So the SJW brigade is eating one of their own again...

So the SJW brigade is eating one of their own again. I swear they're like rats cannibalizing their young out of a stress/fear response.

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>one of their own

Everyone who isn't a masculine straight white capitalist man is the enemy. Based Sam Hyde truly has redpilled me

There's already a thread on page 5 delete this crap

They're annoying and only successful because of their gimmick. I've heard several accounts that he's a mega dick and secretly a straight guy who pretends to be bi to get pussy.

Who cares if they're eaten up and forgotten?

But I thought Sam Hyde was critical of late capitalism? Most of his videos highlight how retarded it is. Am I missing something here?

it is
that guy doesn't understand sam hyde

>effeminate sodomites are perverted and abusive
gee who would've thunk

He criticizes artificial neoliberal capitalist consumer culture (which is a good target) but he unironically believes crony capitalism exists and is separate from capitalism

Doesn't Sam support Trump, the literal posterboy of late stage capitalism?

I can never tell if these posts are ironic or not

>Doesn't Sam support Trump,
not anymore

He's losing it

The sexual assault allegations make sense, gay dudes think that just because they dont want to fuck women they can grope women and it's harmless.

Another one just because I enjoyed googling for these specific gifs.

But "one of their own" is actually pretty apt in this situation. The girl who made the tweet literally says they should no longer be considered "allies".

shit like that happens all the time. but the media wants ppl to think all lgbtq = good people who want same LOVE

look it up
lesbians beat the shit out of their partners

they have a song about answering a text thats pretty good

>have sex with someone
>regret it years later
>post about it online
>ruin someones life

>sjws agree with each other: IT'S A HIVEMIND!
>sjws don't agree with each other: THEY'RE EATING EACH OTHER ALIVE!
go back to watching thunderf00t videos all day

this is why you can't e a sjw and have a good "career" at the same time

>it happens dozens of times
>it's still just a coincidence

>one of their own
Not saying they did these things but I'm pretty sure you lose your credentials among a group who hate "rape culture" when everyone thinks you're a rapist.

sexual deviance destroys civilizations and individuals


If sjw's weren't saying anything, you and all the other trumpkins would be screaming hypocrisy at the top of your lungs

maybe I would care more if their music didn't suck

Is everyone you don't like a trumpkin?

People with *reads Disdain For Plebs once* opinions like OP tend to be.

He's not wrong though. SJW's are typically vindictive and childish

most of the accusations are attention seeking teens who romanticise sexual assault and want to be famous
the first accusation was an "alt right cuck" who wanted to stir some shit right before the new album released
i liked i wanna boi and its a shame this bands about to die

>the first accusation was an "alt right cuck" who wanted to stir some shit right before the new album released

I mean, there's tons of nuance, and of course they're blind to it, but even still there's a simple truth to all this.

It's baffling to me why anyone would try and feed or cater to their identarian madness and ever-changing, ethereal, effusive "rules" and desires, especially anyone who falls into the categories of white or male. It seems, invariably, to lead to one misstep or the very thought of an allegation destroying you and everything you work for.

These guys were darlings of their shit, now they're getting dumped as a gauche, grotesque joke. Meanwhile, someone they've painted as the antithesis of their being is the President of the United States entirely by not giving a fuck about them or anything they've ever had to say, much to their chagrin.

It'd almost be comical if it weren't so predictably disgusting and base.

>i liked i wanna boi and its a shame this bands about to die
just rebrand as something different

is marcel redpilled now?

liv bruce is the only one without hate atm
ben was the only one who could write music that was tolerable

ben becomes a ghost writer

I'm a massive liberal and I think that PWR BTTM fucking suck and that the whole SJW freakout over everything ever is ridiculous

No just smart and able to see things for how they are. As said, we all hate pwr bttm

wasn't that the guy from the sooper swag project
they were sick

>person does something that goes against everything you believe in
>give them a pass because they're gay
that seems more childish to me 2bh

>>person does something that goes against everything you believe in
This is assuming the accusations are true, which is up in the air as of now.
>>give them a pass because they're gay
Who in this situation is giving anyone a pass?

I mean, that's perfectly fine when you aren't dealing with absolutist children whose ideas are somehow simultaneously entirely emotional and strictly, dogmatically rigorous.

When "Said a mean thing" or "Someone said they said a mean thing some time like a long time ago" is grounds for memetic execution, it kind of goes past the point of ridiculousness.

It's nice to see identity politics come crashing down on itself.

And I say this as a liberal. This shit has been a plague on the left and is what fueled all the alt-right bullshit. You can be as much of a queer as you want, just shut the fuck up about it.

>Sam (((Hyde)))

this board just turned a sickly Sup Forums colour.

identity politics is a bolt hole for fuckwits on both sides. 'redpilled' teens gonna be eating dicks in dark rooms come their '30's.

I miss the good ol days where people were sexually repressed by Christianity and abstract moral spooks

I miss the good ol days of the Greeks where half the population were pederasts

This. I'll always be a liberal, I can't think any other way. But all this SJW *AND* anti-SJW bullshit going on is just pure cringe to me. You're all too extreme and you make me sick.

>this board just turned a sickly Sup Forums colour.
>identity politics is a bolt hole for fuckwits on both sides
I'm pretty sure everyone in this thread agrees. This particular topic just happens to be about the left. Calm down, faggot.

yeah problem is when you're young white male and comfy this stuff doesn't need to matter. many places on Earth gays can get kicked to death for being what they are. things are being badly negotiated right now, but anyone who thinks that it's all 'ok' because white straigh people are sick of hearing about it is naive.

I don't think you understand. I'm talking about extremes. Of course that example is fucking wrong. I'm not comfy.

MDE went downhill post ideas man

Drop the identity politics dude.

>reads half the posts.
>can't be bothered to answer yours

same as trumpers

There are dozens of sexual assault accusations against both of them

>this board just turned a sickly Sup Forums colour.
t. Buttmad pwr bttm fan who's in denial that his fav band's career is over

>nyone who thinks that it's all 'ok' because white straigh people are sick of hearing about it is naive.
No one is saying that. My whole point is that identity politics is specifically what makes it difficult to have actual progress.

Is that supposed to justify it?

>many places on Earth gays can get kicked to death for being what they are
Considering this particular conversation is grounded in the context of the western world I don't see how that's relevant to the conversation in any way.

I'm not saying they accusations are true. It just makes sense for someone who thinks drawing swastikas in sand is awful to turn against someone who draws swastikas in sand, even if they're in some gay band.

It's actually surprisingly logical from the kind of people who think "Oh this hotep said kill all white babies/this feminist said kill all men but they're in an oppressed group and therefore can't be racist/sexist. They're on my side so I'll ignore this even though I claim to be against racism and sexism."


>It just makes sense for someone who thinks drawing swastikas in sand is awful to turn against someone who draws swastikas in sand
I'm not debating this. My point was that turning on someone for drawing a swastika in sand is a childish and vindictive thing to do. It follows their logic, but their logic is that of a self righteous idiot wearing blinders.

That's just it. Accusations.

People are sick of that.

Blinders is an ableist term, it implies that blind people have something negative about them. Please refrain from using it in the future!


theres a difference user.

now a whole new meaning to this banter

all publicity = good publicity

yesterday they were literally who

tomorrow they're awful people but I love their music

I like them quite a bit but this scene is so rabid with the accusations all it takes is one person to completely destroy someone's career.

>but I love their music
Their music is garbage
They wouldn't even be the least bit relevant if it wasn't for their obnoxious queer gimmick


where is the evidence?

I have not heard anything substantial against their case.

You don't need evidence nowadays
You just need to see a (relatively) attractive woman and say "hey this guy raped me" and his life will be ruined forever

I'm going to cut my dick off

if you cater to a demographic that accuses others of predatory behavior without evidence then you can't really be surprised when it happens to you, too.

musically they were only ok anyway.

That's not exclusive to certain demographics anymore.


Normies do the same thing when someone's accused of being a pedophile and they dress/act "creepy."


You'll be accused of raping someone with you mind.

Accusations, especially of that quantity, should be taken seriously though. And the accusations come from former fans. I don't think people in the queer community would be so eager about tearing down one of their icons unless it was credible

"Everything ever"

This isn't everything ever though. This isn't, like, he put a feather in his hair and now it's cultural appproriation. this is alleged serial sexual assault against minors, this is worth getting upset about.

Actually if sexual assault and harassment against minors doesn't upset you then..... It's not the SJW's that are the problem.

do you really feel like wasting your time trying to argue about this type of thing on Sup Forums?

>this is worth getting upset about.
Only if it's true

I realize that, in this case I understand the uproar since it involves actual harm that was done against other people.

One account I saw says this guy fucked someone who was unconscious, which is pretty fucked up

While these sorts of allegations should be taken deathly serious, these are allegations. I'd like you to point to a single one of these cases that have been fucking virulently rampant in, say, the past decade that have been taken to court, prosecuted, and proven, or otherwise proven, instead of just ruining someone's life and career over accusations. And once you do that, please compare that to how many have been proven false and the victims have been given no recourse.

Then you might start to understand why people are getting very skeptical and tired about these media shows.

It's funny how often people on either side of the spectrum these days seem to never have heard the story of the boy who cried wolf, or at least how many of them seem to have entirely missed the fucking point.

I mean their music isn't very good.

How legit do the accusations seem? Is it one person or is it a bunch of people all saying the same thing?

Also it seems kinda interesting/odd/weird to me that if they weren't an openly queer band they could probably weather this much better. The rape accusations against Michael Gira and Issac Brock didn't stop their careers.

I'll try to boil it down to what I understand even though I am still very confused.

>person on Twitter accuses presumably Ben of abuse
>other people start joining
>reddit thread
>band responds basically by what can be implied as "if you believe you were abused then you were abused" rather than denying the allegations
>musicians and other bands start accusing them
>opening bands for PWR BTTM drop out
>touring member leaves
>kicked from Hopscotch Festival
and so it goes

Twitter was a fucking mistake.

The allegations I've read are saying Ben tried to fuck a drunk girl on tour while she was sleeping and Ben was refusing to wear a condom.

I swear Ben is just a straight dude that was using the non-binary bisexual thing to get pussy.

The most conflict free species of animals (including humanity) in the nature are a group of monkeys called Bonobos that literally fuck anything they can. In general, sexual repression has historical links to violence and degeneracy, especially considering the affects it has on testosterone and the affects of an over-abundance of testosterone.

Yes, why I said I'm still confused is that people keep acting as if the allegations are true. Look at what Hopscotch said. They say this:

>and to take steps toward holding abusers accountable

yes, an unconfirmed abuser. where's the proof?

ok but what did he supposedly do?

every accusation is just "he's abusive." what is he actually being accused of?

It's from Jezebel, but you asked. More in depth allegation. Still allegations just with more detail.

The thing about accusations of sexual assault is that, due to the intimate and personal nature of the crime, it's one of the hardest to prove and the vast majority of sexual assault cases will legally remain accusations. So this dilemma that the left is in is that it's a lot easier to get away with rape and sexual assault than most other crimes despite its seriousness and the "innocent until proven guilty" mantra puts pressure on victims of the crime because in most cases their words get tossed to the side, many people will say "well, they're just allegations, she could be, or probably was, just lying about it" and with that people who have committed a very reprehensible crime walk the streets again with little to no consequences - of course, that isn't true now because the way society attempts to cope with this is by placing a marker on that person just in case. It's a far more complex issue than just "they're just allegations, leave it to the law to sort it out and then we can make up our minds".

is it that ridiculous then if everyone already recognizes them to be industry plants and cultural appropriators? if anything it compounds the fact that they make shitty music and allegations.

You've put in very black and white terms by claiming that it being proven means it definitely happened and it not being proven means it definitely didn't happen.

Sup Forums is mostly liberal dumbfuck, you dont have to be a right winger to think that this band is shit and their members are shitty people

Now, I understand the "Rape Culture" fear of these things, I've spoken at length about it with female friends and I can feel their fear about it and get their qualms. It's horrible.

That doesn't change the fact at all that this is entirely ruined by our society. If you said this pre-internet, it would be sobering and sad. The problem is this literally started with and persists only with 140-character Twitter posts and the like. Nobody is screaming and crying and getting told to shut up because the person is respected. None of this is justification.

This is fatigue. It's exhaustion. It's people being fucking skeptical that there's this oddly consistent pattern of people just saying this sort of thing happened on the internet, with no recourse, reasoning, proof of acquaintance, location, anything, people then jumping on and saying "me too" even though they wouldn't have before, and before you know it any major male figure has twelve people saying they assaulted or harassed them and more outlets calling for their punishment.

It's awful, but it just perpetuates the problem. It's personal, it's hard to prove, it's awful, but we can't just keep destroying lives over allegations, especially after these fucking things keep getting proven or admitted false to no consequence.

It's a more complex issue, and this shit isn't helping elucidate or solve it in any way. Quite the opposite, which is a shame.