
Hey Sup Forums, what's your opinion on ween?

Ween can succ my ween

they can suck my peen

I've listened to The Pod so much in such a small time period that I got sick of it. Currently listening to their other albums for a while in hopes that I can regain my love for it.

Gener may be a kike, but he's a hell of a songwriter

and Deaner is a good dude as well

I started listening to them the other day cause my friend welded a bunch of metal signs of their old logo and I got an extra, they actually have some great works like the Mollusk and Quebec, and even GodWeenSatan and Chocolate and Cheese

the mollusk is supa good.
also fuckin that one song on chocolate and cheese is god tier. a tear for eddie

Yea, a tear for eddie is great

one of my favorite bands. seem like cool dudes. i live by dean's fishing company and have debated going on a fishing trip on it.

Seeing them July 1st

Seeing them on Halloween. What should my costume be?

A mollusk.

They're so random!

Literal meme music
>in b4 you "u don't like fun music? lol pleb"
Literally songs about piss and nutsacks
Ironic shit is still shit

What's it like hating something you don't understand?

a child without an eye


>not liking jokes about the low class and toying with sound


And the Ween cultists crawl out of the woodwork right on queue. You guys never let me down
