
Does Sup Forums like Weezer?

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I used to be a hardcore weezer fan, and like every hardcore weezer fan knows, weezer has become complete and abominable garbage.
It used to bother me a lot, i know rivers has it in him to make good music again. I was like a batter wife, He can change i swear!!!....

But eventually you get over it and move on

I hope not because its terrible plebby pop/rock

Yeah, the first two Weezer albums are some of the best rock music in history if you ask me desu

Enjoying the latest attempts to return to form, a couple of decent songs
Liked some stuff from their 10+ year run of bullshit too desu


Like im sure rivers got hit in the head with a 2 by 4 in some wacky sitcom accident and turned into a poptamist or something, but it resulted in the most garbage pop music ever made that had no appeal to the mainstream and alienated his old audience of nerds and chubby female librarians.
I think the minor success of Beverly hills went to his head too hard and he decided to collaborate with dr. luke and lil wayne and make horrible music that already sounds dated.
While im sitting here searching out obscure lost songs, b sides, just to get a taste of the old weezer


Lil Wayne was the greatest rapper in the world then within months of collaborating with Weezer wasn't very good and wanted to be a rock singer
Rivers' disease is infectious

I listened to Pinkerton for the first time today. It's seriously the worst lyrics I've ever heard after Algernon Cadwallader. That creepy song about wanting to touch a japanese girl but thinking it would be wrong is going to be stuck in my head all day

Those are good lyrics about bad things user

All the lyrics are shit. They're about girls

Beverly Hills
That's where I want to be
Living in Beverly Hills

gimme gimme gimme gimme

What are good lyrics about, exactly

Zen Buddhism

forgot pic

The best Cohen lyric since the '80s is about his dad jizzing him out into a girl's vagoo though

Cant beat jizz

Weezer has had two phases

1. late 90's sort of hip alt rock band / godfather of emo pop music

2. rivers really really wants to be a top 40 pop artist and hang out with all rich and famous people and make pop music and its all awful, oh god, what a horrifying world this is

The vast majority of Weezer's music outside of Beverley Hills and Raditude doesn't really fit that desu
If Maladroit was an attempt to get more famous and popular he really fucked that up lol

maladroit was their last pure rock/ old school album.

Then came the Beverly hills, and the rattitude and all that garbage.

Then rives realized no one liked him anymore and made back to the shack to beg back the old fans

But now he is back to making top 40 music for no one in particular.


I reiterate my analogy earlier, being a weezer fan is like being a battered wife

I liked (most of) Hurley.

Yes, Sup Forums unanimously likes all of Weezer's discography. Great question OP.

white album was fantastic.

Never following Weezer all that closely, but of course really appreciating the Blue record when it came out, and having come of age in the early 90s with its black-and-white views of indie/alternative contra mainstream, it was really quite a huge shock when an "alternative" band made something like Beverly Hills. It's not that it was commercial - obv Buddy Holly was commericial too and any number of alternative acts that broke in the 90s. It's just that it sounded like such a sellout.

It is a sell out.
Rivers is a 40 year old man who used to make alt rock trying to play the pop game when. he is a 40 year old man trying to make pop music and appeal to the youth.

I think rivers was the only rock band that embraced poptamism, either rivers was intuitive of how shitty the world was going to get for rock music or he had some inside knowledge.

Anyways, so weezer is a complete garbage band even if you used to like them and i dont think rivers knows what the fuck he wants

Pavement is superior... They're superior to both weezer and nirvana.

>like every hardcore weezer fan knows, weezer has become complete and abominable garbage.

Really cuz most of my friends who like Weezer like the new stuff barring the latest single because we aren't fickle fuckers who only listen to revisionist music historians who claim that pop rock is bad unless it has feedback and a teenager whining about half Japanese girls the whole time.

listen rivers, you're too old for the pop game anyways, you need to be securing yourself as some sort of icon at your age. Maybe make a country album or do a musical score/ soundtrack , when an oscar or something.



I always compared Pavement more to Modest Mouse and Built To Spill

Pavement went through a lot of phases but perfected noisy grunge sound early only to leave it for more well produced and genre hopping albums.

They did do it better than nirvana.


Honey I shrunk the audience

Maladroit was literally made to appease their old fans who thought they sold out. To use user's idea,m a Phase 2 band making a Phase 1 album. That's all it was, and they quickly moved on, never to pander to them again.