/stg/ - LOVE edition

/Stranger Things General/ - Love is El edition

>Previously on the last episode of /stg/






>To Be Continued

>To Be Continued 2


>Memories of El

>Mike Remembers

Upcoming video:

>Mike and El - A Romance ft. Huey Lewis and the News

Discuss the show, El post, post memes, have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:


I've seen the show all the way but I don't know that I like having such a major end of show spoiler as the thread image.


Reminder that S2 leaked on Twitter.

Generals for a netflix show? Am I correct in thinking these are just /cunny/ threads?

Just finished. Was el the monster or did she just get trapped in the upside down world when she killed it?



Not as much of a spoiler as it is just what everyone expected

Does anyone remember this little gem?

They all have whiny little slappable faces.
I fucking hate kids.

Anyone here excited for I Am Not a Serial Killer? youtu.be/g3pM1j57wfs

The show subverts expectation in a few places and it's not expected until you're a few episodes into the show.

maybe keep going? I'm liking this stupid shit meme now

During the day, maybe, but not around now.

I actually didn't even think about that. But I mean, it's not that much of a spoiler. It was meant to be!

i'm off lads, have a good night.

good times senpai

>He didn't watch Stranger Things

I always try to use a cartoon or something.

can 4kcapper guy pls screencap that scene where she decides to rob that supermarket?

also that moment when she wakes up?

night bro dream of me

Good night, based user

I tried too.
It's candid shit.


When do you consider the moment that she decides to rob the place?
And when she wakes up when?

I mean, after a few episodes you start to think it's gonna happen but it kind of hurts the curiosity you feel when El first shows up: "Is she bad, is she good?" etc. if you know she kisses Mike.

It's not the worst thing, just something to think about in the future.


Well feel free to enjoy the general anyway.

u fucking Madman we don't deserve anoncap /ourhero/

It's pretty retarded too, because El does grow up and learn along with Mike and the group.

Yeah, I can see that. I would've made something but wanted to be quick.

I actually thought El (the shaved head girl) was a head shaved mentally screwed up Will and not a girl at all at first.

he does it for free

>this fucking scene
So badass.

Aw shucks

Don't worry about it.
It's actually not a big fucking deal at all

ahhh nuuu cheeki breeki iv damke


>8 episodes

I'll try n not repost it too much, goddamn u beautiful bastard

I just don't get it.
I'm not even shit posting.
I thought it was just some progressive gay shit.

>When do you consider the moment that she decides to rob the place?
right when she's outside the store looking
>And when she wakes up when?
in the forest-- as wakes up with the eggos, and her friends shouting her name

also, can you cap that scene where papa boops her nose? ep6 I think

dude its time to get over it, the b8 gets weaker everyday


No, this show is pretty void of all that bullshit.

Why is my waifu being posted here

Oh, so the people shit posting are the people who actually like this?
Makes sense.

Wait did Will and Barbara get pulled into the upside down by the creature or were they taken there by the agents through the gate?

Are you the reincarnation of that one tranny poster with the copypasta that I forgot to save?

>h-hey user, y-you wanna, like, you know, g-go to the s-snowball d-dance?

I hope not.
I'd try again and hope for a better cycle.

Sure, give me a few minutes.
I'm working on something, but I'll post those soon.


>finally get to kiss the girl you've been crushing on for months
>They yelled cut. Millie got up and just looked, like, disappointed. Then she yelled out, “Kissing sucks. That sucked.” That's what she said

Dustin is cool, but reminder that Finn is the one true /ourguy/

I'm getting tired of posting Antje

no amount of shitposting will bring her career back up and running

>chin hairs
so its a dude right?

u didn't get it, old meme, basically thx Sup Forums fuck off

>s-st-stop w-what, user?

>“Kissing sucks. That sucked.”
also, imagine her saying that in her old world accent because she;s a brit

I can't even imagine how Finn must have felt at that moment. I would have felt like shit.

women get some light peach fuzz around there, they usually bleach or wax

You have good tastes user, i like you.

>she yelled out, “Kissing sucks. That sucked.”

Finn is /ourmike/ and always will be.

>h-hey user, y-you wanna, like, y-you know, s-squat a-and drink c-cider, and stuff?

Will finds a gate and sneaks through it to run away while the monster chases him. Barbara definitely gets pulled in by the monster because the blood from her cut finger attracted it to her.

Also there's no implication at any point the DoE is behind the disappearances. They are just trying to cover them up to avoid responsibility and don't want anyone to know what they are up to.

There's no way Millie said that

ahhh nuu cheeki breeki iv damke

Please tell me this is bait

What did they mean by this?

stupid little bitch

Her exact words were "THAT'S kissing? That sucked!"

It's true.


Here's the first one.

>people obsessing over the tomboy have ruined the show on this board

deleet this

She's just disgusted by the fact that no kiss in the future will feel as good as this.
He has literally ruined her future.

We all just think she's an adorable little girl. most of us aren't sexualizing her at all.


No in the last thread we realized they actually were making a joke about bingeing the show. As in 'I'll just watch one more episode before bed'

They were not teasing an additional episode.

>funny her reaction was so funny funny xD
Finn was definitely holding back tears after she said that

The second one was already posted here And here's the nose boop.

I really wish I hadn't seen this

I actually think this show has brought back my depression. I need a hug ;_;

El may be pure and sweet, but Millie is stone-cold

Aww shit, was hoping for a christmas special or something.

mike da best



The first thing I have to ask about is your name, because your name is amazing. Is it your given name, or is that a professional name?
It's my given, full name. Finn's not short for anything; it's just Finn Wolfhard. And then Wolfhard means, I think, heart of the wolf in German. What's funny is I'm German, but then I'm like French — I’m French and German and then Jewish. It's really weird. I have really weird blood. And then I go to Catholic school, which is really weird.

we all do

I was talking about her face, anoncap
good nonetheless

also, can you do more 4k pics of her and the lazyboy?

>honor loyalty and friendship to a fault
>try to find the gate to upside down world all by yourself
>return to help your friends despite disagreements
>literally tell 12 armed government black ops members to EAT SHIT
>try to fight the demogorgon with a wrist mounted slingshot and some rocks you found at school

Lucas is mah nigga

>she will never be kissed again with the lunging force of a Nat 20 critical hit

We can only hope for Season 2.

hey fuck the fgts man ur vid was god-tier had it on repeat for hrs now

>You will never experience a childhood awkward kiss
Well at least I didn't


Oh, I'm sorry.

And sure, I'll post another one.

>Finn is the one true /ourguy/
Mike needs a category sure, but don't go saying shit like that

I mean, they really couldn't have had a real kiss. Netflix wouldn't want two twelve year olds passionately kissing.
I bet he showed her what a real kiss felt like after the take

It's ok m8. I think a lot of us feel this way

Thanks! :)

if u find out let me know