Who would you cast in the lead roles?

Who would you cast in the lead roles?

Idris Elba as everybody

Get all the people Jodo wanted to for his version, but make them all wear Idris Elba masks.

half of them are dead
When I first read it I pictured Duncan Idaho as David Keith or Tony Todd
They're too old now for the role, Elba too
But I think it still fits

Let's settle the important questions first, which qts do you cast?

>Felicity Jones
>Margot Robbie
>Brie Larson

Who are some other actresses who look older than their age?

Duke Leto
>Russel Crowe?
>Mel Gibson?
>Val Kilmer?

Crowe's not bad tbf. The rat guy from HP as Baron Vlad?

Simon Callow
He is a big Orson Welles buff


i know one

you're mom


Kubrick would have been absolutely perfect for this

British and Australian actors, no Amerifats

He looks more how I pictured Yueh

Who would you cast as Paul?
Someone boyish, maybe Toby McGuire if it was still 2007

Here's the biggest challenge - who plays Paul?

What 14 year old actor isn't an insufferable cunt?

that kid from Pan and GoT

Director: PT Anderson

Paul: Unknown teenage actor (breakthrough role)
Chani: Dakota Fanning
Irulan: Imogen Poots
Duke Leto: James D'Arcy
Jessica: Kelly McDonald
Gurney: Colm Meaney
Stilgar: Liev Schreiber
Baron Harkonnen: Gerard Depardieu
Piter: Evan Peters
Beast Rabban: Dominic Purcell
Emporer Shaddam: Edward James Olmos
Feyd: Charlie Hunnam
Thufir: Eddie Marsan
Yueh: Bruce Dern
Duncan: Karl Urban

Score by Jonny Greenwood

Dakota Fanning too old and waterfat to play Chani

Let Lynch finish the trilogy but this time, don't let the studio cause the production to be a complete fucking shitshow like the first movie was.

>Stilgar: Liev Schreiber
The Freemen are arabs
Someone like Alexander Siddig would be better

Lynch made it the shit show

Armie Hammer as Paul. Find a flaw, brothers. Tip: YOU CAN'T.

Lady Jessica
>Nicole Kidman?
Has bad history with Rusty
>Jodie Foster?
friends with & works great with Mel
>Julianne Moore?
>Cate Blanchett?
>Kate Winslet?

Michael Cera as Paul Atreides.


>Yueh: Bruce Dern
You do realise that Yueh is Chinese, right?

It would need to be two films to do the story properly, otherwise you're having to condense too much

When Paul and Jessica go into the desert would be a good point to end on to be continued


Yueh is of Chinese descent (his surname is a clue, but the book also mentions the epicanthic folds around his eyes.)

This fun fact is #4 in a series of 12.

Tilda Swinton as Baron Harkonnen.

Thats why they have Elle. Although i always saw the Freman as more middle eastern.

Paul: Asa Butterfield/Nicholas Hoult
Jessica: Jessica Chastain/Cate Blanchett/Dina Meyer
Leto: Liam Neeson
Piter de Vries: Michael Shannon
Duncan Idaho: Casper van Dien
Thufir: Morgan Freeman
Vladimir Harkonnen: Robbie Coltrane
Feyd-Rautha: Joe Cole
Yueh: Ken Watanabe/Chow Yun Fat/Choi Min Sik
Rabban: Ray Winstone
The Emperor: Charles Dance
Chani: I don't fucking know
Irulan: Haley Bennett
Stilgar: Alexander Siddig
Gaius Helen Mohiam: Helen McCrory

Did I miss anyone?

Ghassan Massoud as Liet

Edward James Olmos as Thufir
Jodelle Ferland as Chani
James Purefoy as Leto

I'm serious.

John Hurt as Thufir

why filming a movie that was already done?

brand new ones

Chani was a redhead. Liet-Kynes had "sandy" hair, and the Emperor was another redhead. Jessica's hair was "copper colored"

They're gonna need lots of redheads for this movie.
My pick for Shaddam IV, if we're going for book accuracy, is Damian Lewis. He's basically exactly what how the book describes Shaddam. Alternately, I'd want Charles Dance, although he's older than Shaddam was.
Probably the best choice, but I'd like someone a little thinner-built for Yueh.
>>Piter de Vries: Michael Shannon
Fuck to the NO. Piter is supposed to be very lithe, with an almost feminine build/manner. Adrian Brody, maybe?
>>Vladimir Harkonnen: Robbie Coltrane
Good choice. Just make it so he doesn't actually fly. His suspensors only take away about 75% of his weight. So he should be light in the loafers.
>>Duncan Idaho: Casper van Dien
Something to remember: Casting Duncan is going to be important if you ever want sequels. You'll need him around for 3 more movies. (They could replace the actor in God Emperor, since Leto got a new-model Duncan.) Duncan should also look Semitic or even black, but very handsome. One characteristic that is mentioned over and over is his wooly (Karakul) hair. So they shouldn't leave that out.
I could see this. I actually think he'd made a great Fenring.
>>John Hurt as Thufir: He'd be good in the "old mentor" role, but remember, Thufir was also the Master of Assassins. He was basically Varys, but he could also kick some serious ass. I don't see Hurt kicking much ass. Maybe someone like Jeremy Irons, or Jean Reno or Bill Nighy.

John C. Reilly as Gurney Halleck. Hear me out. Gurney is supposed to be an ugly lump of a man. Train Reilly up for some fight scenes, and you'd have a pretty good actor for the part.

Jeff Goldblum as Hasimir Fenring. His ahh..speech patterns..will be...ahhh exactly perfect. Don't...mmm... you think?

Here's another question: What would you include? What would you leave out? What would you change? Would you eventually release an "Extended Edition?"
I'd try to shoot the whole book, but leave some for the EE. One scene I'd cut for the EE is Feyd's birthday fight/seduction by Mrs. Fenring. Apart from showing Feyd as a badass, it's pretty much a dead end. Make it so Baron H and Fenring's conversation about army-building could happen anywhere, not specifically at Feyd's fight.
I'd also build up the angle that the Atreides were just as good as the Sardaukar, and so were the Fremen. Lots of sword and knife fighting.

Idris Elba as Duke Leto Atreides
Jaden Smith as Paul Atreides
Angela Basset as Lady Jessica
John Hurt as Thufir Hawat
Jet Li as Duncan Idaho
Kenneth Branagh as Gurney Halleck
Sean Pertwee as Dr. Yueh

Brian Cox as Baron Harkonnen
Shia LeBouf as Feyd Rautha
Jonah Hill as the Beast Rabban

Alexander Siddig as Stilgar
Jenna Dewan as Chani
Sam Neill as the Padishah Emperor
Some QT casted for looks for Irulan
Tom Cruise as Count Fenring

>The Great Coon trilogy


Literally perfect Duncan

we talk trilogy here, am i right?
paul - ???
leto 1 - kyle mclachlan
leto 2 - levi miller
ghanima - ???
jessica - jennifer conelly
gaius helen - michelle forbes
alia(teen) - mackenzie foy
tufir - edward james olmos
duncan - frank grillo
gurney - ron perlman
stilgar - alexander siddig
chani - courtney eaton
shaddam - christoph waltz
irulan - naomi watts
count fenring - brian cranston
yueh - edward norton
feyd rautha - josh helman
baron harkonnen - john goodman
rabban - michael chilkis or jonah hill(if younger is needed)
piter - walton goggins
scytale - benedict cumberbatch
shadout mapes - toni colette

2bh the children of dune miniseries was pretty okayishly cast

Nah, put 4 books to screen, discard the rest
Leto's death puting his golden path into motion was honestly the perfect ending. 5th book is ok, but 6th is shit, and Herbert never really finished their story arc anyway.

ok so who would be hwi noree and who siona?
must be hot and strong chicks.

It'd be literally impossible to condense the entire first book into just one movie and still do it justice.

>half of them are dead

Okay then get Maurice LaMarche as Orson Welles wearing an Idris Elba mask

>so...so I talk to the Fremen...you talk to the Fremen, what?

>no Dune tv series

Feels bad. I hope this becomes a thing like WoT.

Tao okamoto (mercy greaves from bvs) for Hwi Noree (I always pictured Ixians as asians for some reasom)
Olga Kurylenko as Siona

Sarah Silverman as Jessica

rest is not important

too skinny for Feyd