ITT: Classic Sup Forums images that EVERY oldfag would have in their Sup Forums folder

ITT: Classic Sup Forums images that EVERY oldfag would have in their Sup Forums folder

Newfag detected

No Oldham would have this, this pic has been a normie meme for half a decade.


ITT i pretend to be an oldfag in the hopes of getting pictures, so that I can continue to pretend to be an oldfag

either he gets ptsd or posts guro loli

win win to me

not OP here, but I second his seek for oldfaggyness
giv us some stale meme

Op here

Please point out to me where I made the claim that I was an oldfag


edgy. I bet you have a nunchuck collection.

bitch i got the full collection




here's some OC to prove that i'm an oldfag

if she had a penis she would be perfect.

"trying the sage trick" fucking newfags lol

fucking netscape, what a beautiful screenshot


yeah that op is such a newfag


here's a classic


firefox could copy that shit for a while



why are you bothered over it tho

What makes you think I'm bothered?


since Sup Forums started in 2012 that can be considered old so stfu pls




Oldfag = pre-2006. If you weren't lurking here then, you can never ever become one.


i literally misread this my fuckin bad

i started in 2016

only a few people had internet in 2006 but gr8 b8


Are you fucking retarded? I have internet since 1996

wao omg he figured it out what a genius omg haha what a very inttelligence man

ITT nothing of the fucking kind

no shit redditor u got it all figured out huh kys

>only a few people had Internet in 2006
Are you 9 fucking years old?

mommy sucked enough dick to keep lights on?

Just because your mother is a toothless crack whore doesn't mean everyone else's is.

>implying she didn't an hero after having me

Original queen of Sup Forums

Is it bad this gets me hard every time?

What did you say? Say it in my face or gtfo 10 years old anonym fat kid motherfucker

moar like this pls

I see ya




▲ ▲

▲ ▲

>Microsoft chat
I wasn't ready for these feels...

It's been a long time

fluffy abuse, the soul of Sup Forums



newfag reporting


Don't give a shit fag

>Help Me Seem Like I've Been Here For A While: The Thread


▲ ▲

▲ ▲ again?

ITT: How to get to Elon Musk?
I need to talk to him about the future of humanity.
If someone gives me proof on where he is in the coming days i will quit uni and buy tickets.
I will timestamp everything.
I know /b is not my personal army, but when i have proof of his actual place or after i talked to him i might be able to explain the situation via an encrypted chatroom.
thank you

ps. op is a mathematician and philosopher
pss. /b has the chance to make my mom really worried.
