Jimi Hendrix is the greatest guitar pla

Jimi Hendrix is the greatest guitar pla...

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yer of all time.

no and no. also stevie played exactly like jimi.

Think you meant to post this OP


>op knows nothing about music

>Not knowing the only answer to the greatest guitarist of all time

step aside lads

Not even the best guitar duo desu, and I love Sonic Youth

stevie ray vaughn is the eminem of blues

what's going on in here

He is the greatest guitarist of all time. People seem to get greatest confused with favorite or even technical proficiency. He fathered a genre.

Feels Good

This fuck doesn't even come close to Clapton.

Guys it's John Fahey

dont break my heart my achy breaky heart

mom, dad, please stop fighting

This guy BTFO everyone in the thread

>being dead

no, I'll concede they had a similar tone but Stevie's style was more straight blues playing, Jimi had more of his own style

do you like your alcohol watered down too?

Convince me

ITT: Electrishit

That's more like it

so, started great but got more shit over time?

you have to be 18+ on here