
chart bread meanie edition. post your bread and be a meanie.

nice chart nerd

thank you, not friend

David Axelrod- Song of Innocence
Amon Tobin- Permutation

Let's make this a good thread lads

edu lobo- s/t



Ha you said bread instead of thread. This is gonna be fun I can tell.

Vladimir Sofronitsky- Sonatas
Art Ensemble of Chicago - People in Sorrow

Only someone lonely could have a good chart like that
Bet you have emotions, idiot
You probably were born in "le wrong generation" you handsome man.

got some good recs last time despite posting pretty late to the thread. Would offer something to above posters but don't I'm not familiar enough with what I see posted. I'll try and pay my dues as the thread goes on, though.

looking for more like my chart but I'm open to pretty much any recommendations from just your favorite genres

You're good bruv

You can do your part by explaining to me why We Got it From Here... is in your top 4, Low End Theory is in your second-tier classics, and Midnight Marauders is not mentioned

The Dynospectrum - The Dynospectrum
Laurel Halo - Quarantine
White Lung- Sorry

You're ugly

You're fat

You have bad acne

You have bad posture

You drag your feet

You have sub-par fashion sense

I didn't actually look at any of your charts but we're on Sup Forums so I took a few educated guesses.

Modest Mouse-Lonesome Crowded West

I have found some people don't like Issac Brocks voice, but give em a chance, if not then give their album Good News for People Who Love Bad News a shot.

Forest swords-Engravings

I didn't put too much care into placement, I just threw it up there cause I wanted ATCQ represented and I listened to it recently. If I put placement by how much I like it/listen, top 4 might be different Pat the Bunny projects because I'm fuckin trash who never ventures out of his very small musical taste. I'll admit I like the sound of low end theory better though and quality of tracks is much much more consistent on it. as for midnight marauders, been meaning to give it another listen but when I did listen to it awhile ago I was partial to Low End Theory. I'll have to give it a good sit down soon.
Looking back, Low End Theory definitely deserves the spot in top just cause looking at the track list... We got it from here has a good amount of tracks I'm not crazy about.

>sub-par fashion taste
eh, could be worse.

Listened to 2 tracks so far, I dig it! Thanks man, definitely going to be listening to the rest.
Have heard some of "Good News for People Who Love Bad News", got nothin against his voice. I like the lo-fi fuckin trainyard anarcho-punk, most voices can grow on me haha.
Haven't heard of the other artist, will definitely check them out.
also skipped around a bit on some of the tracks from Lonesome Crowded West. pretty damn excited to give it a full listen. appreciate it man

recs/judgement welcome

this same chart is posted, every single thread

Modest Mouses albums up until after Good News are all prrtty great, including their EPs. One of my favorite bands of all time.


blockhead - music by cavelight
lynx - s/t
hungry ghosts - alone, alone

bark psychosis - independency
764-hero - we're solids
alison's halo - eyedazzler

something anorak - tiny island
hood - rustic houses, forlorn valleys
elvis depressedly - holo pleasures

what's the newest topsters clone ive been gone for a year

love holo pleasures, thanks for the other recs

recs are appreciated :P

helvetia - gladness

astrobrite - whitenoise superstar
DMST - goodbye enemy airship the landlord is dead
fleet foxes - helplessness blues

interesting taste, user

suffocate for fucks sake
bibio - ambivalence avenue
taku - songs to break up to

I should have listened to Pink Moon earlier, lads.
Excellent chart, faggot.
Your music taste suggests you want to kill yourself and you probably should. Good taste, however.
Nothing rude to say here.

Harold Alexander - Are You Ready?

Downy - 第一作品集『無題』再発
Nijiumu - Era of Sad Wings
Tetuzi Akiyama - Route 13 to the Gates of Hell: Live in Tokyo


Bumping to keep it alive into tomorrow

ill start by saying mine is possibly the worst in the thread

Reminder to ignore lazyposters.
Might have to update this one soon.
Good chart
Street Smart Cyclist - Discography
Henry Flynt - You Are My Everlovin, in case you haven't.
Pretty basic, but nice stuff nonetheless.
Ida - I Know About You
Air Formation - Daylight Storms
I like this one quite a bit
HOEDh - Hymns
Lowercase - Kill The Lights
The Necessaries - Event Horizon

bump for the morn ;)


Cymande is there twice

i don't recognise my own reflection any more

Medicine - Shot Forth Self Living
Dog Faced Hermans - Those Deep Buds
Oxbow - The Narcotic Story

Nana Grizol - Love It Love It / Ruth
James Blackshaw - The Glass Bead Game

The Brave Little Abacus - Masked Dancers
Damien Jurado - Ghost of David
Definitely check out Starry Cat, Julia Brown and Ricky Eat Acid if you haven't already



The manner in which you went from total pleb a few months ago to this is slightly suspicious

>calls other people nerds
>is literally the biggest nerd /chart/ has ever seen
even your taste is nerdy... post-rock and slowcore, how nerdy can you get?

lmao old man

god awful

This is it!!!!!! After all these nu-male charts I've seen, this is the one... the apotheosis of the nu-male
Fleet foxes
Father john misty
The microphones

Need I go on? Fucking end yourself my man

I despise your taste

and you have shit fucking taste

lmao so gay

You try way too hard

i confirm

>it's another i browse rym chart

severely depressed

lmao shut up

what's a good movie?

you have zammuto there twice
u.s. maple - long hair in three stages
half japanese - 1/2 gentlemen/not beasts
phil ochs - pleasures of the harbor

wow just wow what a meanie kys

i recommend my butt-brapping on your face

damnit mj

>a random user actually thinks he can insult me just like that
Fuck off, i've been in /chart/ probably longer than you've been alive

la haine
l'huitieme jour

What kind of films do you like?

lynch, kubrick, scorsese and the list goes on...

i was asking seriously

hmm what moo bees do you like user
what are your favourite kind of cheeses?
what happened to your 4chang gold account, dropper
John surman
Steven r smith

cheese is the only food I don't like

Sun Electric - Present
Robin Guthrie - Continental

and you call yourself french? if i were your mom i would slap you

nope that would be me

its nice on pizza and cheese balls are good too
i dont like anything else cheese related

>i dont like anything else cheese related
pop... im dissapointed

heh this is more or less everyone's reaction when i tell them i don't like cheese

i like blue cheese

Kelli Ali - Tigermouth
Donna Lewis - In The Pink

honestly I haven't seen a film in a p long time so I'll settle for everything

did anyone ask you?

listen to my braps cheese hating pleb

best taste itt
just watch fallen angels on loop

Sorry i can't rec you with that kind of information
It's like if someone told me "i haven't listened to music in a pretty long time, what album do you recommend me"


im sorry
though tbf ive not tried much in the way of cheesey foods
what are your favourites

thanks for the recs friend

grab bread, spread garlic, tomato and oil ,place cheese on top
my friend went to europe recently and brought a lot of cheese to my house, pic related

sounds nice i'll try it when i feel better (full of cold right now)
what type of cheese is best

>(full of cold right now)
me too, it sucks
you usually cant go wrong with blue cheese, try to get some gorgonzola

whoops i had not noticed this thread sorry for bumping the duplicate

Slow Dancing Society - The Sound of Light When Dim

yuki aida - songbook

nice chart but i don't know what to rec, maybe pill friends - blessed suffering

Scientists ask: is it possible to forget to post your chart every time you post in a chart thread? This man will show you how

has science gone too far

You're a boring faggot

Just like that

I will never be silenced goddammit

i already posted in another thread. first two recs are the guys from the other one
interesting picks. check out milo if you haven't already
don't see that posted here often
try pinkshinyultrablast, astrobrite and hold music (pleasehold.bandcamp.com)
check out hood

Come up with some new insults retard
Your creativity is extremely low, so you resort to repeating yourself over and over, making your points less effective
Seriously your wit is elementary level, it's embarrassing


I'd say kys but you're probably well on your way to doing so at this point. You can't relate to anyone around you, so much so that at social and family gatherings you can be found pontificating on your sociology degree and that Voltaire book you just read.

You don't and never will have a girlfriend because you have a big fucking cro-magnon head, a bushy rat's nest of a beard, and huge glasses. You dress in overalls at least 3x per week. Plus you're far too snobby to ever let someone in your life.

All in all you're just too fucking miserable in this life to carry on. Nobody understands you and nobody wants to. You put all that work into a graduate degree for nothing. You have no job, no girlfriend, and no prospects.

I mean at least bring something interesting to the table if you're gonna shitpost the whole thread

Th' Faith Healers - Lido
Blacklisters - Adult

pilotredsun - achievement

>Th' Faith Healers - Lido
>Blacklisters - Adult
thanks man, i'll check those out

Recommendations please.

Murmuure - S/T

Listen to Bastro - Sing the Troubled Beast and Indian Summer - Science 1994

I could see you liking Clouddead - S/T and Lilys - in the Presence of Nothing

Hood - The Cycle of Days and Seasons

Homeshake - The Homeshake Tape

Broken Social Scene - You Forgot it in People

Niggaz of Destruction - S/T

My focus group has been working overtime to create this chart

Sleepytime trio - memory-minus

what is that yellow album

spectres - dying
Lamp - Лилoвый дeнь
Лeoнид Фёдopoв - Лилoвый дeнь
Hala strana - fielding
tired sounds of stars of the lid

I've been trying to get into GSY!BE, but to no avail. What's the appeal?
If you liked MBV, you might like the other two quintessential Shoegaze bands, Slowdive and Ride
You might also like Ride. Also, Elvis Depressedly.
You've probably already listened to it, but just in case, ItAOtS is basically The Glow Pt. 2's slightly less noisy little brother.
Good taste, my dude. You might like Fuck Your Emotional Bullshit by Snowing
Good taste. Sorry I can't think of anything, though.
You might like Dancing Is Depressing by Attic Abasement, What It Takes To Move Forward by Empire Empire! I Was A Lonely Estate, or anything by Elvis Depressedly.
>Peste Noire
I'm entertained by how out of Place Holy Wood seems on your chart.
What's that second album on your chart? I like the cover.

the bottom row isn't in order but here's mine

thanks, everything was put on my listen list

Consider expanding your taste before reccing people things.

kek that's cute, at least you tried

Y r u so mad tho?

>What's that second album on your chart? I like the cover.
PiL - flowers of romance

I feel like ive been listening to the same 20 or so albums for the past few months. I need to shake things up a bit

Teen suicide - i will be my own hell
Starry cat - s/t

What are the middle albums in the 2nd to last and last rows?
Try duster's testphase tape one


Those albums are:
Animal Collective - Hollindagain
Meat Puppets - Meat Puppets II

What's the album left of Starry Cat S/T?

Dunebuggy - s/t

wow I'm fucking stupid I have that downloaded lmao, thanks though

Yeah, I know, but I didn't want to be a lazy poster. Besides, I only recced to people who I genuinely thought might like what I mentioned.

I've listened to all these way too much and really need somethin new lads, recs pleeeaasseee

Mahogany - Connectivity!
Tamaryn - Cranekiss
Rumskib - s/t
Pasteboard - Glitter
Lilys - In The Presence of Nothing
Im not good at recs but I'm trying and I like your chart

Eh I actually like In Colour so I'll throw you a bone
Fourtet - Everything Ecstatic
Clark - Body Riddle
Telephone Tel Aviv - Fahrenheit Fair Enough
You just gotta try and forget mu core man

Aphrodite's Child - 666

>Modern classical
>Private parts
>Gangsta rap
>"Art pop"
>Weeabo shit
>Some shit from Hueland
>12" bleeps


feels pretty well rounded



I like your taste, you should be the one giving me recs.

Tortoise - TNT
Floating Points - Shadows
The Orb - U.F.ORB
The KLF - Chill Out

Mahavishnu Orchestra - Inner Mounting Flame

Forgot chart

i dont post here

Floex - zorya
Cornelius - point
Cтyк Бaмбyкa B XI Чacoв - Лёгкoe Дeлo Хoлoд
Antena - el camino del sol
thrurpence - thoughts
Vladislav delay - entain
Shuttle358 - frame


Man, Rounds is such a special special album, Unspoken is probably my favourite song of all time, I guess try

Robert Wyatt - Rock Bottom
Brightblack Morning Light - S/t
Takako Minekawa - Savage Imagination
Venetian Snares - Rossz Csillag......
Working For A Nuclear City - Business Men and Ghosts
Yosi Horikawa - Wandering
Yppah - You Are Beautiful at All Times
The Books - Food for Thought (pls try)
Biosphere - Substrata 2

I may be pushing a square block into a circular hole, but I guess try the first few mins and skip if it isnt to your taste, definitely try The Books though
