Anyone here ever been to an AA meeting before? I went once because my school made me go...

Anyone here ever been to an AA meeting before? I went once because my school made me go. I'd like to meet other anons experience, mine wasn't anything special but I'll post if anyone's interested, but warning it's pretty boring. How are the women at these meetings? Are they hot? Been thinking about going to one, then saying oh shit I'm drinking again, you should join me ;). But I dunno

My dad was an alcohol too. Ananon or something like that

When to one once, told my story, told me to never come back.


What was your story? I'm considering going but my stories may result in the same thing

Wait what? They told you to not come back?

The story I told basically involved a lot of animal abuse and child neglect. They thought I was joking and told me to leave.

Go on...

My dad used to take me with him to AA meetings with him, it was in a very small town so only like 5 people ever went there. Only woman in there was like 50, she taught me how to ride horses, and no, not that type of riding you fucking weirdo, anyways I just remember everyone reading a book for alcoholics and praying at the end of each meeting. Nothing crazy I was only 12, unfortunately my dad passed away that same year due to kidney failure...

bah dum tisss

A lot of the women are really, really broken and irredeemable. Most of the time at meetings I would just wish these neurotic bitches would just go back drinking or using since it's the only thing that could stop them from being quivering, crying wrecks. Just let the disease consume them until they die. Met a lot of cool dudes in AA, some really good friends that I still associate with. Some went back out, some didn't. I relapsed on opiates myself and have been using again for the last 6 months. I don't regret the time I spent in the program, gave me a lot to think about and made me feel more grateful than I ever have in my life. The chicks suck though and the hot ones are usually younger and still a little rough around the edges. If I were you I would stay away from them at all costs, don't touch one with a 10 foot pole. Bad news.

I doubt they told you never to come back. That doesn't sound like any AA meeting I've ever been to and I've been to thousands. Even the most fucked up, twisted and insane individuals are welcomed with open arms and told to "keep coming back." Leave it to a Sup Forumstard to get banned from AA.

Sounds like you have personal experience with one? I'd like to hear it. I know it's a horrible idea but I need the sex so bad

No! I never did it. There were times I was tempted but I've seen too many couples that meet in AA and it's a codependent disgusting disaster every time. It would probably be very easy though, user. All of the women in the program are EXTREMELY vulnerable. They want to be pampered and loved at all costs. By all means, if you want some neurotic, ugly alcoholic pussy go ahead.

Yeah maybe I just miss understood. That was only a year ago, really I wanna go back.

A bunch of cucks that think the use of mind-altering substances is a disease and that being systematically apologizing to everyone and worshipping God is the cure

Go back! I don't know who in their right mind would ever say that to you but you're entitled to have what they have if you have the desire to be sober. That is literally the ONLY requirement for AA. Don't listen to some of the old timers that act like pricks. No one likes them anyways. Go for you, if you think it could help. God speed user, I hope you find your way to the road of recovery.

Thanks user, maybe I'll go back in a month.

I want to hear the full story dammit. Because I've done some very bad things where alcohol has played a role and I'm not gonna admit that to a group of strangers if it's going to result in any repercussions

Like what?

Yeah it sounds crazy and it sucks at first, but hey if it helps you stay clean. I'd suck a dick and jump around in circles at 1:15 every afternoon on one leg if I was promised it would keep me sober. People get to the point where they don't have another option. It sounds pathetic to someone who's never been an addict but that's okay because you wouldn't understand, and I hope you never do for your sake. Yeah aa is wacky and gimmicky but it helps a lot of people. I know many guys who have been sober for years but would be dead without the 12 steps.

Pretty much I would leave my nephew home alone just so I could drink all night with the guys. And the animal abuse was a charge I got for shooting my buddies dogs.

Which is funny because I now realize that what I did wasn't that fucked up compared to others stories.

I would save the stuff about the dogs for a sponsor if you start working the steps. Yes, rigorous honesty is part of the program but you don't need to add that in when you're speaking at a meeting if no one asks. That's 4th step stuff and is between you, your sponsor and god (whatever god means to you).

If a person was to admit that while under the influence of alcohol they admitted romantic feelings to their cousin, technically raped an ex, had a paranoid psychotic episode, and also tried to kill themselves - what reaction would that warrant?

But again they thought I was joking, pretty much not taking me serious at all, which is the one thing they're suppose to do..

What would happen if you show up drunk as hell, or even had alcohol with you?

That's just a meeting though. There are likely many meetings wherever you live and if you don't like one go to another. I've been to wack meetings too that I'd never go back to, but a single meeting doesn't define AA as a whole.

You'd be welcomed with open arms. As long as you have the desire to get sober, that's the only requirement. I've seen people loaded out of their minds at meetings. Those are the people that need to be there the most.

I've heard worse in those rooms user. As fucked up as you think you are, you'll find in AA that there's always someone who's had it worse/done more fucked up shit than you.

Alright that actually makes me feel better. I'm gonna be going to AA in a bigger city too so hopefully what you say applies there. Just worried about an ass beating or worse because of the rape part.
Thank you Sup Forumsro

Any time man. Those rooms are a safe place for people who honestly want to make amends and get better. I hope you find what you need. Good luck user. Much love and I'll keep you in my prayers.

Op here

Interesting thread so far, better than I thought. I really am considering it, I have developed an alcohol habit recently but I do want to meet a horny slut it two. I might go to one in NYC since I live close to it.

I ultimately couldn't handle the preaching and Jesus freaks, "surrendering", shit like some "higher power" as a pretend god for people who won't believe in god.

Went regularly for about 4 months. Quit going but been sober since ≈ 3 years.

As much as I complain about AA it's not a bad group, they're literally there to help you and it's free

This. It's okay if it didn't work for you and you found sobriety elsewhere but it does help a lot of broken people.

You wouldn't be the only one. It's called "13th stepping" and it's pretty common.

Also adding - a big 'no' for girls there. I'm not sure if I can remember meeting a single girl that was roughly my age and hot. Picture older/40s overweight and crisis-mode

Yeah and annoying as fuck. God women in recovery are down right insufferable. Junkie chicks aren't as bad, the younger ones at least. Alcoholic women can take a fucking long walk off a short pier. They're awful.
