What are you working on?

what are you working on?

Other urls found in this thread:

dropbox.com/s/vu3c4su7ebv94yr/main timeline.mp4?dl=0

Currently nothing. The camera I used was stolen a year or so ago and now I'm going for a DSLR setup instead of a digital setup. At the moment the Canon 70D looks pretty good, anyone got some suggestions? Budget is about 1000 euros max.

im doing a documentary on documentarys

Got any footage you'd like to share?

A mystery doomsday film.

Hey Sup Forums. I need some (original) ideas for a short film, as I'll need something for my portfolio to apply for a film study course at a University.

I was thinking of possibly doing a music video type thing, similar to this: vimeo.com/173932061 And for an entire album, I was thinking of doing it for Enter the Wu-Tang, and shooting it in Chinatown. But this is just one idea, and one short-film. I'd probably need at least 2 different types of short-films.

This user also provided me with some good ideas. I don't know if I've got friends who can act well enough to pull off anything dialogue heavy. I know I can't act for shit either.

I should also mention, that I have a budget of an iPhone 6, and Sony Vegas Pro 13. I also live in Melbourne.

I'm the same user who replied to you, you can also try to make some surreal bullshit video. There are tons of things you can take examples from and there are no real rules when filming surrealism.
Here are some things you should see

This is also a decent way to start with a script: bmyers.com/public/807.cfm

At the moment I am just doing projects for the clients I am interning with

Also being interviewed for Video Production Supervisor for this company so haven't got to work on anything of mine

made this month ago

working on a new short film

>I have a budget of an iPhone 6, and Sony Vegas Pro 13
No dedicated camera? A proper camera will make a whole lot of difference and shows how serious you really are.
Believe me, the faculty staff will know if you're using a phone.

Thank you again for the help, I really appreciate it. I hadn't thought of going the route of surrealism.

Yeah, I don't have enough money to get one. I could probably save up and get one if it costs about $300AUD or less, but I'd imagine that one for that price won't be much better than my phone's camera?

Didn't like it at all but it looked good visually.

What camera did you use? Handles low light very well what ever it is.




Sigma 18-35?


>Yeah, I don't have enough money to get one.
Since thats your only option, you just need to avoid 2 things; Never use the digital zoom function and Never shoot in low-light/nighttime.

But use what ever means necessary to get a tripod. No exceptions(unless you're doing a shaky blair witch thingy).

Really does get a great look. Wish I wasn't broke as fuck so I could buy those.

A log canoe

I'm on a commercial at this exact moment, but I just finished Location Managing a half a million dollar film a few days ago

My suicide.


>Never shoot in low-light/nighttime

What about in the city, do you think there'd be enough light to keep the quality from being shit?

And yeah, I'll definitely have to invest in a tripod. Not planning to do any shaky cam stuff.

i want to get better at using my camera but i'm not sure what to shoot

Go shoot some nature, or if you live in a big city go film people and traffic. That's great practice.

>What about in the city
Imho natural day light is best light. Even in the city.
If possible arrange your shooting around 3-4pm.

I agree a lot with this post but try also shooting at dusk or dawn. Shadows will look gorgeous, but that might not always be what you're looking for, but I think it's worth a try.

Thanks for the help.

The first part wasn't super my thing, but the tonal shift was really well done. I think you should've focused on that more(or at least tightened up the beginning).

Beyond that, the sound design was a bit weird, the sniffing and coughing sounded flat and edited in to me. I don't know it's kind of hard to explain.

But the visuals were amazing. I really enjoyed them, especially the first 30 seconds and the last minute or so.

I'd say either try to apply those visuals to an actual narrative, or ditch narrative entirely and go for a music video or something that you can go crazy with visually.

Here are some cool videos for starting filmmakers:

How can I learn to direct?

thanks man, its very easy to come up with cool visuals for me when i have music that tells me what to do, when you have to work from silence to something that is when shit gets hard but interesting

watch lots and lots of films, atleast 3 films everyday for 3 years minimum, start from imdbtop250 then look what you like and dont like and go deeper, then try filming something short, then something longer, then something longer and more complicated... etc

Me again, maybe find a screenwriter in your area to collab with? For instance I live in OKC and I'm a writer by trade but I'm collaborating with a fashion enthusiast, a graphic artist, and a musician. Collaboration makes things sooooo much easier.

How can you film something with a DSLR?

i live in a shitty industrial town full of working class people

I feel you. That shit blows, man. I've been there and I did everything I could to get out, haha. Turn to the internet buddy, that's what I did when I was stuck in Nowheresville. Just hang out in places where people do art(discord, reddit, etc) and get to talking. I've got a discord right now that's doing pretty well and it's just a few artists collaborating and shooting the shit.

I'm making a comedy short film with a couple of friends about a group of friends who become weed dealers after their friend dies. It's not a DUDE WEED LMAO movie (we don't smoke irl), we're shooting for more Airplane! type over the top humor. Will post it here when it's done so you can all call me a faggot and dislike it on YouTube.

Literally just do it. Grab a camera, and direct.

Take the Werner Herzog masterclass if you've got the dough. I'm halfway through it right now and it's pretty insightful.

>Never shoot in low-light/nighttime.

Why not? Are the cameras/lenses to shit to do it?

Camera's need light to shoot. Just make sure you have (good enough) light so you can create a nice image.

>atleast 3 films everyday for 3 years minimum

I'm never going to make it bros.

I mean I have a script I'm actually working on for a feature that I can realistically shoot in my city. I just don't know squat about directing. I'll look into that masterclass though.

I've got several shit posts on the fire. Fingers crossed, I can't get into much detail.

Yeah I watched him on youtube, he says theirs no excuse to not make a film these days on a $3000 budget just grab a camera and go

It's possible to make something meanful on that low a budget?

heard of jonas mekas?

Gonna add on to this: GET FILMIC PRO.

I can't stress this enough. You see those commercials with the perfect picture quality that say "Shot on iPhone"? That's what they shot with. Built In Camera app is garbage.

Not even shilling.

Sure it is, you just gotta be clever about your budget.

I've been wrestling with my fear of failure lately. I don't think I can do the bombastic John Woo/Sam Raimi homage that I've been wanting to do with the Hotline Miami short I was planning on, simply because my experience is at like jack and shit.

I can't just come up with bullshit on the fly for practice shorts, though. What should I do?

Current equipment: AVID, Canon 70D, decent tripod, kit lens, slightly longer zoom lens.

make 15 second long short film about you taking a shit. but it make it amazing, master every aspect, make the composition museum worthy, make the sound design rival TDK.

So focus on the technical aspect first and foremost is what you're saying

dropbox.com/s/vu3c4su7ebv94yr/main timeline.mp4?dl=0

second cut of this thing im working on

might add a scene and try to send to adult swim maybe

samefag right here

there are some inconsistencies that im in the process of fixing

are you serious bruh?

get a team of people and stop giving a shit

you're the director so you should be able to command your actors and give the dp at least a vague idea of what your image should look like

>make the sound design rival TDK.

>The Dark Knight Sinks

yes. and then when you get technicals down go ham creatively and leave technicals up to other people but make sure you still know your shit when they ask you what kind of lighting you want etc

im this guy btw

>tfw literally have to do everything myself when i want nothing to do with lighting or sound
ayyyyy almost ruins it entirely. philly sucks.

shoot next to windows on cloudy days instant super soft pretty lighting

Got a couple good keks out of me. Was that in any way inspired by A Confederacy Of Dunces?

You hit the record button.

>A Confederacy Of Dunces
Nah actually, it was more of a off-cuff thing to prepare for this years 48 hour film festival. A lot of it was improvised on the spot.

dumb ass question but how do you get perfect white balance without a grey card? like how do you know what to pick without just eyeballing it?

but it's good that you kek'd, thanks for watching dude

Regardless it gave me some of those vibes (fat fuck who thinks he's a genius gets cut off by parents and has to get a job)

Good stuff, would like to see more.

I am editing a bunch of documentary shorts and reality shows and making shitloads of money. Feels good man.

very nice

where you based in?

Whats the payment for that shit, how did you get into that position?

Get a moondog labs lens and you can make iPhone movies.

That's what I plan on doing. Start shooting something two yrs from now as I save up a budget and plan the hell out of a couple projects.

Nothing. Have gotten bored with filmmaking.


It varies -- reality shows tend to pay better than docs except when the docs are very high level. I generally charge $600-700 per day, and am usually hired for a few months at a time. This year I will make 140k, and that's if I take 2 months off at the end of the year.

My path was film school -> post production internship -> assistant editor gigs in TV -> eventually get hired as an editor

better than several shorts that I've seen recently. the humor is fairly unique and doesn't come across as forced, and the visual style suits the material

A retrospective on David Bowie's discography.