I have thought about it and have come to the conclusion that the obama years were a shift culturally that catered only...

I have thought about it and have come to the conclusion that the obama years were a shift culturally that catered only to the interest upper class yuppies, a media infected with neoliberal capitalism, socially liberal, fiscally conservative. Rap became less lower class and gangsta, more upper middle class and pretentious, caring more about fashion and art than the streets. Rock music was eliminated all together and replaced by a stagnate top 40 poptamism, which really was the embrace of consumerist culture by the so called purveyors of cool, which they masked under a noxious social liberalism that cared more about the identity of the performer than the quality of the music.

Other urls found in this thread:




>socially liberal

>fiscally conservative
Right wing =/= conservative

It's extremely right wing and not at all 'conservative' about how they go about fiscally.

Want a prime example of the neoliberal fantasy? American Psycho.

Doesn't sound different from the Bush years

Yes, Reagan was the primordial neoliberal.

>caring more about fashion and art than the streets
This applies to like 1% of rap


This was already set in motion by the mid-00s, especially the change in hip hop.
It's impossible to pin point one event as a catalyst to a massive cultural
Although some credit the release of Kanyes Graduation as the final nail in gangsta hip hops coffin, having out sold some shitty 50 Cent album

>caring more about fashion and art
hip hop has always been obsessed with fashion, as for art I suppose you mean aesthetics, which I guess is fair

>fiscally conservative
>you're racist if you don't support sending all jobs to China or employing illegals as slave labor
>"They took ur jerbs" lololol South Park is soooo funny XD
Yeah I don't think so
That's because it isn't. Things have been going in one direction since 2005-7.

anyone else here think that drumpf has small hands haha i miss obamo

Gangsta rap is still quite alive in Brazil but it's not quite rap, now that I think of it. Closer to grime but with more afrolatino influences.

But yeah, I reckon it's dead.

The lowerclass has no music that speaks for them, black or white.
Its all music for rich white people now, even the music made by black people is for rich white people.

There isnt any tyrone that made it out the projects and done good.
There is the kanye that lived in china when he was a kid and went to art school.

There isnt any jack with from the midwest making rock music and wearing blue jeans and a leather jacket.

There is spencer from a gentrefied area of new york who grew up rich had the connections to get talked about in p4k, he makes really soft jangle pop and likes tweeting about how black lives matter from his all white gated community.

Poptamism and rap as it is now are classist.

What I find interesting about these threads is that people assume art can get anywhere with post-modernism.

>Classical music died when it got to doing 10-minute concerts of silence.
>Jazz died when it got to an hour of high-pitched randomized "advanced" improvisations
>Country died when it became top-40 "I love trucks and alcohol" nonsense
>Rock died when it became 4 hours of "drone" or static
>Hip hop died when it didn't transition well into digital copy-paste music
>Electronic died when it became a generic trap-beat hodgepodge of all the above

every time rock became too pretentious the lower class smacked the shit out of the upperclass twiddling twats and invented punk and metal music.

The vast majority of successful rappers right now have backgrounds totally different to Kanye's

>every time
You mean only once around 1977. The reason they did that was to make music that was interesting and awful-enough sounding to btfo normies. When normies caught on they ran out of ideas and it's been that way ever since.

So the upper class has embraced and ultimately stolen the culture of the lower class because that's the hip and trendy thing to do. What else is new?

I guess it's time for the lower class to create a new genre of music so the cycle can repeat itself again.

Johnny Rotten went to art school

None of those things are dead.

punk, metal, and grunge, are the rage of the lower class against upper class twats who do ten hour guitar solos about hobbits or some dumb shit.


Then what's this

At a time when England gave students full grants, and the legal status of squatting meant that you could get somewhere to live for nothing.

school in the uk is free

That's a cheap and easy narrative
At least link to Cock Sparrer or something instead of rock's least tragic fatality

Look, rock is completely bankrupt and dead and will remain so. These people are not the powerless, and they're not going to be able to reinvent a genre that ran out of ideas in 1969. Black electronic music is where the energy is.

That's nice. Remember to support your local music scene.

It was. Now it's all loans.

Except exploitation has finally outpaced the social capacity for originality. People have finally become dumbed down and lazy enough to quit creating and start consuming. That's what happens when your fundamental principle of good art is making something new and unique.
They are. Even this "underground" music board has resorted to exclusively listening to 10+ year-old sounds or new releases by media-established acts.

Kinda but art school is still full of posh twats I'm p sure

>this quite literally Marxist narrative being repeated here over and over

I'm a lefty and this pains me.

Marxism is good bitch

Anarchism > Marxism, and the Marxist rethoric is quite frankly stupid.

>the embrace of consumerist culture by the so called purveyors of cool
>purveyors of coom
You can just call them for who they are, the Jews.

These guys are the closest thing ive seen to white lowerclass music (British white lowerclass) that isnt country and modern country is garbage anyways,



Dude, the Soviet Union sucked to be in, especially if you weren't Russia.

Cuba sucks. Venezuela REALLY sucks. The best countries in the world are the ones that adopted socialistic policies while still acknowledging that all economics weren't evil.

The current neoliberal economics sucks but that's going to die out with the boomers.

Reagan left Trump holding the bag.


The worst thing to happen to electronic music was its mass marketing to dude bros and rebranding as EDM

Oh please don't even start that conversation.
>because the Marxist ideologies have brought so much good to world

Maxism is stupid and anarchism is impossible. Even after Rome there was no "anarchy", people separated into multiple warring states or power-factions. Unless you're on the edge of your seat for an extinction-level population reduction I wouldn't bother.

Also the principle of our concept of morality withstanding without religion or statehood is just plain silly.


That's actually a fair point.

I drift more towards Agorism, actually, but I do realize that Anarchism is kind of an utopia period, but we can always move towards it.

As for religion, I agree it plays a big part on our notion of morality and I'd even say it's one of the main things behind my own morality but I cannot see how the state plays into it.

Why can't people accept that no economic theory (or social one) has ever really been done? Most if not all are impossible to run as they are intended. I mean nowhere in the Communists Manifesto or the Wealth of Nations is the killing of anyone stated to be a feature of said ideology. No ideology will ever truly work, some people will be fucked while others do well, it's how the world works.

>Henry Frick
>9 killed
>King Leopold II
>1-15 mil (huh?) Congolese killed
>Shah Reza -
>200 killed, 2000 prisoners
>40k killed

and how about communism?

Capitalism when implemented is a very basic system working with the laws of supply and demand and fair trade. It's existed for centuries and has only been scrutinized because it was named. Only when private sectors infiltrate statehood do you see atrocities like those of colonial monarchies or today's globalist, shilled bipartisan system. It's like a house that needs to be thoughtfully maintained.

Communism has never an will never truly exist because its not an economic system that communicates with reality but an ideology based on the notion that everyone agrees on everything, success=evil, and that a generous universal state is good and immune to corruption.

the upper class commodifies and consumes the culture of lower class whites and blacks, turning into a disposable product and watering down its original intent of being a release valve for lower class rage. Rap music goes from being about gangstas to pretentious overblown, over produced middle class art rap. Rock music is eliminated altogether for being too white for the neoliberal yuppie music journalists who replace its with poptamism, which is basically consumer capitalism sold as some sort of socially liberal embrace of top 40 pop music. Which has led to a stagnant world were p4k jerks off to what a strong black woman beyonce is, also oh yeah, she made music.

Think kurt cobain working as a janitor and wearing thrift store clothes because its all he could afford, then making it big and rich fucks start to wear torn jeans to look cool.

Think rich white people wearing trucker hats and drinking pbr....ironically of course. The culture of the lower class is just a costume to them to wear until they can call daddy and get a free job at goldmans sachs.