Remember when Sup Forums liked epic meal time?

Remember when Sup Forums liked epic meal time?

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remember when Sup Forums showed up at halftime and won the bourbon bowl?


I do, they actually make good content.


If you're one of the people who liked that shit, end yourself.

Remember the weekly 'Kids React' threads we used to get around this place?

Sup Forums is the worst. THE WORST!

Remember when that guy came in the brownies and then served them to the posters at a /k/ meet up?

i do, i have it saved, lemme look for it

First year of Epic Meal Time was great, Morenstein was hilarious

Like most YouTube channels though they ruined themselves by producing too much content in too little time (because it's all about dem views). 2-3 videos per week, all year round, it drops the quality hard and makes people lose interest fast.

I remember when it existed. Are they still active?

Greatest Meal from Epic Meal Time right here, fight me faggots

what a fucking douche.

Didn't he fuck over the other original creators?

He is the original creator, he fucked over his colleagues because the company is in his name and he didn't want to give them any shares even though they've been working together since day 1.

Their use of disgusting pre-made american garbage annoys me, as well as their hygiene standards

The show went to shit at around the time Harley got that Jesus beard

Is this a cringe thread?

remember when MusclesGlasses was the coolest guy for like 1 month?

>Prince Atari

that guy was definitely autistic, right?

I remember when this site was really fun. All the way way back in September 2011, a certain BIG GUY (for you)'s audio leaked. I had joined Sup Forums a few months prior in hype of Skyrim. Wow. It's been 5 years since Skyrim and Bane? I'm such a fuckingd

Weird, but not excusable weird. I feel like he only made friends in high school or college

Yes they are, from the original Crew only Harley and Prince Atari are left though, Tyler and MusclesGlasses left due to royalty issues and Mook left to star in a cooking TV show, the new guys are fags.

No, ive only used this site for a year. That's right, I'm a newfag and I'm not ashamed

We need people to feel more ashamed of themselves so the public doesn't have to witness this kind of shit. Take your shit with the door closed, please.

Remember when TV used to talk about Cape shit every second thread oh wait.....

go to tumblr if you need a hugbox, faggot

that's awful
this is a prime example of what went wrong with EMT

This isn't quite "public" this is the place you go to to be particular and obsessed about one thing.

Checked and kek'd

I don't need a hugbox, I just don't want to watch childish retards and be forced to pity them


it's one of their earliest episodes you idiot

this is the truly awful shit they make nowadays:

then you should leave Sup Forums if you don't have the self control to ignore it. you cal lit forced, i call it you being a faggy boy


>and be forced to pity them

who's forcing you?

the hodgetwins are funnier

literally who

i don't understand this entertainment, is this what americans enjoy?

>Like most YouTube channels though they ruined themselves by producing too much content in too little time (because it's all about dem views).


Harley's GoT theory was right, so that's something

It was pretty great when they just started
But then the idea well ran dry and the whole thing shifted into shit

>2016 - 5
>not watching Daym Drops instead

>food wastage
Don't care what they say, I don't believe they eat any more of that shit than what they show on camera.

Title of this email is "I'm a huge faggot, please rape my face."

>in-car fast food reviews
Sup Forums personified

They started pushing these dime a dozen bitches way too much in their videos. Keep it simple; alcohol and bacon.

remember when it was revelead it wasnt even true and you idiots still dont know it

I watched one episode of this. It was one where they made a burrito roughly the size of a 13-gallon trash can. The only thought I had going through my head the whole time was "look at all the food they just wasted" because unless they had about 40-50 hanging out that day you know most of that shit ended up in the trash.

Kind of sad tbqh

remember when anyone liked them?

They used this one stock music clip I've been looking for for years, and I have no way to get a message to them to ask about it because they have a gorillion underaged subscribers.
Long story short, fuck these guys.

The music they use while cooking and building up tension?
It's from a video game, an airplane simulator

literally a 10 second search on Youtube

fucking kek

This is true charisma.

>i still have that cup

The vanilla bean was the best.