What are some racist things to call white people?

What are some racist things to call white people?

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uhmm... cracker? i guess?

White people don't get insulted over their skin because we're not sensitive baboons.

Stick with "cracker" or something, we'll stick to pretending that even means something.


Stop making this thread you nigger faggot

Mediocre. You see, whitey is so accomplished an shit that they hate being compared to us niggaz.


I always thought 'wigger' was the worst because they are comparing us to blacks.


Niggerlover. Weeaboo.

You tax paying legal resident fucking non-criminal!

Das it mane. Dis map right earyuh is how much us niggz is contributin an shit




Nothing, really. We don't care.

In my country Pakeha always gets their hackles up






trailer trash

This. You can't call white people with these without triggering instant racial reaction.

They always get butthurt when you call them racist. Might as well be a racial slur now.
"Why? Because I'm white? Hur dur, not all white people are racist!, check my privilege"

>Butthurt when called racist

Top kek

Go back to your third world country

>only way to racially insult whites is to imply they aren't real whites

This is true.

Probably "white trash."

You can't be racist against white people, fucking stormfag nazi pink boy honkey...

literally "racist"
You said it youself OP

Call white girls cunt. Makes them cry.

Probably this actually.


There is nothing call white people because they are so obviously superior

prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism directed against someone of a different race based on the belief that one's own race is superior.

where does it say you "but this doesn't apply if you're white"?


snownigger stormcuck or cumskin i guess... really no white people care....cumming from a half bred mcdago

pink bone??? mabye

What rock have you been living under? Shit there's a fuck ton of videos on YouTube of the great autistic screeching that is feminist dogma, the whole "racism = prejudice + power".
Where/when is the next rally? I got my white cap and clans outfit ready to go!
Oh yeah, when do we start projecting our inadequacies on the jews?

Kek. And true.
>Be white
>Call a white SJW activist a "niggerlover" in the face
>Watch him/her twitch.

Fucking everytime.

Tax payer

Born winners

Wait a minute. You almost had me, till I remembered how fucking far China, Japan and even India got, on their own!

Endangered species


White people are literally cucks.
That only applies to those damn hicks.

You non white Sup Forumsros can surely do better than this.

2 deep fried 4 me

Best thing to do is to insult them saying you fuck their chicks.

Pretty much nothing else works.

What if you're not attracted to cracker women?

dubs speaks truth

Job having , law abiding , common sense , dominate race white mother fucker !

Literally proving his point you fucking ret-
Oh I took it hook, line, and sinker.

Guinea wop dago


This means nothing to me

Underrated post

They're existence is enough of an insult.
They're literally the most awkward race.

That's a car noise, this only way to make honkey offensive is if you use it against a saxophone.

>can't dance
>can't cook
>no culture
>no manners
>elected a literal monkey as a president

>White people
>Not sensitive

lol, k


Mayo Gayo..

>trying to mask butthurt with greentext
>bad implying


> >bad implying
> implying implying is bad implying
literally wot


lul white people break the laws all the fucking time.


Stop being racist.

Things to call white people?
>Congress man/woman
>Prime Minister
>His Holyness
>The Bank
>Member of Parliament
>Your honor

I could go on, but I think you get the drift.

non whites can't be racist. duh

Yeah, but as a % not nearly as much.

White trash

Maybe the some of the real anti white terms, but nobody gets offended by those the same way blacks do when whites call them niggers.

whites, just stop being racist and we're good.

literally everyone else

School shooters

Not all whites are in the U.S., though many there like to think so. French, Spanish, Italian and the few non-indians left in Latin America, are pretty damn good at those tasks listed. Oh, and any white dudes that's suck dick. For some reason that gives them the ability to dance and cook like champs.

Older mature mom's are the best imcest.com

Whites are better criminals and are less likely to get busted, ESP by dumb fuckery like posting their crimes on Facebook.

Also while the sheer number of crimes may be lower, the impact of the crimes are bigger. Look at Hillary as an example.

Why are white people so racist?
It's a genetic disease, maybe an inferiority complex. They're not smart unlike asians, inadequate dicks unlike blacks, nor are they rational, like mid easterners.

Allahu Akbar motherfuckers

This is the shit that kills me. You think all whites have jobs and never break the law? KEK.

This "awkward race" cucked your entire continent, Sambo.

Deus vult, pig fucker.

>turns his head the other way away from the white homeless men and women asking for money at the off-ramp

> kek vult huehuehue
Says the pig itself.
bend over, bite the pillow, your ass is grass

Look at this photo. Look at it. These people never hated each other, they were just afraid, ignorant of each other. There is no future in humanity unless we come together as one people. United.

One love.

But a wigger is a white person who acts like a nigger

> muh globalism
and now we wait, for the collective genetics of humanity to go to shit

>Little Bitch
>Young boy
>Your baby mama husband
>The bank account for your kid

You get the drift.

I beg to differ. England created an entirely new nation with their criminals.

I haven't seen a wigger in the wild in over a decade. Do they still wigger?




Ummm nigger lovers?

lol Alex Jones is that you? Strange seeing you outside of Sup Forums.


This post is chemo

Assuming that this is true, niggers still commit the most crimes and most of them are violent crimes.

Small towns are full of them.

Context of this picture?