Trump approval rating: 35%

Trump approval rating: 35%

Other urls found in this thread:

Nobody likes him except for racists l

>a global embarrassment

Fake news. Kthxbye

literally no one else

i like that little dancing frog guy

Hillary being president rating: 0%.

Fuck Trump.



OP fag rating : 100%

Don't have to, still better then Hillary.

ha, even lower in the Fox News viewers poll

Going down like the Hindenburg

Why dont Trump supporters wear nice clothes like Trump?

exactly. hillary isn't president. nobody gives a fuck about her any more, so you can no longer scapegoat her to get out of defending your trumpster fire of a president. the campaign is over.

that pic is so true.

It could be worse. You could have Hilary in there. So 35% is good. We can say fuck you to science for the next 8 years and the world keeps moving forward bruh

>better then Hillary.
>then Hillary

Aaaaaaand no evidence.
Liberal fascist propaganda at work.

because they're all poor rednecks

Well she isn't running? Find a different scapegoat

It's because he literally promised them the moon.

>b-but muh fake news

What's wrong with donald trump you fucking muslim spic nigger lovers?

mine was a fox news viewers poll. whine to fox.

literally google it

Approval ratings are bullshit

Do you seriously think if Obama's was 60% Hillary wouldn't be President right now?

He didn't.
You're spreading lies.
No one believes you except you and your 3 samefagging virtual machines.

Just stop.

Too hard for the average Trumpie

what's right with him?

it is fake news. I was never asked what my rating of him was.

Aaaaaand... how uninformed do have to be not to have heard this somewhere?

What tinfoil hat bunker you hiding out in?



Get a load of this guy! The election ended like 5 months ago

good question

>getting this rustled instantly because I said shillary's name

This should be a new law: Anyone caught on camera waving the Rebel Flag should have his voting rights for the Federal government revoked.

Everyone I know approves of Trump so your a fucking faggot

Is that the woman who was arrested for trying to vote for trump twice? sure looks like her

literally proving his point


>no u

yes indeed

that says a lot about the people you hang out with

>Trumpie: The Post

Wow from the same people who gave us Hillary has 85% chance of winning? Yeah some real good polls there, Jim.

Did anyone else see this video? The actual video? I know it exists. It's gone.

People still bring up Slick Willy's shenanigans like it is somehow relevant to the Orange pussy grabber who is actually president.

You apparently need to get out more, muffin.

Wow lets also talk about al gore being president then. Or Palin. Or your fat lard ass shit of a mom. We don't talk about them because - They're not relevant you shite.


Nobody is getting rustled you egg. We are just look at you and laugh

I read lawyers were trying to get her off as being not mentally competent to stand trial. Typical trumptard

>Massachusetts and California dont like Trump
Wow really makes me think


that's fake you dense faggot. he actually said he'd run as a dem

Oh yeah and Hillary's a shoe in for the election.

>99% of single black mothers in poverty level urban areas don't like trump.

>statistics are slave to the sample.

>libtards not old enough to vote


so it's ok to make fun of retards now?

never thought I would miss Bush

sorry fag, no one respond to this, may be truth

>we are just have autism

honestly, agreed.
fuck brandenburg v. ohio

I don't live around muslim spic niggers because I was smart enough to get an education and live in a nice neighbourhood.
You, however, must live around them. If I were you I would blow my brains out.

i feel so sorry for you guys
it's so sad being this upset over so little



yes. not all people who know what failure trump is are SJW's.

>still believing in polls

because they've been so accurate lately....

leave it to liberal retards to believe everything the TV tells them. or buzzfeed or whatever the fuck you faggots like

LOL California..... LOL all the Mexicans in Texas. LOL all the New England states voting for Hillary. You interview autistic liberals, you get autistic liberal results. Cunt :D

Nice try to bring up the old standby. Hey be afraid, stop thinking, stop caring about anything else.

Let Papa Trump take care of you, your just a child after all...

are you implying that literally everybody is not racist?

>3 blue states and one red state

>has this picture on his computer
>calls people faggot on the internet

This used to be a website free of criticism where everyone could make fun of minorities but now we got a bunch of niggers arguing over politics

yeah and considering we had a whopping 60% turn out rate for the election he's still doing better than Shill

>winning the popular vote with a 60% turn out means about 30.6% of the US pop actually voted for her.

Back2leddit pls go faglord

>brainwashed kiddie
>not a sjw


yea user, totally normal


>You interview autistic liberals, you get autistic liberal results. Cunt :D
it was a fox news viewers poll, so I guess you win this one.

>uses 9gag meme

Man, I miss Bush. He had the goddamn bob-and-weave down. Good fucking times.....good fucking times.

I'm 47

thanks for joining Sup Forums

Lol everyone is down with trump .. your texas and california poll are spic bullshit

Can I get the quick rundown on this gif?

>trump does eveyrthing the rednecks wanted
>libitards somehow think theyre upset about it
because cnn said so so it's true

You do know that quote is fake, right?

But I don't want to defend Trump. He's an idiot but he's not YOUR idiot, loser.

>thinks this is a 9gag meme

Fuck off ctr shills. How much Hillary Soros paying you? And tell me what was obamas approval rating when he entered office? 27%.

he was nimble

how do i upvote here?

thanks in advance

so basically censor and gag that which disagrees with your beliefs and opinions? classic liberal move.

>Pic related: what is liberalism.
