Hello. I am a Jedi Master and I believe you are the chosen one...

Hello. I am a Jedi Master and I believe you are the chosen one. If you'd be so kind as to let me check your midichlorians for double numbers, you may be trained in our ways.

Go ahead I don't see how this will help with anything

i am no JEDI nor SITH i accept all of the force

The chosen one will bring peace to all the galaxy. The methods used are unknown to me but the prophesy has yet to fail me.

I fear you simply lack conviction, my child.

I am god

You might be but you are not the chosen one.

Well well well. I knew I felt another force sensitive in here

I was simply demonstrating my abilities in hope the chosen one might present himself to me.

Rolling to be Jedi Hitler.

holy fuck ignore this thread and check out snap chaty .me right now

You cannot become a Jedi with such hate in your heart young one.

Please, master Qui-gon Vodka, go ahead.

I'd rather be a farmer.

snap chaty .me
>leak ex gf and win

I'm a Jedi Confirmed

Rolling to kill younglings

The prophecy can not be ignored. The chosen one must be found to ensure peace, and you are not the chosen one.

Yes, I am.


Vader was right.

I want a black leather suit and a cape. That would be totally wizard.

I'm afraid you are not him.
I guess you are free to pursue that career now.
As a Jedi I have no ex-girlfriends. I do accept your hopes for my winning all the same. May peace prevail.
The younglings will remain safe.

Im here to fuck bitches and kill Jedi, and I already killed my wife.

What is it you are after, Jedi?

I have a question. What are midichlorians?

1 off, fml.
Reroll for the greater good.

Ever masterbate with the force?

what jedi?

I'm ready

Midichlorians... What a joke! Next you're gonna say that the Naboo senator is the Sith Lord you're looking for!

I'm afraid not.
Perhaps you can seek work as an entertainer on Tatooine.
I shall inform the authorities.
I seek the chosen one. The one to bring peace to the galaxy.
Midichlorians are a microscopic lifeform that reside within all living cells and communicates with the Force.

I'll be the chosen one for that sweet Padmé ass.

What a load of Bantha fodder! There's no such thing as the force!

It's not like I wanted to be murdered by the sith... b-bakka

Not if I get it first, you can have Jar Jar.

GTFO you creepy space preist for real the jedis are just like a more kick ass catholics of the galaxy lols

I am ready, Master Jedi.

Who the fuck would want to be a guy with no arms or legs and probably no dick. A life of endless depression and pain. Fuck being the chosen one.


Im sorry but my mom told me to not go with strangers that look like catholics


Checkum Jedi Senpai

>mfw wizard and Jedi powers combine

I will have the high ground

My Master



Not today, Obi wan

Hello there

actually your a deep cover sith but i understand you may have lost yourself in your role

There is no emotion, there is peace.
There is no ignorance, there is knowledge.
There is no passion, there is serenity.
There is no chaos, there is harmony.
There is no death, there is the Force.





rollin, fuck the jedi though gonna walk the path of jolee bindo

not trips but i'll take it


Fuck the midichlorians

My body is ready.

Am i ready to finally become a jedi? Ive been waiting my whole life for this

I like snakes

Fuck yo jedi shit i'm just a little bountyhunter

Pls Quo Guy Gin I am jedi pls

Psshh, nothin' personnel, but I don't hang with no jedi

Dude my use of the force is mediocre, i can barely lift this oreo to my mouth


Ey lmao

Very well, Qui Gon

I'm too old, no ?


Use the force, kek


Who the fuck needs midoclorians when you got a big dick?

there is a faggot

oh shit

Bow before me.

sweet im a jedi

Jedi's are fags

I just want to fuck as many alien girls as possible before dying from spaceAIDS

bullshit, you are op

I hate sand. checks these mad trips!

dubs don't lie, fag.

Fuck that, I'll just be a sith.

I sense much fag in you!

You do not know the power of the Dark Side.

All you got were singles, you don't sense shit.

Submitting midis

The ultimate being, I have finally arrived


Pls see my chlories'

I think star wars is retarded, but still:

Train me, oh wise one

Allow me.

Sure, I'll bring the religion of peace to the galaxy.


forget it. threads over. no one is gonna go past 7trips

im here

Die nigger sith

I guess not

I don't think I have any midichlorians.