Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:



For those who find Atem to be your husbando:


Still looking for someone

to hold me

Still here


Oh. My bad. Jeez thats a lot.
I play a lot of the popular games really. One of my favorites is world of tanks.

hello hello miss Shizuru

Claiming best girl.

There are other things too. Since you've just recently started drinking, you should try and pick the different type of alcohol every time you decide to buy a bottle.
Have you tried cognac? Different types of liqueurs? Gin? Tequila?
It's better to experiment than just always get the same thing you're used to.

Yeah, that fucker can drink.

Morning everyone~

we haven't talked since we added each other on steam

Good morning Firekeeper~
I'm so sorry about last night, my stupid internet went out...

What games do you play?

If you like grinds and watching numbers slowly get bigger. Its not really. I play almost anything. Havent played spelunky but its in my library.
Yeah Ive tried a few different kinds. I mean I pass a 20 off to the guy and he brings me back stuff. What do you think I should ask for?
Sounds like it.


The Dark souls 3 DLC is so good

I can't stop playing

hello hello! I'm going to watch an episode before I sleep

Ayame is still mine

I've been worse

are you ok?

So, you go to the store yet?

Shh, you didn;t see anything~

ah! is reddit still down then? where am I supposed to get all my CTR-approved news in the meantime? :^)
I'm okay! a little cold here but that's okay

Cognac is probably my favourite if I want to get something fancy, but good ones can be very expensive.. Mint liquor is good, or you could just tell him to pick a liquor he's never had at random.

Mass Effect 1 and 2 maybe? Have you tried Enter the Gungeon? It's quite similar to Binding of Isaac.

Oh hell, I remember now... I don't have any excuses why I haven't written to you... I'm truly sorry, but I guess that doesn't mean anything..
No problem at all, tho I guessed you were just having too much fun with the alcohol and just passed out~
How are you tonight?
The DLC is a fucking blast, finally a challenge!
Good evening love user! How are you?

Hi LoveAnon!!!

I'm on the search for someone, but I think they went to bed

I'm glad you're okay though
well I didn't mean it in a bad way, was just saying

I'm not much of a conversation starter

how's the weather?

Nah. Waiting for it to get later outside.
Yeah that stuff looks expensive especially when the first bottle pops up for 3 grand. Mint liquor is mint flavored alcohol? I like mint but im not sure how that sounds.

Nah, reddit is back up.

Also off topic but still somewhat relevant, I'm tired of seeing this fucking family strokes incest porn ad at the bottom. I don't wanna see a balding man beating his meat as his wife and daughter watch

I've been waiting to get Gungeon for a while, but funds are a little low for now ;~; spending time with friends and family has taken priority over games for now
I'm doing okay! a little cold but tolerable

snap chaty .me
>leak ex gf and win

you should try beer some time. it is my preferred way to consume beverage alcohol. i think the intoxicating effects are more pleasant because they gradually sneak up on you, plus i think it tastes better. there's nothing like an ice cold beer after a long day or work.

What anime is this?

Nope, he is in the process of trying to leave threads, he's not very good at it though

I don't wanna spoil who I'm looking for, but I am looking for a hug

Haha i didn't have that much, plus i wouldn't just pass out on you like that~ I'm pretty good, all moved into the new place. How are you?

Hmm why's that?

ah, I'm sorry ;~; I wish him luck then!
and I wish you luck finding that hug, as well! hugs are nice

I agree! It's really well done at least for at least how far am I in, though I was having some FPS drops early. No biggie though, it's been a blast!

Well, I'm glad you're at least dealing with it! I'm proud of you

I heard beer was more of an acquired taste. Doesnt it only have like 8 percent alcohol content?
I like it when its dead outside.

I'll let him know, and thank you

what are you up to so late anyways?

Now I feel bad for not writing, sorry...
The weather kinda sucks now, tho it'll probably get better with time. How about yours?
And how are you feeling today?
Well, maybe jump into a bed and get comfy~?
And I'm glad you're okay. As for me I'm in a bit of a pickle to be honest, still waiting for my boss' call if I should go to work now at 10am or later at 4pm.
Awww, thank you, that's pretty sweet~
Oh? That's great news! Glad you finally finished it.
Well, just having some breakfast and waiting for a call. How about you?
Same feeling here. All these Angels... Jesus Crust, that was nice. Also having the FPS drops, hope they'll somehow fix it...

don't worry what are you up to so late
to spread love, of course!
also insomnia
I am indeed! I just slid under the covers where it's warm and toasty.
I hope that all gets sorted out! not knowing when to work is stressful ;~;

lol 8% would be pretty high, though I think some german beers attain that. honestly 6% is relatively high here in the states. your standard craft runs 4-5%; most of the shitty mainstream brews run 2.5 - 4%. if you do try beer, see if your buyer will get you a craft. the buds, busch, miller, coors, they all taste like watered down cat piss. its no wonder that many people don't like beer if this is what they try.

you should take sleeping pills

have you always had trouble sleeping?
it's ok, satan. it's hot but I was more asking as a joke

I'm feeling fine, just a little bored/lonely

Ahh yeah that's right.

Thanks~ We still have a little unpacking to do but now i can finally relax a bit. The usual breakfast~? Just listening to music. Ah that's right! I forgot to give it to you the other day and my internet died before i could do it last night, sorry i know it's a bit late, but i have a birthday present for you~

There are cheap cognacs too.
Mint liquor is actually really good. Guess that could depend on the brand too, but the one I've had is really good. Another good one is salty licorice liquor. Give either one a try. If you don't like it, then you know not to buy that thing anymore.

I know he likes Heineken or however its spelled.
Yeah got a what another hour probably.

years and years yes! but I've learned to adapt over time

I'm... ok. How about you?

The Angel design is amazing. The sound as they shoot at you and the looks... it's really cool. The level design is fucking amazing too.

Don't worry, I'll probably be back soon.

And sorry, didn't mean to say it like that. You worded it a lot better. Hang in there

>spending time with friends and family has taken priority over games for now

Be careful up there saya

Alright. Guess ill ask him to buy me one of those next time. Thanks.

is she still a bitch in season 2?
you shouldn't gloss over your health issues

that sounds like a very tiring sleep pattern

I'm doing well

No worries!

That's great! Warm, toasty and comfy is the best, especially while sleepy and tired~
Well, turned out I have to go at 2pm after all, so at least there's that. Tho working until midnight doesn't really sound very appealing...
And plans for the night?
Hahaha, them trips tho. And alrighty~
Something troubling you?
Unpacking is waaay easier, so you should get this one quickly. Then it'll all be over and you can truly relax~
Yup, the usual~
What are you listening to?
Wh-what? A present?? B-but... H-how? You d-didn't have t-to...
Yeah, and the way he shoots makes me get some Vietnam flashbacks. And I'm loving it~
The level design so far is really cool, too. And the enemies are tough, at least at NG+

I give up


Aww cmon why wait, you can go right now!

But its not even midnight yet.

that's good! more time for you to relax for now, at least

i think im going to hit the hay too, it's ten till 2 here. good night friend


sleep well friend!

Yep, remember: Mint liquor.


Yeah it is, i've already got my room almost set up again. Yeah, just another day or two till then~
Yup~ It's a steam wallet card, It's not much but i hope you'll get some enjoyment of it. I know, but i wanted to get you something~ Do you have a discord or anything i can PM you the code?

So? Dont you want that delicious iced tea?

ah! present! it's miss Firekeeper's birthday isn't it?

I do but it can wait a bit.

Well it was 2 days ago..


>don't own a hitachi
thank you for reminding me ;~;
ah! that's still very nice

Walking even later at night is better.
Couldnt you just you know use your hand?

I can't reach my back to massage it though!

Yeah, at least that's nice~
Breakfast and lunch? Wasn't it a little too late for that?
Then I'm really glad about it~!
Do you like it in your new home?
And tasty, just as always~
Gonna listen to it soon, but knowing you it's probably something great~
W-w-what??? B-but... I don't k-know if I c-can... Hanako, I... I don't know what to say...
You got it two days late, but it was, and Hanako is being the sweetest person in the Universe right now~

We had different places in mind but you would still be better off with a back scratcher or a person,

ah! I meant for you!
my plans are to lay here until my eyelids are heavy enough that I can fall asleep
also yay birthday

>whenever they need it
Who are you babysitting?

vibrators feel different from hands though, in both places we're thinking of!

no babysitting!
my partner's dad is terminal, so we're all working through the emotions surrounding it and I'm being a supportive person as best I can ;~;

Uh yeah I guessed as much. 120 bucks and a new one all for you I guess.

Oh, silly me~
Well, these are good plans. I hope you'll be fast asleep soon so you could get more rest, love user

Well i don't know about all that, but thank you for saying so~

ignore this guy and go to snap chaty .me

the last dream I remember was my ex stabbing me over and over!
I don't like dreams
you're the best ever

Its better to me because I like it.

Thank you for saying such a nice thing

Why do you like it better than day walks?

Because there are no people about.

Literally no one cares.

...auch, that doesn't sound very nice of her.
But hey, there can be good dreams too! And I hope you'll get a lot of these, you deserve them

I care, friend!
I hope you're right

Hello Tomoko, Saya, Firekeeper (I believe), et all! Nice to see you all! Sorry anyone whose name I don't know, forgot, or misremembered! If I have met any of you yet, I can't wait to! How are you all doing? What're you up to?

Moods are weird. Here's a song, electronic, spacey, future:


Sitting. May go to the store soon. You didnt sleep long.

I figured that was part of it, but is that the only reason?

Me too, it still feels a little weird living in another place but i'm sure that will go away soon enough.
I think it would taste better toasted, and yes i have one.
I'm glad i could make you happy, you're very welcome~

hello music user

Im able to get out and walk around. Its nice.

Just finished watching Sinix's Zelda painting video. Makes me want to do some painting on computer too, but it's hard and I'm feeling lazy. Feeling motivated for once, but don't really want to. It's troubling.

Forgot image

Hello. I'm doing pretty good, just listening to music. How about you?

But you can do that in the day too.

Its hot out then and less enjoyable to just walk around.

I forgot whether I said I was going to sleep or just heading, but I didn't end up sleeping. Tried to do something other than be on threads all day though, for my sanity. Read a chapter in a book, learned myself on YouTube. Not super successful, must work on lifeing.

Indeed it is. Time flies like molasses for me right now too. Why's your night slow?

I'm sorry. I can understand how it can be super hard to have like interest and willpower all come together at once. Is there anything less intensive you could direct your creative energy into?

Listen to music in dark. Got done eating. What sort of music you listening too?

I also hope I am

it's almost 4 and I'm still not tired yet ;~;

Oh. My bad I thought you did. Im not sure I could help with that.

Nothing new