Post fake album covers and others guess what the genre would be


space rock


Atmospheric black metal

Modern atmospheric black metal or shitty emocore trap rap
Quirky indie rock/old 80's retro synthwave/chillwave

A friend of mine took it
This one too.

im gonna use it for one of my releases, thanks.

Whatever you say user


experimental post-punk revival
same as op
indie pseudoartistic pop


haha i was going to say
>the new thou album

you mean these guys?


whats going on there



how about now

xxxtentacion's new one-track album

could post it 1 sec earlier





some weird shit
cringecore meatl

very sad bleeps

ironic death grips side project

a brand new Robert Fripp band with noise elements


Indie folk

4th wave post-rock. Folky instumentation alongside heavy electronics and thick textures telling lengthy tales set in modern wilderness.


Progressive metal
Indie folk
Indie pop
Soundcloud instrumental hip-hop



>indie pop
I took inspiration from Interpol's first singles and also from the El Pintor album lmao

Also, the photograph is oc taken from a cathedral


Cloud rap/vaporwave

w/o text

literally death grips


This is legitimately a potentially great album cover. Seriously. The music just has to evoke the feeling the picture conveys.

I really, really, like this. May hang on to it for inspiration.

Either a Neil Cicigera album or some really obscure and haunting type of IDM release.







I actually made this one for a friend mu.


How bout guess genre and a fake title too?

Drakes new mixtape

Jangle shoegaze.

I call it "this is not an exit"
