Drugs thread

drugs thread

talk about drugs; what's your drug of choice? what drugs have you done? which one was the worst?

i have done trihexyphenidyl, diphenhydramine, dxm, zaleplon, zopiclone, diazepam, clonazepam, mirtazapine, dicycloverine, gabapentin, baclofen, dimenhydrinate, alcohol.


My girl wants to try methylphenidate and I wonder if it would be okay for her to take a 54mg sr as her first dose or if she will get a heart attack. Either way I'm getting laid


Lmao drop half a tab and im off the shits

None of those made up names have any meaning

all pharms are the same and you're a retarded.


This is the first time on any psychedelic shit

Even looking at these trees feels diffrent weird man

Booze, weed, coffee, fags and propranolol. Nothing exciting I guess other than wild parties. Alcohol is pretty shit tier, though some fine whisky is always nice. Weed is my favourite though.

Weed is the shit i can agree on that have you done anything more tho?


15 years off smack 6 years sober. All I do now are anti depressants and old man vitamins.

Why not give it one last go at least woth some safer stuff

I smoke a shitload of weed if you even consider that a drug.
I've done LSD and nbome and I prefer nbome to legit acid weirdly enough.
Nbome fucks with your senses and your emotions but leaves your brain otherwise functional, so you have a lot of control over yourself.
Taking LSD for the first time made me lose my fucking mind, nbome was so much calmer and the hallucinations were more visually interesting.
Of course, when you take nbome you run the risk of dying.

>Of course, when you take nbome you run the risk of dying.
what makes nbome this much dangerous?

Lmao i only popped half a tab i work fine everything is really lit right now haha

As long as she doesnt have any preexisting heart conditions, its unlikely she'll have any serious issues, but she'll be feeling pretty fucking speedy for awhile if shes never tried it before. Worst case scenario is that she'll just have a panic attack if she hasnt fucked with stims before

Dude what
Does something to your blood platelets that can cause insufficient blood flow through the heart
Several people have died from it (supposedly)

Dude i cant explain it its just gr8 atm

Pretty much any of the main psychs (dmt, shrooms, lsd), benzos & most anti-anxiety meds that are actually worth it, most of the popular opiods (except morphine, i've never had the opportunity), but for the past year its mostly just been stimulants (been sticking to plain old amphetamines and methylphenidate) pretty regularly

Vyvanse, adderall, xanax, morphine.

Own my own business, parter in two others. Great girlfriend, good life.

None of it makes me feels as good as sitting alone, blown out and numb, reading a book and not thinking.

I'm 36. Hoping a heart attack takes me sooner than later.

medicinal drugs, heroin, crack, speed, salvia, mushrooms, kratom, weed, xtc

Ah cmon theres gotta be more than that man why not just ball out and fie of coke od

I found I couldnt even drink. I still want to do E again but that's probably it. It like to do it with my wife someday or maybe shrooms. But she isn't interested so not gonna bother. Worked too hard to get clean and sober.

Stimulants are my favorite, everything else i have alotta trouble not getting dangerouly fucked up, but for some reason i rarely binge on stims. The worst was probably a really horrible trip i had on 5-meo-dmt that still unsettles me thinking about it even though i was only in the void for like 15 minutes at most. i was just in a bad setting though, cause ive had so many amazing trips on 5-meo and nn-dmt that definitely outweigh the couple negative ones

That's like an antihistamine right? Lol worst fucking feeling ever on that drug.

>25I-NBOMe presumably exhibits functional selectivity at the 5HT2A receptor similar to other phenethylamine hallucinogens, activating the Phospholipase A2 signal cascade,[31] which is responsible for the release of Thromboxane A2, triggering blood platelet aggregation. Excessive concentrations of TXA2 could lead to thrombosis, which when coupled with 25I-NBOMe's vasoconstrictive effect, is a major risk factor for cardiac ischemia, a dangerous condition the symptoms of which are present in several toxicological reports.
It's more dangerous than other psychedelics because it is very potent, and because it is a full agonist of the 5HT2A receptors. Most psychedelics are merely partial agonists of this site; an exception is Bromo-DragonFLY, which is also known for its high toxicity.


>Does something to your blood platelets that can cause insufficient blood flow through the heart
It causes blood clots.

Worst drug was either heroin for the addiction. Or huffing engine starter for just pure shitty high.

Love crack. Hate meth. Both basically make gay no idea why.

Love E. kinda miss LCD and shrooms

Hate weed. Stopped getting good high. Just get hallucinations and feel dumb in the head.

Love opiates and liquir or wine. But they fuck up my life.

Blood clots= heart attacks correct?

I feel the same way, but i had to stop taking any kind of opioid or benzo cause i just never could practice any sort of control, and i loved that feeling to the point where i would just keep taking them until i was an absolute mess & ended up in the hospital

>I have taken a bunch of random prescriptions, and drank alcohol
You're a noob, and should probably stop while you still can. People who romanticize drug use like you typically end up being the worst addicts.

I'm trying to find heroin, how hard is it to acquire and is it dangerous with the fentanyl and shit they put in it now? Need to finish senior year HS strong lmao

Nah dont fuck with it its too risky

Heart attacks result from your heart not getting enough oxygen, which could be because of a clot, could also cause a stroke or a whole buncha other things that'll kill you pretty quick

Yeah, basically. Blood clots can cause other problems like stroke, but heart attacks are one of the major risks.

Just KYS faggot, n come back when your dead.

>hallucinations from weed
you probably smoked too much, that can happen if you get really blasted

noob? because of getting high almost every single day for four years? dude, i haven't ever felt withdrawal. and why? because one should be sober to feel it. and i have never been.

I smoked it, but I usually fall asleep with opiates

I don't know where or how hard to find it, I usually get my friends to buy from a dealer

I smoked for years. probably smoked too much.

ITT: 12 year olds showing off that they did booze, coffee and fags (cigarettes???)

Really nigger? You are buying over the counter medication and feeling proud about "getting high" on diazepams? LOL

Do fucking coke, do mdma, do lsd or shrooms.

Like honestly if you wanna feel heroine just do perks instead

Prefer weed, sometimes harder stuff.

Worst was bromodragonfly, tripped for 5 days straight and saw hell, thought i was going to die.

Done weed, booze, cigs, mdma, speed/adderall, lsd, dxm, ketamine, 25i, 2ci, 2ce, kratom, legal highs, bromodragonfly, cocaine, valium, viagra, codeine, nos, (also aniracetam, phenibut, modafinil and various other pharms)

I hope yoyre just playing, but if not just get some opioids or find someone who can get fentanyl. They're close enough and i always found them more enjoyable cause you dont have to mainline that shit & you're not taking H which is almost for sure gonna be filthy unless you get it online

Please don't actually do coke

Drugs are bad, mmmmmkay

Oh comeon, they're not that bad.

Can we get picks of girls doing coca-cola

Do your self a real favor and avoid it. You. Know the worst scenario ? You like how it feels. The hooks start out so tiny. No one sets out to be a junkie. Everyone thinks the are different. Think they can handle it.

It's a shitty brain hack you can feel good any time you want. You slowly reprogram how your brain works like a rat with a lever to push.


you did weed booze and cigs? HOLY SHIT


I'm looking to snort it because I have nothing in my life rn, does quality matter with insufflation?

Well then you don't deserve to fuck useless whores

Of course everyone's had coffee and alcohol so I don't know why anyone mentions them. I am addicted to smokeless tobacco though.

I've done:

Weed, pills (fuck what kind they were, no one cares), PCP, 2C-E/I, LSD, Shrooms, LSA, Salvia, and Spice. Currently active duty USAF SSgt so no drugs for me.

Best experiences were on LSD and shrooms. LSD improved my quality of life and made me appreciate my parents and all life in general.

Worst experience was on Spice. Those were dark days when no one knew the side effects. We just thought it was the greatest thing ever, legal drugs, until my friend almost died in front of me. Freaked me out.

Anyway, second worst was PCP because I got laced while in Florida. It wasn't terrible, I just wasn't prepared for it (15 years-old) and had no idea what was going on.

Kek only have vids cant be asked to convert them to a webm rn

Weird thing is that I don't want to kill myself. I keep 90% of my life under perfect control so that I can spend 10% being a shitbag.

The stims - they're the danger point, way overdo them - get rid of my fears and focus issues. The downers let me loosen up and be ok with not controlling everything.

No idea how I keep it balanced. Only mitigating habit I have is the I exercise. I trick myself into thinking that weights counter my normalized stroke-level bp.

Just hope it's quick and that my gf enjoys the life insurance. Haven't enjoyed anything since I was 8 or 9, and competition isn't filling the void anymore.

Well for me it's obviously inevitable, but it's not like I have a job to support the habit, loads of clonodine and adderall I don't use to maybe help get off once I try heroin.

I was gonna say no, bad idea and why but I don't give a shit. Sup Forums isn't the place to get proper advice. Take it all, Ritalin is the weakest ADHD med there is

If your OP, then you listed a bunch of lameass medications, dont try and act hard about it. Most of the ones you listed are just not even worth it and make me believe you're a kid who's only options are the random prescriptions you found in your mom's medicine cabinet.

Same bruoyh I'm off da shitz rn

Ayye gang shit


I know you're trying to be a funny troll though so here's your xD


Has there been a drug you regret doing? If so share the story where you found out you hated this high

Hehe nice meme kiddo

why would you do mirtazapine or zopiclone? just felt like sleeping for a few days?

my personal favourite tbqhwyfamily
the jenkem molecule is fascinating

I enjoy mescaline. It's pretty tight, and kind on the psyche.

Yeah you cant just shove some tar (which if somehow you find some sleezebag homeless dude who doesnt just rob you instead, thats what you'll get) right up your nose

You have a shitty taste in drugs, FAGGOT!


dude i got 10 grams of dried san pedro what do

I've done oxy (in the form of Percocet), it was prescribed after a surgery, I took some every four hours every day for like three weeks. I actually experienced a bit of withdrawal afterwards (or maybe I just ate something bad), puking and sweating with terrible migraines for a couple days.


Mescaline's the only big psych that i havent tried yet but i'm pumped for the day i can finally get ahold of some. A few months ago some apparently legit san pedro was in town, but i wasnt in a good place mentally & thought id wait a bit before picking some up. Still regretting that.

>do mdma, do lsd or shrooms

Shit tier drugs, same goes for coke if it ain't in your veins.

obvious retarded10 year old...
1. kys
2. diazepams? no, benzodiazepines is what they are called ( alprazolam (xanax), diazepam ( valium ) )
3. LOL you are a scrub.
4. " Do fucking coke, do mdma, do lsd, or shrooms. " , you sound like a fucking 12 year old russian fuck boy. good job.

Overdosed on brown pills ;)))

There's ways to clean the shit out aren't there?


On oxzapam to help with my anxiety and i use codeine regularly because my anti depressants make me feel shit. is valium better then oxzapam? should i change benzos?

The rescue inhaler gives me a nice buzz.

no more?

get off the drugs you piece of shit and go fight for Christendom

She's had ecstasy so I don't think there's a risk for that
First time I took it I took 600mg so yeah it's weak

LSD. Don't regret in in general, just the first time I took it. It was in a disgustingly filthy apartment, with 4 people I barely knew and my one good friend.
Kept getting stuck in time, thought looping, etc.
At one point I became extremely paranoid about the existence of a particular candy which I was unfamiliar with.
I would ask if it was real, someone would say yes, and as they were explaining it I would forget that I asked, so every few minutes I kept asking and forgetting and wondering why they were talking about it to me, then forgetting again and asking again and so on. Eventually I became uncertain of their existence and believed that people were trying to suggest to me whether or not they were real.
Like I didn't know if they were real but I knew they were trying to convince me wrongly one way or the other.
It was really creepy and severely agitating.
I also kept telling my friend to fuck off randomly because whenever I tried to talk to him I would forget we were talking and suddenly be part of a nonsense conversation, repeatedly. I thought he was fucking with me.


And how long were you up for?

Kek This thread sounds like a buncha 7th graders at a slumber party

Not even 24 hours. I managed to sleep after 18-20 hours

lol you also cheat on her buddy, will be forwarding your IP and post along with those text messages to your commanding officer. Enjoy getting kicked out

Lol, you're autistic m8. Ain't nobody going to be kicked for using drugs in the past, faggot

I recents learned that I have absolutely no control when it comes to stimulants. Downers are a bit easier to regulate but eventually I say fuck it. I'll probably end up in your position one day, and I'm only half your age. See you on the other side. As soon as everyone wakes up a bit and starts making noise I'm gonna rail a fatass line. Thisll be either 48 or 72 hours awake for me. Wish me luck.

Godspeed user and remember momma didnt raise no bitch


Needs moar drugs