Trying to show my buddy how fucked up ya'll are and he's not seeing it. Do your worst please

Trying to show my buddy how fucked up ya'll are and he's not seeing it. Do your worst please.

the earth is a flat disc

i peed in the toilet without pulling up the seat


Fuck you. The earth is an oblate spheroid. I didn't get two geography degrees to hear fuckfaces like you spreading these half truths.

I ate peanut butter and mustard

one time i burped at the dinner table and didn't say "excuse me"


nah famalam, shits flat af, except when you explain seasons and equinoxes and shit, then the disc bends so some parts are further away from the sun (that's also only ~3000 miles away) :^)

Trump 2020!


getting a degree in geography was your first mistake.


you didnt get two degrees period

> image related
> can you even imagine?



I watch Disney Channel without my parents permission. I also know how to triforce


JET FUEL CANT MELT STEEL BEAMS !!! Y-You know it!! H-He knows it, i-I know it COME ON!!!!

I'm a trap.
Pic related

ban this fucking cunt

You fucking idiot! It's #triforce

Hello friends,

Welcome to Sup Forums. I assure you that we're quite normal here.

>two geography degrees

Yes I did! Communications with a geography minor. And Liberal Studies with a geography minor. Best 9 years of my life.

Why is the Cat fucking this teddybear thing?








How have I never seen this......


Does anyone here donate blood? My campus is hosting a blood drive and I'm kind of scared cause I've never donated before.

No way man. The whole multiverse is both one dimensional and and like 11 dimensional. So like the earth might be flat, but it might also be a bunch of shapes made of music. Or it might all be part of a comic book.

Is that your buddy in the pic?


Pic, or it didn't happen

What's the worst thing you've ever done? I don't want to feel like I'm better than you I'm just curious.

I just liberally studied minors when I was in college!



Is your cat humping that stuffie?



It's shaped like one giant autistic midget dick, fucking all of us in the ass.

That's a cute cat having cute humanoid reactions.

You're literally retarded

dont worry you'll be fine, avoid any hard exertion for the rest of the day


But where is the cat?



I'd never donate blood, fuck that shit man. I got pure gold running through my veins boi

Thanks, user!


What the hell is "Skyland"? That's a ridiculous name. Is it made of sky or land?

btw you should eat something afterwards, where i live they serve you a snack sometimes a full meal every time you donate blood



This post is nice. I like this.

Cannibalism is legal where i am call me.

Skyland is made of sand

I would hold her in my arms, slowly caressing her luscious hair and then whisper softly into her ear sweet somethings of beauty. Brings a tear to my eye just think of it.

Hopefully he has a device that puts that back in.

You bastard

>Half truths
This peaked my interest

Now this is the autism i was looking for, you sir are a true autist.

Who is this godess?

Is that cat fucking the stuffed toy?

flattah than your mom's tits boi

the other half of the truth is that the other side of the disc is also it's own world but everything is reverse. Time moves backwards, everything is made of antimatter, and alternate you is awesome at everything and well loved by everyone.

does this sexy slut have a name?

What's even going on in that picture?


I wish I could unsee this

This is her insta page fags, although those pics are new


whats her img again

i ate literally nothign but pizza for the past 48+ hours and i just took a shit that smelled like a landfill and took me literally 30 minutes to wipe my ass hole before shit dirt stopped showing on TP

I would gather my friends to piss on and fuck this bitch

Does she like girls?

ohhh fuck she's Canadian....... instant diamonds.

I sploodge myself daily dreaming of impregnating a Canadian gril, they are godlike

jesus man. i had 5 pieces yesterday and it was bad but not that bad.



mine was first Culinary Circle and then today i made the FATAL mistake of having Red Baron on sale, you KNOW for a FACT they send out the old shit when they put it up on sale

i'm convinced that's why it was so bad

>tfw finishing a Master's degree in Geography

It's a geoid you fucking numbskull

Go to this thread

Goodnight everyone!

I thought this was going to be a fun thread, but I should have known better.

I'm genuinely curious, is this a shoop? it looks like it is, but after watching things like mr hands back in the day or fapping to hotkinkyjo, I've come to realize the bizarre extents to which the human body is malleable

>Culinary Circle
is that the cub foods brand? that shits the bomb, their pizzas are like twice the density as digiorno for similar price

Why is that cat fucking a stuffed animal? Fucking hethans.

i don't know exactly who owns it, but it's fucking incredible stuff.

yes, the thick crust is god-tier. all that cornmeal on the crust, all that fucking crust, thick as fuck

i usually eat the thin crust though. yes, it's less calories at the same price, but they have chunks of provel or maybe provelone all over them and it melts into a godlike coverage

god-tier brand, highly underated, but i'm not complaining, 'cause it continues to be cheap

Ok user

haha babydick

roll i guess


nobody notices the cat molesting the bear stupid pedobear
