
Interstellar vs The Martian vs Gravity

Which is the king of spacekino?

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The Martian > Interstellar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gravity

The Martian was the most scientifically accurate of those 3.

Interstellar>> martian >>>>>>>> gravity

thank you reddit


Interstellar for most of the movie, then we got The Power of Love as the copout shitty bizarre ending.
Gravity was a technical marvel.
The Martian was the easiest and most entertaining movie to watch with a solid performance by Matt Damon and his supporting cast, with only one really annoying part (Donald Glover).
I'd go with The Martian, of the three choices listed, though that's just the best overall package. I don't think it really qualifies as kino.

Gravity was fine, but space was just a setting it seemed, it didn't seem like it was that significant to the plot. She could've been underwater and the story wouldn't have changed

Interstellar was fine but as soon as they got into the love bullshit I checked out

The Martian is true space kino.

gravity was boring shit with dumb cuck writing

interstellar was very good but kind of bloated with too much emotional stuff crammed in

only saw like 10 minutes of the martion on TV but it looked like a giant reddit post

Interstellar's ending was dogshit. At least Gravity was consistent with their disregard of real world physics. Interstellar waved it in your face the entire movie, then asspulled the power of love somehow making it ok to fall into a black hole.

Martian is the comfiest.

Interstellar > Martian >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Let me show you my CGI abilities feat. Sandra Bullock

Apollo 13


inb4 the third act sucked

this is now a fuck gravity thread

I never get the hate for the Love can break barriers bla bla
The character is obviously in a full emotional crisis when she says this and the other characters just go huh ok

Moon > The Martian > Interestellar > Gravity

The third act is great.

2001 > Solaris > Alien > > Aliens > > Gravity >>>>>> The Martian > Interstellar. This is the only way

>meme space kung-fu powered by the sun



Interstellar is kind of a bloated mess of a movie, but you can't help but be impressed by how grand and ambitious it is. Gravity is a tight, compact thrill ride of a movie but the plot itself is somewhat anemic.

The Martian isn't as ambitious as Interstellar and doesn't have nearly as much spectacle as Gravity, but it is definitely the best movie of the three.

I am in agreeance, friend.
its shit.

>but it is definitely the best movie of the three.


Why does everyone hate Gravity so much? It was >fun

>the part where he was hanging on to the the rope and was like LET ME GO AND ILL JUST DIE despite being IN FUCKING SPACE WITH NO GRAVITY

wrong. Interstellar has been verified by NDT

All those movies suck and I shit on all of you who have to go through your lives without quality sci-fis.


Kino: Interstellar
Movie: Gravity
Flick: The Martian

>Watching Interstellar in IMAX.

Intersellar is fucking shit.

Gravity is okay cinema but lacking.

The Martian is a good blockbuster movie.

None of them are kino.

kino - Interstellar
movie - Martian
flick - gravity


Although, Gravity has the best effects and cinematography and The Martian is carried by one man's acting alone.

Interstellar has better big ideas that truly go into the realm of science-fiction like a film like that hasn't done in years.

Nolan is the most overrated director of all time and some of Interstellar's plot points were tenuous, but the love and craftsmanship were there, along with a story that was more than just Cast Away but in low-Earth orbit and with a significantly worse actress than Tom Hanks.

The time dilation stuff wasn't the problem. The magic infinite fuel space ship, ayy lmaos, and 4D bookshelves was retarded.

>mfw watching THIS in IMAX when it comes out

Not gonna lie, I might honestly cry. The sheer scale and beauty of the Universe and our insignificance in the nanoscopic span of time in which we have existed in it will leave me so humbled I will want to see it again.

I love thinking about the universe when drifting off to sleep, and I think Malick will capture the sheer sense of wonder that literally all of creation brings in a way ANY one of any ideology and worldview can understand through pure sound and music.

Interstellar is honestly pretty dumbed down for a wider audience. It feels like there is so much more that could have been done. It still looks and sounds great

The Martian had a more realistic scenario but silly science man got annoying at times. A lot of characters tried too hard to be funny

Gravity looked great but had a really shitty plot and was boring a lot of the time. Can't really say it's a bad movie but it definitely didn't deserve even half the praise it got. george clooney felt so out of place

>no reasons given

*sound and motion

>ayy lmaos
they literally tell us that it was just future humans with advanced technology

Interstellar was the best movie of the three that just happened to be science fiction, but of the three, it was the worst science fiction.

>The Martian had a more realistic scenario but silly science man got annoying at times. A lot of characters tried too hard to be funny

yeah I found Damon and the crew obnoxious as hell

Yeah it would've really bothered me considering I'm an astronaut and that would've ruined my immersion.

Interstellar is a modern day masterpiece. True spacekino. Gravity is pretty great too and I feel bad for anyone who didn't get the chance to see both in IMAX

t. reddit

Learn to think.

>punchline to every "joke" in the martian


Only watched The Martian, and the parts that I liked about that one was the same things I liked about Apollo 13.

Making do with simple nigger rigging of advanced technology to save the day, and yourself.

Interstellar > Gravity > The Martian

Interstellar is literal SpaceKino. Gravity was a great thrill ride.

Martian = NASA and 'muricans mastrurbatathon

the part where Kristen Wiig goes
>I mean, what are we gonna say, "Dear America, remember that astronaut we killed and had a really nice funeral for? Turns out he's alive and we left him on Mars. Our bad. Sincerely, NASA" (ins a sarcastic tone). I mean, do you realize the shit storm that is about to hit us?
It just took so long to get through and it made me want to kill myself

>he thinks Voyage of Time is coming out
You don't get it, the wait IS the voyage.

HAHAHA FUCKIN NERD. Have fun crying like a bitch about space and shit while I'm banging fine ass bitches!

*tips fedora*

Love never trancended space and time.

Only gravity did, Love was just Cooper's motivation.

Coop sends himself into the black hole to reduce weight and gave Anne Hathaway the best chance for survival.

The black hole contains a tessaract, which Coop assumes was made by futuristic multidimensional humans. The ascended humans needed a method to read the gravity data from inside the black hole so they could exist in the first place, and the method of this transferal would be the love between Coop and Murph.

The tesseract is basically a 3-dimensional representation of the entire timeline of the library. Coop is able to manipulate things in the library such as the orientation of objects, etc, and the whole plan hinges on him using the room to send himself into the future so he can deliver the data to Murph, which requires Murph figuring out that the 'ghost' is her dad through the connection established in things like "STAY" and tugging on the watch's hands.

He completed his task of transmitting the data before being shunted through the wormhole in time to see he daughter die.

Love never trancended space and time.

You took one line from the trailer and assumed it was the explanation when if face you didn't sit and think about the movie for more than 5 minuets.

This movie and The Right Stuff are GOAT space-kino


Yeah I fucking hate all these people taking a characters' interpretation of what's going on, as really what's going on. These fucking monkeys have no imagination. They have to be spoon-fed all the answers.

>no reasons given
he's still right

no he isn't.


thanks for the cringe

>Interstellar is fucking shit
It is. The performances are goofy, especially Wooderson's, and the dialogue is as awkward and autistic and anything else Nolan has written.
>Graviy is okay cinema but lacking
It's a beautiful and immersive film, but the movie stars take away from the experience by taking you out of it
>The Martian is a good blockbuster movie
It's fun, it hits the right emotional notes, and it looks cool, but it's prone to quipiness and a unrealistic optimism

hello rebbit


>not space cowboys

...moon.. aliens and soo on

Gravity > Martian >>> Interstellar


Kino: the Martian
Movie: Interstellar
Flick: Gravity

Interstellar is good for science and how huge it is but shite for the ending, 2001's ending is more wtf.
Gravity is good for sandra bollock's heavy breathing but shite for clooney's monologue which kept him on the high paycheck.
Martian is good for light story and how it is delivered but the ending is non believable (even compared to what damon has been through).

Moon is the best.

Apollo 13

Interstellar of the three. But if given the choice id go with moon.

Hated the Martian.

Gravity was fun in iMax but has no rewatchability

Interstellar is really flawed but actually an enjoyable and pretty involving movie.

"I'm gonna science the SHIT out of this!"

Seriously the Martian was terrible.

Interstellar is a 9/10, best experience I've had at the theatre.

Martian went full reddit, 3/10.

Gravity was boring as fuck, I don't care about Sandy Ballsack floating around for 3 hours, 2/10. Plus I haven't seen it.

The only acceptable answer. Everyone who thinks otherwise is a dumb fucking uncultured subhuman / redditor.

You just described Nolan fans

Interstellar > Martian > Gravity

In terms of entertainment, Interstellar.

In terms of realism, Martian

In terms of never watch again, Gravity.

>Watching Interstellar in IMAX 70mm
>Matt Damon's mid-speech mishap

Everyone jumped.

Easy, just eliminate the films with Matt Damon. That leaves you with Gravity. Pretty good desu

>Gravity was boring as fuck, I don't care about Sandy Ballsack floating around for 3 hours, 2/10. Plus I haven't seen it.

It was 91 minutes Chronos and really good in an actual IMAX theater. 8/10

The Martian book was even worse I shit you not.

At no point does the guy come across like anything other than some pop culture reddit drone.

Wherever the punchline in the book wasn't "disco sucks" it was saying the word "fuck".

They played Interstellar and Gravity as a double feature at my local IMAX. I'm hoping they do that again.

>all this psuedo science is correct
It might as well have been love with how horseshit that is. So, falling into a black hole, there just so happens to be the exact thing needed to save the world floating around right before the event horizon?

all of them were pretty shit


The Martian > Interstellar >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Gravity

The Martian and Interstellar are still pretty bad tho

Gravity was absolutely fucking amazing in the cinema in 3D.

It was like that rollercoaster ride scene from the Mr. Bean movie.

>Matt Damon in Martian and Interstellar
>George Clooney in Gravity
>Brad Pitt in Voyage of Time
Did they make a bet on who can be in the best space film? Or to fuck with Ben Affleck who was only in Armageddon?

TIL there was "acting" in The Martian, and not merely showing up at the studio to collect a paycheck

The Martian- Realistic for a 2025 mission. Interstellar- Realistic for a 2050 mission.
Gravity- Sorta realistic for a contemporary mission.

All the haters are cucks who watched it on their small computer screens instead of at the theater with big projection that shows every beautiful detail and surround sound that absolutely immerses you.

>film has to be watched in theater to be enjoyed


moon, fuck off

Moon is a meme film

Serious question; how do people stomach the way the actors talk in Interstellar? It's like they forgot to translate some pompous screenwriters flowery bullshit into actual dialogue.



Kristen Wiig annoyed me, so did Glover. Damon didn't feel overbearing to me.

Now everything makes sense. 10/10, best movie this decade. Wow.

Nigger the advanced multidimensional humans who created the wormhole in the first place created the tesseract inside the black hole specifically so Cooper could do that

whats wrong with you, your parents must be so disappointed