watched it to share with if you can.

I'd get out of here, I'd hate for you to get /spoilered/


Elliot is reaching out to you


he deserves something not /Our Guy/ but something

>mfw he's screaming "Nancy" and you can hear his accent

The role with the most screaming and yelling doesn't necessarily prove an actors skill. The role that has the actor depend on his/her emotion and expression through body language displays the most skill. Millie is the best actor.

What do I watch to fill the void /stg/? About to cry

shit thats broke af, damn it

is he british too or something?

Yeah to be fair I meant the best out of the three boys
El is obviously the best kid actor overall

is Gaten aware that he is /ourguy/?
he seems like he would appreciate it even if it's from Sup Forums

inb4 goonies


Is it possible to be more pure and innocent than El?

Nothing can fill that void except for season 2 fahm

idk, might be best to just leave him alone, the poor guys getting hounded by br already

Yeah. Watch the scene where he's looking for Nancy in the woods, screaming her name. It's very apparent.

absolutely nothing ever has been or ever will be

Damn, those are the same guys that did this?

>pure and innocent
She killed dozens and was responsible for thicc big guy Benny's death

He sure is the most hung one

No. She's the pinnacle of purity.

that one's reserved for byers

Indeed they are
Blue monday is a great track

will always be a sopranos song for me

It's a great song but hearing it immediately took me out of the moment and into Gandolfini sitting on that bed

Feel overload.

Can we all be in agreement that Steve destroying Jonathan's camera was completely justified?

>avenged Benny
>100% innocent

/our redeemed/? I'm just spitballing. Anyone else feel free to offer up a better one.

Yeah, Byers got off easy


Hell yeah, although I get the feeling it was made for a gay club

obviously a classic

I was already liking the first ep, but when I heard that I knew.

byers the cuck back at it again.



This is the one.


yea, but she wasn't worth it

No, my biggest complaint about the entire show was that they hamfistedly "redeemed" Steve at the end.

Promise me these threads won't die?

He wasn't a Chad at all.

There wasn't a lot to redeem. He didn't do a lot of really bad stuff. Breaking the camera was dickish but understandable given what Jon had done and he went out of his way to apologize for everything that he did and even stepped in to the fight and tried to help protect Nancy and Jon.

The only bad thing he did was betraying Nancy's trust and telling everyone at the school that he went deep inside of her.

No that was retarded.

>at the end
you miss everything leading up to that?

>TomC impression
>Finally cracking it at his shitty friends
>Cleaning up
>Coming to apologize

their was an arc, and it was surprisingly good

Making up new words are we?
But I don't think so, Steve saw Jon as a creep which he kind of was. To defend his gf, he broke his camera. Also remember how he was upset with his friends and Nancy being with Mike. Those were actual feelings he had for her.

That was only after thinking she cheated on him

Fuck you, stop making me feel.

Someone post the do it for her picture