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The only anime soundtracks with any artistic merit are MD Geist and MD Geist 2: Deathforce

>tfw you will never fly to the moon with best girl and be alcoholics together

t. faggot with less taste than a deaf person

t. low test

t. no test

the scene with Misako coming into Shinji's room like two days after ____ died and tries to fuck him when he's all lethargic and despondent is so bizarre and I don't understand what their relationship was supposed to be. the grown up kiss.

Nip garbage. We shouldn't have stopped with 2 nukes.

Geist is a miracle and Koichi Ohata will be recognized as a genius one day.

I'd reckon Kids on the Slope is up there too.

End of Eva > Rebuilds > Series

Prove me wrong.

The Rebuilds fucking suck, EoE is part of the original series

End of Eva is the only thing that really leaves an impact. Evangelion otherwise just started and embodies half of what's terrible about modern anime.

I hope you don't mean 3.33 my dude

>tries to fuck him

never happened

It's heavily implied that's what her intentions were to comfort him. She reaches for his hand and he pulls away. She has a little monologue about "wow this fag must be afraid of women and intimacy. what a dumb idiot bitch"

Still the best theme song of all time.

Royal Space Force > Gunbuster > Death & Rebirth > Series > EoE > Rebuilds

This thread is stupid. Eva didn't even have a Yellow Magic Orchestra member.

>It's heavily implied that's what her intentions were to comfort him.

No it wasn't. In shinji's mind during instrumentality he acknowledges Misato's sexual presence in his life but in real life he knows that she wasn't seeking that from him.

I still can't work out in my mind whether or not Evangelion was a good show. My first instinct is no, it was terrible. but then some things about it are brilliant.

What was terrible? Designs, animation, pacing, direction and writing are all extremely high-tier for television. What's to dislike?

I think that the middle of the show was rushed with consecutive episodes with angel appearances and minimal characterization.

In my opinion, that's an objective flaw, but that's all I really have.

I don't think that that can be held against the show. It's a tv show with a set number of episodes to fill. And it can't be science-fiction and introspection all the time. When Eva does action it does it very well. I'd place Eva's action episodes up there with the original Gundam series and VOTOMS as some of the best in tv anime.

>I don't think that that can be held against the show.

I still think it is rushed after episode 10 and 2-3 more episodes in the middle, even if it wasn't involving the angels and just the relationships between the 3 pilots having more a focus wouldn't kill them.

Yeah I know the show had funding and production difficulties but I'm just saying. It would take it from a 9/10 to a 10/10 and I can't imagine anyone would be against seeing Asuka maybe begin to show her more emotional side, or Rei becoming more in tune with her humanity or even Shinji reassessing himself with his new friends. For the total collapse that comes at the end, it's more tragic and sentimental if there is a sense of cohesion and trust that could have been improved on between the three pilots.

They can still have the action scenes, just have the EVA's defend Japan against a natural disaster or some manmade accident or something like when Shinji and Misato had to team up to stop that nuclear walking robot.

and Project Ako 1.

You might want to give it a rewatch. I'm not an anime guy really, but I'm in my rewatch of the show and it's better than I remember. Rei and Asuka both get a lot more characterization than their given credit for. I don't think it ever really lags at any point either. It's just that it's the tone shifts to explore more than just oppressive moodiness after the first arc. And then at episode 16 everything just gets cranked to 10 for the rest of the show.

I rewatched it last week. It lagging isn't my problem. I think the episodes immediately after 10 are too fast and asuka, shinji, and rei are the same characters they were at the end that they were at the beginning.

the fact plotlines weave in and out and some characters are just dropped. the show is always changing focus on which relationships to develop instead of making a really strong one hurts it. The scenes where Shinji tells Rei "maybe you should smile :))" kinda gets forgotten when the show decides it's no longer interested in that. The things it focuses on and the uneven pacing... idk. I don't know if I can understand Eva.

Asuka is the best character.

I personally disagree with them not changing as people, especially shinji, but I don't want to turn this thread into Sup Forums.

>Not Berserk

Berserk's soundtrack is weirdly good all over for a tv show. The weird grungy but not edgy opening and the eerie atmospheric incidental music. Something just went right during that production. I haven't thought about it in a while but thinking back Berserk really seems like one of the better tv animes by far.

>artistic merit
aRtiStiC MeRiT
ill-defined mere buzzword
also KLK best OST


There's nothing you're misunderstanding. It's a haphazard show based more in vague feelings than a truly coherent plot. If Anno had some sort of paroxysm that he felt was profound he would try and write it in whether it was tangible or not. He recently admitted that he actually forgot Rei existed midway through the series. He just did whatever felt good to him at that exact moment, which just resulted in a shit-ton of non-symbolism like crossplosions. Sometimes artistically compelling, always vapid.

anno himself said that Rei's storyline essentially finished with that episode when she finally smiles.

I have my reservations about the show but the last stretch of it is pretty compelling. Even though hundreds of people were involved in making EoE, it feels like you're looking into Anno's head and being shown what his feelings feel like.

>He recently admitted that he actually forgot Rei existed midway through the series. He just did whatever felt good to him at that exact moment

What are some musicians who made great art despite not knowing what the fuck they were doing?

The only thing I can think of is Pet Sounds by the Beach Boys.




Literally just watched From Up on Poppy Hill yesterday and it had a fantastic OST.

Do films count or is that cheating?

>ghibli shit

back to red.dit

Obligatory Sora no Woto mention. It had a really comfy ost

it's a grower, initially the quality feels low and the story seems non-existent but it has distinctive locations, characters and scenes that you remember vividly after viewing
from an objective point of view it has it's flaws but personally it was just a neat experience

She doesn't try to fuck him

Anime will never go back to the "psychological" trend it was in after NGE. Feels bad man. I liked shows like Lain, Alien Nine or Utena.

But the whole Rei smiling thing sort of plays into End of Evangelion when she becomes a god and Shinji is the only person she trusts to decide what to do, because he was the only one who didn't just use her like a tool and showed a modicum of compassion.

FOCAL season 2 though

>from an objective point of view it has it's flaws



What, no, they never had that kind of relationship

>forgetting Welcome to the NHK

>Anime will never go back to the "psychological" trend

Ummmmmm, sorry sweetheart, but you're wrong ;)

I can't understand those people who are really into anime but steer clear from anything prior to 2000.
Anime's most creative while also sensible concepts and well executed stories came out in the 90's and late 80's, nowadays it just seems like style over substance 99% of the time. Yes there are a few recent animes I've enjoyed a lot but it's only because of the presentation, nothing in the past 2 decades has quite captivated me as anime from the 90's and 80's, If I want something mature, I'll watch something from these areas, If I want a cheap adrenaline boost, I'll watch something in the past decade.
I don't know if it's just me but 90's anime that are intended for adults actually feel like mature adult movies and not just something for edgy teenagers to enjoy.

>I only meant to stay a while...

I watched it and it was alright, but what I liked about those other shows is that a lot was left unexplained. Madoka had the zinger, but it never felt as disorienting.

Your typical weeb likes anime as a community of other freaks to belong to, not as an art-form.

Lain is the best thing to come out of the medium imho

my faggot weeb friends keeps pressuring me to watch this shit and I just refuse
>dude its a super deep deconstruction of magical girl anime!
yeah I don't fucking watch magical girl anime dude so I'm not going to give a shit when I have a revelation about some dumb genre I've never invested any of my time into

>Perfect Blue
Excellent taste. I agree, and the atmosphere man. Nothing beats the late night atmosphere of a lot of these shows. There's some great shows after that era like Monster, but the industry in itself started to pander more to otaku than to continue a more artistic and mature path.

Do it for Ume Aoki. Or at least watch Hidamari.

sorry, I meant *friend without a plural
it's just one guy who get's a huge hard-on over the show and wants everyone to watch it
a few days ago he got some dude to watch the whole thing and when he said "yeah, it was pretty good" after finishing it my friend just stared at him and said "ah... I see."
I felt tension in the air, as if he was going to stab him.

That show was fucking shit and so are you if you enjoyed it.

They're all the same thing you mongol

You have shit taste, my dude.

wow what a tough guy with a wicked sense of humor...

>not as an art-form.
oh look we have an ARTIST here
hey michelangelo let's illuminate ignorant "freaks" like us with your knowledge of true art

>dislikes: niceness, happiness, levis

fuck off moefag

If you don't think Angel's Egg is art then I have nothing to say to you

The rebuilds are absolute garbage compared to anything in the series and EoE.

Go and jerk off to the fankwank dumpster fire that is 2.0

What the fuck are you talking about

If you think Angel's Egg is more artistic than Oshii's live-action filmography then I have nothing to say to you.