What would Sup Forums considering essential cuck kino?

What would Sup Forums considering essential cuck kino?

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The 2016 Bernie Sanders campaign.

anything from post-reservoir dogs tarantino

Watch every JJL movie from the past 5 years and then every Greta movie from the past 5 years

lmfao I bet that dirty jew Maury goes backstage to comfort her too


i dont usually say this but jesus christ

This is staged, right? Nobody is as stupid as this man

Which was worse, Bernie getting cucked by blm at his own rally, or endorsing Hillary?

>cheat on your husband with a black guy
>get pregnant
>hope for the best
>clearly both black kids
>deny everything
>DNA test confirms his suspicions
>still claim its not true
I really hate women, I really do hate them

Your home movies


Germany, Sweden or America?

are blacks the scum of the earth?


Hillary endorsement. If Bernie had started shit on stage with blm, the media would've crucified him.

The show is clearly staged.

regardless I still hate women

>nigger child hits older homeless woman
>grown white "men" just sit around and let this shit happen

both the blacks and the whites in this video are clearly trash

I know this is sorta off topic but sometimes I wonder if there's some truth to that theory of the DNA from sperm of ex partners actually lingering in women and influence how her kids will look like.

>people around don't respond in any way whatsoever

this is what's actually triggering me, nigs gon nig but why isnt that motherfucker eating dirt


what do the cheer for? obviously the baby isnt his, its black!


Steve Wilkos would NEVER stand for this kind of bullshit.

it's been known to happen if one of the ancestors of a person is another race


lol this guy really hates niggers

>when you realise that the guy in the show would still have to pay child support and alimony if he decided to divorce her

>red pilled black guy
absolutely based

Anything from the DC Cinematic Universe.

The Shure SM7B is the BBC of mics for nigga hate speak.

holy shit

the child was 25. he also attacked an officer after being arrested and got his ass handed to him

niggers gonna nig

How young are you?

Shit, we knew it was scripted and played up, back in the day.


There are no criminal niggers in Germany, fuck off with your memes.

>this nig will probably get shot by a cop
>the same limpwristed faggots who sat around and watched this nig smack this lady will whine about racism in the police and BLM

can't even 1v1 me

fucking pack animals

all niggers must hang

they are such trash

their females are the worst

Damn. I was expecting those pigtails to get ripped right out. Black bitch even put her hair up and got it torn out, how did Heidi manage to keep her hair with four people beating on her?

They really are overgrown children.

Why is nobody doing anything?


Blacks are basically invincible after Trayvon

>guy gets up and punches 'youth' in the face
Option 1:
Youths friends attack the man, maybe stab or shoot the man. Die for nothing.

Option 2:
Get arrested for hitting a person that wasn't a threat to you

t. Uncle Tommy still sour that your wife fucked you over

Black men far and away are the worst, bassmouth.

Off the top of my head only Spike Lee's movies come across as "Cucked" in the sense that the white people usually take rational and normal actions and are demonized for them.
>hey whitey why aren't there black people on the Italian wall of fame?
>whitey why can't I blare my shit music in your store during business hours?
>OMG whitey why can't we burn down your pizza parlor?

Truth overdose right here, ESPECIALLY around the black prostitute part.

no you idiot

you are fucking retarded

black women are the worst because they are the primary carers for future black men

the black men wouldnt be such pieces of shit if it wasnt for their shit black women

black women are the worst

I dunno when it comes to men I think their fathers are way more important to how they grow up.

muh erection.

>their fathers

seeing how they dont ever have a father figure they learn from their mothers..
did you even watch the video in this post?you sound like a niggers cuck

I am saying it is not the women it is the lack of father if anything. A black women with a decent father of any race wouldn't do any damage. But a white women raising a child alone is also likely to have a shitty child.

That one Maury episode where the guy is too dense to realize the kid isn't his is one of my favorites. It's an older one that feels more realistic than most.

Endorsing Hillary, mainly because we got to see reality come crashing down on his supporters in real time.

>Not the dad
>File for divorce
>Lose everything cause she has to support two kids
>Since he displayed a 'fatherly role' to the niglets he also has to pay alimony until they're 18

The system works.

wtf is the point your trying to make

you sound retarded

>its the fathers fault for not being around
>its not the mothers fault for having a child to a father who didnt even want to be there

just watch this video and it should be explained to you, jamal

Damn. You'd think if white people would fight for anything it'd be their precious mobile phone.

So you blame the women instead of the father's who bounced? And then for some reason you bring up black women as if the rates of other races of women raising single children aren't also high.

You just hate black women. Do they not like you maybe?

Uncle Ruckus has a youtube channel.

dude plenty of other races have single mothers but its only the niggers who are pieces of shit

its obvious you are a nigger or nigger sympathizer so theirs no point in trying to dissuade you from your brainwashed ideals
have fun being a blacknigger and/or cuck to the jewish machine you slave

As a Bernie supporter, the second one was worse, at least the blm he proved he was ready to listen even if they use unorthodox methods to spread the word of a meme movement but endorsing hilary was the last drop, it makes me wonder if he was for sale all along...

No the white kids with single mothers go on killing sprees through schools.

I have never met a single black person but okay.

Ganking trash.

the last two high profile mass shootings were from people of color that came from stable and seemingly normal backgrounds

one was a muslim american from a big nuclear family and the other was a black man who was part of the military

>niggers cant think of a counter argument to their culture of violence
>"white people be crazy killaz"