Ewwww.... Pussies are gross

Ewwww.... Pussies are gross.

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Just like you.

so are dicks, assholes, and mucus-filled bodily orifices in general.

remember, no woman has ever used the phrase "oh, what a beautiful scrotum"

but... but... but I want to feel that gross

Maybe because your scrotum isnĀ“t beautiful




Kind of, but they're also great to put your dick in so it's okay.


Only fags like pussy

Liking girls is pretty gay, if you think about it. Being infatuated with a human because it is "cute," "pretty," "beautiful," etc. is the epitome of homosexuality.

Trips doesn't lie

Fuck off Ruben

You have a point

Amen brother. Nothin in this thread but a bunch of vagina-loving queers

Except liking women is for the fact that you use them like cum recepticles to beat and fuck how you like when you like
The rennasaunce was the first time that the whole cute, pretty thing came about
Islam a shit but they never become a matriarchal society like we have

Being straight is for faggots. real men fuck real men



looks good to me