Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

Previous:The rules are very simple:
>claim your 2D waifu
>post pics of your waifu
>insult other waifus
>keep ERP and RP to a minimum
>discuss stuff
>post fitting, not over-sexualised content
>most important: Have fun!

Other urls found in this thread:

lmgtfy.com/?q=another world rom
lmgtfy.com/?q=snes emulator



still here




Doing anything?

Claiming best girl

The thread died?

Nope. Actually a bit of a problem. I want to pick up a new VN but i have no idea which.

Swan Song.

Me neither. Trying to get the motivation to play something myself. Do you play a lot of VNs?

Another World steam key can be found at chrono.gg for $1,50.

I dont have any money and the game appears old so roms are probably easily available.

Not a ton, but i like them when i manage to get in to them. It's pretty common that i start one then stop for break, and just never play it again.
I looked in to that one, and i can't remember why, but i wasn't interested.


I still have a bunch of ps4 games I need to finish.

It's amazing. Pretty bleak though.

Not even $1,50? Find a snes rom then. It's good.

I can't remember why i decided to not play it. Decent chance it was the bleakness. I don't tend to enjoy VNs that start dark and never pull out of it.
Have you played any VNs?

Kind message to everyone in thread.

Maybe. Im not that bored yet.
2. Katawa and panzermadels. I liked the second one more but thats just because it was full of jokes.

So if you don't like that sort of thing.. Kamidori Alchemy Meister? Has some actual gameplay on it though. Other good ones: Kara no Shoujo, Remember11, Hanachirasu, Cross Channel..

What do you mean?

Well Id have to do a bit of setting it up. Id rather just play something I have installed already. I think ill play a bit of tanks.

Setting it up? All you need to do is download the rom and emulator which really is no effort at all.

I have to disagree, unfortunately.
Ah yeah, i didn't play panzer, but i watched someone play it. Quite a silly one. Seemed fun though. I was enjoying just watching it
Almost 100%ed. The last few images i either am not sure how to get, or are so absurd on their requirements that im just too lazy to do it.
>Kara no Shoujo
On my pc somewhere. I started it and wasn't enjoying myself.
Never heard of it. Cursory glance puts it in the same group as swan song
Never heard of that one either. (Play time 2-10 hours) That might be why. That's real short for a Vn.
>Cross Channel
Played and enjoyed. I've posted Miki in thread more than a few times... Though i'll stipulate that the game was right on the edge of what i consider acceptable amounts of darkness, mostly because it was offset by a pretty fun beginning.

Honestly. Would you do anything different? Without knowing how things would turn out. Would you do it again, given your choices?

I know.
Yeah. I now dream to be a NASA shuttle door gunner.

I could slightly tweak a minor event in my life and the resulting cascade would have me in a hugely better life position. Probably.
Lol. A totally reasonable aspiration.

Maybe one day.

But would you be you, as you are today? Would you have learned from it? What kind of person would you be? Never dwell on what might have been, look forward and see how you can twist it to your advantage.

I've only played one route in Kamidori. Kara no Shoujo is, well, kinda bleak too. You're a detective looking into some killings. Remember11 is sorta like Swan Song, but not as despairy. Hanachirasu is about the same length as Saya no Uta. If you like 1000 folded nippon steel fighting, it's good.
Cross Channel:

lmgtfy.com/?q=another world rom
lmgtfy.com/?q=snes emulator

Its not a problem of finding it but thanks.

No, it's the lazyness.

Good luck and godspeed.
I don't think that matters remotely. The whole point is to be a different kind of person. A mildly depressed and hugely apathetic person isn't where one aspires to be, and all i'd have to do is change one mouse click. Essentially i'm saying i wish i had never hooked up with my now ex. I'd be far richer, happier, and probably would've gone to college rather than toiling away at some menial job to pay for her magic ability to make money vanish.
Yeah, CC was sad. Most of it is fairly forgettable for me, but i don't think i'll ever forget kiri's voiceline when she gets sent back. Holy hell that was good voice acting.

That is part of it yes.



It's been many years since I read it. I don't remember.
Some others that come into mind: Little Witch Romanesque, Symphonic Rain, Forest, Katahane.

It's good to try new things.

In that case, that click would have done a lot. Though even without that, you could have turned out apathetic. God knows I try, but I still cant really connect with people. I wouldnf change that though. Hell, I wouldnt change the year of depression I suffered through from a few stupid mistakes, simply because I appreciate what I have left all the more.

Course it is sometimes.

Now is a good time.


Nah. Probably going to go lay down here soon.

Download rom and emulator before you do.

Hai Junko.

It's a bit absurd to to lose something like 6 years of your life to a whimsical friend request. That's all i'm saying.

Does my waifu have to be from an anime? Or could she be from a videogame?

Never claimed a waifu before

fictional is acceptable, 2d is ideal.

She can be from a video game too as long as you love her. Mine is from visual novel.

Its fine either or.

Hey Saya!

That sounds like a real big mistake, and one that I would be happy to reverse. Though you probably would not have turned out the same person by far. Probably never came here. Once again, if you had no way of knowing it would impact your life that hard, would you do it again? Thats all Im asking. No forethought, no past tense. Only the now.

I have a hard time imagining things going worse, without just dying or something, and in that event i don't really care if it's worse.

I am Dejuan "Energy" McDaniel

"What would you change about your past if you could" seems to be quite often asked question here.

How's you?


Because you've missed this.

Maybe a little, autists enjoy repetition.

Hello everyone

How's you?

Why Asuna though?

autists enjoy repetition :o


I like her hair a lot, and red and white looks cute, but mostly it's because I don't know many to begin with, I remember seeing her somewhere and thinking she's cute.

Doing good and sorta happy with myself, randomly decided learning Russian would be fun and more productive than doing nothing. I managed to learn to spell their alphabet and read slavrunes in 3 days.
Now I'm going for numbers and some basic words and sentences.

avatarfags get out of my thread ö

*distant boomkin noises can be heard*

Alive, how about you?

But I'm already in bed.

niggers get out of my shed
spiders get out of my bed


I prefer yelling BIG DEEPS INCOMING


..you haven't seen sword art online?

Why Russian?

I'm good. Was thinking about doing some pvp in GW2 soon. The game's kinda addicting..

Off to sleep for me. 'Night

add nobody#5930 on discord

In my case I like saying "you have every hot in the game".

I like a lot how the language sounds for some reason and wanted to interpret their characters instead of looking at them and thinking "whatever these symbols mean". It's also not as challenging as Japanese but still rewarding.
That's the only legit reason, I have a couple of crappy ones.
Like since my voice already sounds Russian I might as well learn to speak it.

Sweet dreams.

Kotori Rowlet

this is a gay avatarfagging rp dating thread

I already miss play with you FeelsBadMan

So much Rowlet and Birb fanart

Are you going to start drinking vodka and eat pickles too?

I haven't watched any anime before, but I am interested now. What's the easiest place to find it?


Do you want to download it, or watch it online?


Welcome back.

Download it

*proceeds to spam scarf anime girls*

I still have 4 hours left on my sub but I'm not gonna bother installing just to play a lil.

If that means I can learn it faster, yee. I'm already squatting every day.

I spent too much money of coffee today.
It's really good though


Anything fun going on here?


Rowlet and Birb a best

Sachi why are you spamming scarfs?
i miss scarf poster uwu

Nope. Just laying in bed. Thread did actually 404 for once so that happened.

bakabt.me and nyaa.se are good sites to start looking for.

Are you doing it right? Heels need to touch the ground.

That reminds me I haven't had any yet.


I can't compete with scarfposter


Going to get some sleep?
Oh shit, you know it's quiet when it 404s

Go git sum

Not for a bit. I always lay around for a bit. Can't just fall asleep

I know, I havent played since we last played. Its fucking boring alone ayy. Also I started playing Dota and Tibia again so I've got stuff to do at least! :D


They really are, I obviously chose Rowlet as my starter too. Too cute not to.

Thankyou Saya
How has your day been? Or is it just starting?

Know that feel, I usually chromecast some Bob Ross to get sleepy, pretty comfy.

I don't know..


It's been alright I guess, nothing really special has happened. Feeling a little bit tired. Might take a nap soon. How's yours been?

It wasn't a question, go get some coffee!

Same for me really, I'm not tired yet though

Good fucking game

Very well memed

I knew I was going to pick Rowlet just from the starter pokemon trailer

Nah, think after a nap, if I decide to get one.

Dota? It's ok I guess, but players make it a really shitty game.

Thats very true. I usually mute people on the first hint of toxicity. Pings are sufficient to win games at my mmr.

Me too. The fanart just made me much happier.

I play League, it's fun when you get a team that just does really well together, but toxic players tilt me so easily.