Underatted gems thread

>underatted gems thread

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>underrated gems
every faggot here loves the directors cut of that movie. not really an underrated gem.


obscure but worth hunting down

wtf I hate christianity now

But its complete trash

>le ebil templars
>le righteous Muslim foe
>le sensitive, morally superior, numale Orlando Bloomâ„¢ stands up to le evil zealots


What is Jerusalem worth?


Bloom was a typical Catholic suffering from immense guilt.

My man! Such a weird and insane movie, but it's fucking amazing! The Criterion is really worth buying

>people still believe the Saladin was a great guy propaganda

You are an idiot and obviously didn't pay attention to the movie. If you watch the Saladin scenes closely he does not want to attack Jerusalem but will lead the attack nonetheless because it can't be stopped. The Muslims want to take it and he's going to make sure it happens in the most honorable way possible. He is threatened by religious nuts so he's keeping them in control. He and his student watch some dude rile up the Muslims in the final battle with disgust. They look at each other and shake their heads. When he's at the tent that other Muslim storms in demanding to know why he didn't invade Jerusalem there and now when he had the chance. The movie criticizes the Muslims too, but you aren't paying attention. Besides you get little screen time from them because they aren't the main characters.

good, only if you watch directors cut.


This is great but I wouldn't really call it obscure. It's pretty widely loved



This bus cultural appropriation, Tom's character should of been played by a black man.

>Last Samurai

>bus cultural appropriation
Same with this one. Not all buses can go over 50mph

That man isn't biased at all. Nope.

And it's still a bad movie


Saladin was whitewashed hardcore, he had no "tolerance" as implied in the movie and was a fanatic warrior who applied the strictest law of the quran, aka convert, enslave or kill

Now that's standard 21th century PC, outside of that it was a real enjoyable movie

It's still true and well sourced, hell this shit is basic knowledge but the movie bombed at release so no one really cared enough to build a shitstorm because a director wanted a gray villain instead of muslim hitler



4channers only like it because they're massive neckbeards with hardons for the crusades

>deus vult

fucking nerds i swear


even then, the movie does a pretty poor job of it...

>perverts the character of Balian as some shithead with modern morals wanting to cultivate a le multicultural Jerusalem
>Christians shown as utter shit people otherwise
>Muzzies dindu nuffin

awful film.

Do you really think you're making a compelling argument against the movie by spamming memes?

>completely missing the point of the movie
No wonder you think it's bad

>muh perfect knight

I wish that had a sequel fuck

The king, Balian and Tiberias were turbo cucks, Guy and Renaud were right, long live the Pope.

Damn right all good in the grabba

what he said was valid

no it wasn't

this is a Bad Movie any way you cut it


It's too pandering to Muslims

In reality Saladdin was some mudskin who just ordered to behead everyone, and after capturing Jerusalem, he gave every person a choice to convert to Islam, pay Jizya, or be put to death, and enslaved all those who couldn't pay Jizya

If anything hate the Jews

They were the ones who were the most disheartened when Muslims and Christians stopped fighting eachother

If you watched the movie carefully, Saladdin was surrounded by fanatics, literally today's ISIS-tier terrorist Muslims, but he did the best he could to keep them in line

mate even Europeans were pretty impressed by how honourable and chivalrous Saladdin was

It was actually Europeans that preserved the history of Saladdin's honour and chivalry, most Muslims didn't care about his battles with Crusaders other than the simple lines that "He fought the Crusaders and took back Jerusalem"

Open any book about Saladdin written by a medieval or middle-age Muslim, and it's mostly about his wars with the Fatamids and Shi'ites

>Christians shown as utter shit people otherwise
They actually showed that Christian leadership in Jerusalem before Guy took over was really moderate

But yeah I agree, that tried to make Balian and the King too progressive with their 21st century morals. In reality, they hated the shit out of Muslims and Saladdin, but respected him.
This is what people now days don't understand, you can hate the guts out of someone, but still respect him for what good he does for his own people.
I hate Osama bin Laden, and was glad when he was announced dead, but I still think he was a GREAT man (great, not on a moral scale, but on a pragmatic one). He ignited the Muslim world, he shocked America, and put them in fear, and he carefully attacked the USA for what it was doing in the Middle East. He didn't just tell people to go out and run some people over in a crowded street, or blow up some theater, he tactically chose his targets, military (Pentagon), economy (WTC) and political (White House).

King Arthur Directors Cut
The eagle

Roman stuff in great britain is pretty underrated.

Its an episode of Scooby Doo starring Japanese school girls on acid. What's not to like?

The Assembly Cut is quite good, the theatrical cut is meh.

>The eagle
The Eagle was fucking shit, the trailer was so deceiving, you thought it was going to be this epic adventure of getting back the Idol and in middle of the movie you got the Chad getting caught and being a prisoner in some shitty fucking hut and few fights in the forest


Balian is pretty fucking dull for a leading character, and how did a blacksmith suddenly become an expert of siege warfare, Middle Eastern farming methods and number 1 contender for the throne of Jerusalem anyway?

i agree its still worth a watch though, some semi good action but it aint as good as centurion or

Did you even watch the movie?




nigger you are actually replying to a video with muslim historians as citations
fuck off with your worthless opinions and fantasies


what did he mean by this?

People now only watch superhero or comedy movies.

wtf I want to gas Kurds now

more like one of the most overrated films ever made

>if by liberate you mean freeing the heads from the shoulders of anyone who did not hold his brand of Islam in the highest regard then yeah this counts
>also liberated the burden of freedom from thousands of men, women, and children

>t. triggered kike
read the old testament if you want to know the """""freedom"""" these savages had


Kurds are based, to this day still, they even left islam

>they even left islam

>Kurds are based
kill yourself. kurds aren't united, and don't all believe the same shit

Does he mean to say Saladin was just a standard medieval ruler? Like every other medieval ruler whether christian, muslim, hindu?

wow shocking


it's only allowed if the guy is white

I disagree because a lot of the pro-Saladin sources come from his enemies who called him chivalrous.

Never saw the full movie, i did see Arn the knight templar. wich one is the better crusader movie?

they anarchists/socialists now

the better ones tho

the one that still believe in islam don't matter

>the kurds that are not muslim don't kill.
yeah alright kid, I guess literally all bad things happen because of 1 religion

ayy, love this movie, best one to ever come out of Norway

good old adventure flick


they're killing a lot of Isis, a lot more than americucks

I'd say its pretty underrated. I love this movie :(

they're also killing turkish civilians. they're terrorists
>a lot more than americucks
everyone is killing more of ISIS than americucks.