Why was Jodie such a fucking thot when she was younger?

Why was Jodie such a fucking thot when she was younger?

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she can tug on my fucking cock if you catch my drift

What did she mean by this?

not even close to the same level

Because shes based af

she was super hot and still is sex to this day. not many women can pull that off. *wink

Why do women age?

time is the enemy of all humans. it sucks.

>time is the enemy of all humans
Not for Ben Affleck. He looks way more handsome than he did 10 years ago.

men are a different story. he'll probably look great into his 60s if he lives correctly. it's not usually the same for women.


Because after menopause nature decides they are useless while can spit out baby gravy til they die

>lives correctly

he's an alcoholic

Is Elle the Jodie of our generation?

>tfw she's 18 now

She could fucking get it

Get what?

he obviously keeps it in check. you ever see a 40 something yo alcoholic that doesn't give a fuck? that ain't ben al jiihaad.

anyway, jodie foster a sexy lady.

She's cuter and more talented
And she has more grease on her face

I don't think anyone is. JFost is a pretty unique person. If she passed the torch on to anyone, its gota be KStew.

my greasefu