Fingerbox help?

Fingerbox help?

I'm thinking of building pic related. Wood to start, I can't into metalworking. Am I retarded, or could this work?

what it do?

Finger box is a troll to weed out the newfags. Keep scrolling losers

looks decent would definitly work i made one last week with about the same design
get out newfag

Thought I was original. How'd yours turn out?

hey thats not very nice

Could work. With wood, a drill press with a large enough bit could get what you're looking for. However, I'm not sure how different the process would be for metal.

Will definitely make a nice, comfy finger box though.

Have you tried shoving your dick in it?

obviously has never put his fingers inside a fingerbox, get out newfag
That looks alright might be weird to put all fingers in at the same time, I prefer the wood finish tbh.

Not really. But if you don't know what you're talking about, gtfo.

Pretty good actually it just didn't look as fancy as the new ones but i gave it a nice paint job and i really like how sleek the design looks

if you build the base model out of wood, you'll be able to figure out the dimensions for the metal one. i have a wood model ive been using but cant get the metal version to come out right

Still conceptual right now (Thus shitty 3D model). I wanted to try the perpendicular fingers, instead of all parallel. It will be strange at first, but I'm really really curious.

Two fingers each seemed like a good start. One each is suicide, though four sounds godlike.

Fuck you faggot. Im sick of the repetitive shit on this board if youre going to troll be original. So i say again FINGERBOXES ARE TROLLS TO WEED OUT THE NEWFAGS KEEP SCROLLING/LEARN TO GOOGLE DIPSHITS


Yeah, for sure. I admit I've got a soft spot for the 90's and early 00's ones (boxy corners for days), but the new ones are super slick. Sadly I don't own a plastics factory in China, so I won't be able to commission my own. Feels bad man.

Well fuck you too. You're the repetitive one, so GTFO.

Look at the "oldfag" getting butthurt. Point at him and laugh newfags

Mad i ruined your shit thread? Atay mad bitch. I will make it my mission to ensure not a single motherfucker replies to these shit thteafs ever again. How bout coming up with an original tbought you sack of human waste

Salty, much? ;-)

>I will make sure no one will reply to these shit threads
>Replies to this thread multiple times

Good job user.

snap chaty .me
>leak ex gf and win

Lol stay usin those trigger words homeboy, next itll be cuck this cuck that. So much butthurt

top fucking kek you must be really new here, you actually believe finger boxes aren't real?? lurk more falling for that shit...... there are even digital ones

Please. This is for real fingerboxes, not trash.

An unfortunate necessity to kill this shit meme

Well, the bumps are appreciated.

Mommy late with your tendies? Bored and tryna "troll le newfags xD meme cuck lmao triggered."
Fucking kill yourself fatty

Go back to Gaia summerfag.

Cuck of the century

Mommy late with your tendies? Bored and tryna "troll le newfags xD meme cuck lmao triggered."
Fucking kill yourself fatty

Mommy late with your tendies? Bored and tryna "troll le newfags xD meme cuck lmao triggered."
Fucking kill yourself fatty

Mommy late with your tendies? Bored and tryna "troll le newfags xD meme cuck lmao triggered."
Fucking kill yourself fatty

Oh my god will everyone please fuck off or get to posting.

you seem a little butthurt did daddy forgot to use the oil again? you always get edgy on the internet when he forgets to apply it on your pale bottom underaged dipshit

you seem a little butthurt did daddy forgot to use the oil again? you always get edgy on the internet when he forgets to apply it on your pale bottom underaged dipshit

Did the dog run away before you could hump its leg? boo hoo better run to the computer and masturbate to sonic to make yourself feel better you fucking pathetic waste of time and space

Did the dog run away before you could hump its leg? boo hoo better run to the computer and masturbate to sonic to make yourself feel better you fucking pathetic waste of time and space

thread is kill rip

wow i used to think Sup Forums is col but if u dont want new users than fine ill leave

Mommy late with your tendies? Bored and tryna "troll le newfags xD meme cuck lmao triggered."
Fucking kill yourself fatty