Just found out about this band and I think it's bretty gud

just found out about this band and I think it's bretty gud

what do you guys think


I like her thighs

what the fuck

thats her bf

c r u s h i n g

I have a crush on her


whose this made up artist?


>hey beta

not really sure what her bf has to do with the band

nothing but taylorfags ruin every KKB thread with this shit

The fuck is this shit? The CIA is really getting lazy with their 'pop stars'.

hehehe ;D


It's like PC Music but worse. Trampoline's ok though.

stop acting coy

Her Japanese sounds like ass, almost as terrible as bo en. I'd rather listen to vocaloid than this post-ironic trash.

>It's like PC Music but worse

And you still managed to pick the most pedestrian track from the new album, good job at sucking

you had to be in the thread.....

She keeps the balls empty hehehe ;D

>when you realize that trampoline is about crusher going in and out her pussy