I'm leaving Sup Forums forever, so fuck it

I'm leaving Sup Forums forever, so fuck it.

That's enough internet for today...
Jesus christ

Holy fucking shit...

wat was the image?

Well dam.

Hahahahahaha holy shit

shit op there's a limit


Please tell me someone saved it

Henlo op
What did you do?

Like the occasional pizza post is one thing but this is just gross OP. This will haunt me for a long, long time. I frequent rekt threads and I'm shaking in a cold sweat after seeing this.

I'm leaving now too...you need some serious, serious help.


It better not be CP

jesus h christ op

image? 9 posts and its gone.

Did someone save it?

I can't stop CUMMING

fuck no I don't want to get v&

Stop jerkin off den faggot.

Link to a pastebin to an imgur t a Dropbox

Was it CP?

You guys are fucking sick. I know this is Sup Forums but holy fucking christ no. There's a fucking limit. I can't believe I watched the whole webm.

You really don't want to know. If anyone saved the webm I hope the vans are on the way for them too. I guarantee OP is putting magnets on his computer right now. I'm physically ill and I'm no lightweight when it comes to gore. She was so young...

its clearly fucking bait you idiots. being this new. being this gullible. kill yourselves

that will hunt me forever

Am I the only one that was smart enough to open in a new tab to fap to it before delet?

Kys op

you must be fun at parties

I got the pic

OP posted an image that said he will delet image and fags pretend it was Pizza.
Nothing to see here.

lmao he doesn't get invited to parties

ok i'll post


did anyone save it?


what was it?


im so intrigued to see it now.

someone post it again

please post again!

Probably this but hopefully not.



kek, her face when the guy came with an axe at the end