DC Fans Start Petition To Shut Down Rotten Tomatoes


>When it comes to delusion, nobody does it better than fanboys and it looks like the recent negative reviews for DC’s latest movie, Suicide Squad has brought out some of the most delusional fans in a while.

>A recent petition has been started on Change.org by the aforementioned delusional fanboys – who are aiming at shutting down Film review aggregator Rotten Tomatoes – due to what believe is unfavorable bias towards the DC Extended Universe.

fucking kek can DCucks get anymore salty?

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Capeshit fanbois are hilarious.

Should we tell them Warner Bros owns 30% of RT?

ples stop, enough of this.

Their autism wont let them see reasoning.

Petition here bros:


we must save the capekino that WB are creating from the paid Marvel shill reviewers!!!

So only 5% of critics actually enjoyed Suicide Squad?

Yeah, but what if they're right? I don't care about the success of comic book movies, but what if there is a inherent bias against the DC flick universe?

>but what if there is a inherent bias against the DC flick universe?

why would such a bias exist?

RT should be shut down, no doubt, what a shitty site. That petition is laughable though.

Because Marvel are seen as acceptable capeshit, and have set a standard to which all capeshit must conform.

I think the problem isn't that DC is underrated though, it's that Marvel is fucking massively overrated.

You cuckness is obvious, there was no such bias when the Nolan series was going on. I think it is time for you to get back to pleddit.

Im a huge DC fan. The solution is not to shut down review sites. Its to ignore reviews and form your own fucking opinions

>the most delusional fans
DCucks are pathetic

rotten tomatoes has enough info and reviews to figure out if the movie sucks.

honestly i havent had to see many movied lately because rt pretty much said they were shit and it was once i looked into it or skimmed a cam

>tells dc patricians to go back to pleddit
all of my ayyys

i think you forgot who made dc big4u and who made marvel big

there was never a giant bias to nolan series
nobody gave a fuck about begins
tdk was huge, because joker actor died and because its a great movie.
tdkr is shit and everyone knows it, but the plane scene is still one of the best comedy scenes ever.

dc put the comic dick in normies mouths
now the marvs keep sucking it, because the movies look good, they laughed 5 times and this one super epic meme character xddd.


Same guy here. Why do you trust other people to be of sound judgment when there are so many stupid people in the world?

I have judgement enough to read reviews of idiots and grasp whats going on with the film.

plus ive been paying attention to the world around me and can see a shit film as soon as it is announced.

suicide squad is the equivelent to....lets say blade 2. fun movie to watch while you go to sleep but it just doesnt have enough substance to go to the theater and give them a bunch of money.

>suicide squad isnt even out

kys dude

what's funny is actually that literally everyone, even Marvel fags should support this shit. Sites like Rottentomatoes are killing cinema in general

>generic movies are supported
>only generic movies get funded
>only franchise movies get funded
>everything else doesn't get funded

if this shit keeps on going, we will have like 10 ongoing franchises and some cartoons while everything else isn't supported at all

>no sci-fi except for star wars and star trek
>no fantasy except for some out-of-the-ass Game of Thrones cinematic universe
>no blockbusters except for Marvel, Disney (cartoons and Star Wars), Avatar and DC movies
>no complex movies
>no horror movies except for ones filled with jokes

DC fanboys get what they deserve.

>Sites like Rottentomatoes are killing cinema in general

This is sad stupid post.

They do realize Rotten Tomatoes is just a COMPILATION of different reviews right?

I bet you turn on a Top 40 radio station and come to the conclusion that all modern music sucks

>Yeah, but what if they're right?

So shut down a database of hundreds of thousands of movies and millions of reviews because about 4 or 5 movies are being reviewed unfairly?

What is wrong with this tiny group? How is it that people have no mental facilities to realize what fucking retards they're being? Not even children are this dumb. This is severe mental illness.



You mean 3%


>pop music sucks *tips fedora*

>trap is the best option

Women were a mistake

Holy shit, DC fagboys will never let this one down. If you actually defend DC kino but didn't sign this petition, surely a part of your brain must be trying to convince you there's something objectively wrong with those movies if their negative reception leads people to do desperate shit like this.

>Fat women
>Not being seen as obtainable by other men due to insecurity, thus increasing the likelyhood of cheating

How dare you imply fat women have upsides


You should all be ashamed for participating in the worst meme in years.


plz chad

yeah, keep on spending money on generic movies and enjoy your shitty taste

actually, I don't. in contrast to making movies, producing music is a lot less dependent on money. when it comes to music, even someone who sees music as a hobby can make a great piece of art with a very low amount of money.

in contrast, making a PROPER movie not only demands proper equipment but a decent actor or actors, proper sets, etc.. Sure, a student could make a great little movie with his Super 8 but it would never be on the same level as a proper production. you simply can't compensate money when it comes to movies like you can when it comes to music


oh dear

I thought Warner Bros owned RT.
I am curious how they managed to lose control of their site. At this point it openly sabotages their profits.

ere we go

This is embarrassing.

>critical reviews are entirely responsible for profit and success

your head is so far up your ass you can probably count your ribs

chadget+any of the qt ones

rolls em

>I am curious how they managed to lose control of their site.
They didn't. Critics thought the movie was crappy. The end.

Owned by Comcast now iirc





Anything but 91-95 get

BRB killling myself.

>I thought Warner Bros owned RT.
They own 30%.

But they can't sabotage one review without sabotaging ALL the reviews. They could cut out certain reviewers or add new reviewers, but those reviewer changes would affect every other film too. All the reviews are available for viewing, so it is like an election where you can actually see each ballet paper and who voted. There is very limited manipulations possible that wouldn't cause RT to implude and stop working entirely.

Frankly I can understand why DC fans can get a bit irrational. I want this film to be good, and these hardcore fans probably want SS to be good even more badly than me. Their anger is probably boilling over after putting all the hopes on this film after BvS. I just feel sorry for them, they must be suddering so much.

As someone who remembered nagging my parents as a child to go watch the original screening of the 1989 batman film, I want DC to make good movies I could enjoy. I just wish they aren't in such a rush about it.

Oh boy



Roll for a girlfriend, deleted for being off topic. It wasn't anything of interest. You could get a fat gf or a milf gf or a trap gf.

Music is also much more formulaic. You can't punch into a computer the variables you want and come out with a hit. With music you literally can now, we know the specific note sequences and timings that release ceratonin and dopamine in the brain. It's rare these days to find top 40 that strays from formulaic music.

The best CP you've ever seen.

So im avoiding spoilers because i intend to watch suicide squad in theatres. I just had some questions: Do Harley or the Enchantress, at any point, show off either of their pussy slits or buttholes? Any lesbian sex between them?

I never said the contrary. I'm just saying that with music, it's possible to hear good stuff at an amateur level. If I don't like chart music, I don't have to listen to it because I have alternatives

what are the alternatives for high budget sci-fi movies once they're gone? star wars? star trek? low-budget, shitty-cgi-tier tv shows that drag a simple storyline out to 10+ episodes?

Batman: The Killing Messenger

I was just adding to the conversation not arguing.

But not all sci fi needs big budgets. Some definately do but others that are small scale are possible. I watched quite a few amature sci fi's on youtube and a couple were actually great.

You know Suicide Skwad is already screening outside the US?

no (yes)

you're right on that one. still, sometimes one needs his/her fix on some great CGI or practical effects which can't be done on a TV show level unfortunately. That's why I never had any interest in TV shows like Star Trek, Babylon 5, Stargate etc. They just look cheap as hell

>Star Trek, Babylon 5, Stargate
Aww man. Did you have to pick 3 of my favs?
Star Trek can really lend itself to low budget when you stick to roddenberry stuff cause it's more about cultural interation than space wars.

Babylon 5 is amazing cause while it does lead to a giant space war the story is really all about the politics of war and not so much the war itself.

And SG is just fun.

Well maybe it should.
Look at all the manchild reviews.
They are all trying to be funny and often completely miss the point.

>inb4 DC cuck
No i havent even seen Suicidesquad or Batman v Superman, but the idiotic reviews on movies are pathetic.

>Aww man. Did you have to pick 3 of my favs?

sorry mate, never had friends who were into that stuff and I myself never had the motivation to get into the shows

maybe it's also because I was born in 1990 and I stuck to cartoons and live action shows like Knight Rider, Hulk, Xena, Hercules, Charmed and other shit

come to think of it, I got into sci-fi really late

Serious question:
What type of people are these hardcore dceu fans?

There are autists in every fanbase. It's just that this one in particular has had to withstand three duds in a row.

I'm a fan even though I see a lot of flaws in the movies. I think a lot of DC and Marvel fans are stupid as fuck because they can't argue normally

a lot of the time when I try to discuss a movie here for example, there's always someone who will call me a DC or Marvel shill. I think that a lot has to do with childish cunts who can't agree with others and instantly resort to retarded memes instead of talking like regular human beings

this pretty much covers it. I really wish Warnerbros would get its shit together
