What a travesty

what a travesty

Because there's already so much lore to build on.
It's easier than actually creating something.

this is really pissing me off, have they learned nothing from Enterprise?

All we want is another 7 season comfy star trek show the way we like em TNG/DS9 style, how fucking hard can it be to make?

Gotta appeal to the normie faggots who don't actually like Trek even though the franchise wasn't made popular or profitable by them.

Because it's one thing to imagine the tech for 200 years from now, but 200 years from then? What would it even look like? How would people even interact with it? It's a lot easier to imagine how the pre-established tech developed, instead of scratching your head trying to figure out what happens afterwards.

But if failed with Enterprise, jesus christ they even used a country song

Yeah so get some good sci-fi writers in ffs, It's not that hard to update the tech, we didn't have smartphones back then they had tricorders, just use holographic technology or something it's easy enough to fake

Watching them now. what's wrong with something NEW?


>Speaking to Ain’t It Cool News

that fat fuck hasn't died yet?

Do we know if it will be an anthology series yet? Cause if so next season could be a different time

>I just want a comfy show about boldly going where no man has gone before like Enterprise seasons 1 and 2
>we are going to get another epic story arc instead

>Enterprise seasons 1 and 2
ya dun goofed, user

He's doing a talk with a star trek panel thing on the 10th

>Specific plot details remain unknown, but with the show’s TCA panel arriving on August 10, we can probably expect a bunch of new information to come pouring in, including confirmation of when the show takes place and who will be captaining the ship.


Why? It's comfy and it's about exploration (almost) without big story arcs that last entire season. First two seasons have maybe 3 or 4 episodes total about time war.

Because we want to play shitty games that suck ass.

Fuck, after posting this I realized one of you was going to post that

I aim to please.

You're welcome.

Sad to see that neither of you have faith

Is Deep Space 9 good? I tried watching voyager and didn't enjoy it at all. I love TNG and some of the episodes TOS and I haven't seen Enterprise yet.

>tried watching voyager and didn't enjoy it at all.
You've got some sort of complex or a brain tumour possibly.
>Is Deep Space 9 good?
DeepNigN9N3 is doper than dope boooyy.


Yes, DS9 is great.

I just didn't, It had too much stupid shit like tuvix and every other epsiode was a Tom Paris holodeck episode.

Though, I loved the doctor.

Awesome, thank you.

Is Enterprise really as bad as people say it is? Like is it The Final Frontier kind of bad?

It's not bad at all (other than the theme song and black wesely). I just didn't like it as much as TNG or DS9.

>I just didn't
not an argument.
>It had too much stupid shit like tuvix
Tuvix is a good episode and has an excellent moral and ethical premise.
>every other epsiode was a Tom Paris holodeck episode.
They used the holodeck less than in TNG.
>I loved the doctor.
The Doctor's ineffable. In the top 5 of characters for me.

Not even remotely. It's just >not muh for most people. And it's not perfect, but still really enjoyable.

It's not terrible, its more of a missed opportunity. I enjoyed it though.

Some of the episodes and arcs are really enjoyable, but the series got shitcanned after 4 seasons, so some characters didn't get the development they needed and the final episode is really shitty.

>Star Trek: Discovery take place before Star Trek: The Original Series

Into the trash it fucking goes.

Where the fuck else set it
After voyager the federation is pretty much supreme power in the galaxy and a lot of space is charted too
it's the only way

The way I see it is that someone thinks filling in the gaps with more content, instead of pushing forward into the unknown, seems to be a current trend. Thus someone high up figured this is what people want.

The issue I see with this is, shit was boring between Enterprise and TOS because nothing fucking happens. Sure they find new stuff, but not much. Ships aren't new, so the whole behind in tech and information of Enterprise can't carry things. Early Federation years will be hard to make interesting without good writers. And if they had good writers they could push past Voyager into new unknowns instead of just showing how they found things for the past 50 years of the franchise.

TNG was already 400 years ahead of us. They did that. I don't see how hard it is to think another 200 years ahead, and explore other quadrants of the galaxy when they've been doing it for 50 years already.

It's easier to do crazy shit that's super futuristic past what's been done, than to fit confines of a future that's already had tech levels set for decades.

They've barely touched half the galaxy. Delta quadrant was only skimmed through in a few years, and the Gamma/Beta quadrants are frontiers of the Federation where their advances of exploration halted when other major alliances basically said to fuck off and started wars.

Plenty more to explore without even leaving the galaxy in the franchise without revisiting the same alpha quadrant shit over and over.

Im not saying you can't like it user, I just didn't enjoy any of the characters and thought it wasn't as good as TNG, considering I went from TNG right to watching Voyager.

The holodeck is better in TNG because the characters in that show are more likable and it wasn't some Captain Proton episode again.

Its hard to describe, the show is just much more of a downer and you can't have a lot of the cool interactions with the rest of Starfleet since they are far from the alpha Quadrant. Janeway wasn't a good captain and I found her to be very one note and monotone. The whole crew in general is Inferior to TNG. But I digress, I hope the new show is atleast true to star trek.

Different galaxy, different universe (mirror or otherwise), different dimension.

Or they could continue building upon the lore while exploring the rest of the galaxy.

>Im not saying you can't like it user, I just didn't enjoy any of the characters and thought it wasn't as good as TNG, considering I went from TNG right to watching Voyager.
It should always be TNG to DS9 to VOY but the deed is done.
The characters in VOY are somewhat more realistic although they don't exactly act like rational adults all the time (and considering it's the 24th fucking century, that is the show's biggest insult is not realizing at what point in time it's characters exist).
>The holodeck is better in TNG because the characters in that show are more likable and it wasn't some Captain Proton episode again.
Captain Proton episodes were fun parodies of early sci-fi. Most people consider Bride of Chaotica one of Trek's great comedy episodes.
>Janeway wasn't a good captain and I found her to be very one note and monotone.
I think the word you're looking for in relation to Janeway is "Hitlerian" but okay.

>a show entirely set in the mirror universe about terrans conquering filthy aliens
>never ever
Another galaxy would be cool, though. Some experimental new huge ship for intergalactic travel or something like that

SJW trash

Bring back stargate

While I was being somewhat facetious, those episodes worked better when more lightly interspersed throughout the seasons, even though DS9 Mirror episodes were really bad at times. (read: way too over the top to the point of pushing the 4th wall)

They could at some point work on some technology similar to like in Event Horizon that creates black holes capable of traversing great distances (or anything that helps the plot that fits into the sci-fi frame) and go to Andromeda.

Hell, in "By Any Other Name" they actually DO go to Andromeda, and that was way back in TOS.

LOL, they even went to or "opened up" a door to another dimension ALSO in TOS with that episode where the guy's quantum opposite is locked in eternal battle between dimensional "fissures" or some shit.

An episode that gets a lot of guff but isn't all that bad really conceptually compared to the Frank Gorshin episode.

My point is, the original series did all three of those. No series after that did all three of those but IT'S REAL! IT'S REAL(LY POSSIBLE AND NOT IN A STUPID OR FORCED WAY)!!!

Also, my second sentence in this post () was actually what I was REAL(!)LY proposing.

DS9 and ENT are both better than VOY, check them out.
>Sup Forums likes VOY
why am I not surprised?

>Sup Forums likes VOY
>why am I not surprised?
Yeah, man, they really like a woman captain with a black trustworthy sidekick.
Need that brain surgery my man.

Captain proton episodes were probably the best parts of Voyager.

And the problem for me is not that Janeway wasn't a good character per se, but it's that they never gave her a proper foil.

Chakotay, while being a pretty decent character in and of himself, was never there to challenge Janeway the way, say, Riker challenged Picard or Spock/Bones challenged Kirk.

Voyager could have been GOAT if there was a proper foil to Janeway, but there wasn't and instead there was just a huge back catalogue of LaForge/Sulu-tier side characters.

I would have loved to see Janeway's headstrong, "get home at all costs, Starfleet regs be damned" approach get tempered by a strong 2nd in command, perhaps a science officer who sees Voyager's predicament as a once-in-many-lifetimes opportunity to tremendously increase mankind's knowledge base while making contact with hundreds of new civilizations and cultures, and would rather see the crew follow Starfleet's core philosophy and never get home than bend the rules to get there and see their families again.

Keep Chakotay, but now he's a mediator and communicator, balancing the science officer's idealism and distracting sense of wonder and duty with Janeway's more militaristic authoritarianism.

>Star Trek
>Ever good



Yeah, Trump really is a terrible candidate for President.

I'm not necessarily a fan of Hillary but Drumpf would literally end the United States

I think we all need to step back and think carefully about this election, Trump's campaign is already unraveling, how can he possibly run our country?

Learn how to use the site, retard.

I'd rather something a little more darker. Section 31 maybe, something other than meeting rubber attachment aliens every week.

>more darker
Of course you would, you're still in middle school.

I'm so fucking pissed with prequels, reboots and remakes. Just fucking come up with new shit, that's what you're paid for.

>Chakotay, while being a pretty decent character in and of himself, was never there to challenge Janeway the way, say, Riker challenged Picard or Spock/Bones challenged Kirk.
Actually, Chakotay went against Janeway CONSTANTLY and was CONSTANTLY shot down by her. It became a joke almost that Chakotay would challenge her in particularly difficult situations only to be ignored for better or worse. Pic related.
You're doing a good job trolling the locals, user. Keep it up.

They're paid to make profits for shareholders.

>le edgy meme reply
DS9 touched on some pretty dark shit for star trek. They went as far as forging evidence to drag romulans into the war they were losing. That's a farcry from 'show me your sexual organs'.

Vote with your wallet user. Stop paying them to make dogshit.

I'd love to, but the mouth breathers seem to gobble it all up

I think they set the new show before kirk so it could "technically" be in the same universe as the new movies.

The Romulan cloaking sound that happens at the end of the teaser has me thinking itll take place during the Romulan war.

Start killing mouth breathers...

You mustve never heard country music.

Faith of the Heart is more pop music.

It was made for a movie.

Wait a sec...

I thought they were doing some kind of shit like American Horror Story where the crew and ship changes every season?

Yeah, but he was a limp-wristed philosopher when they needed more of a Bones-type "Damnit Kate, there are millions of lives down there, you can't be telling me that you would be willing to sacrifice entire Borg worlds just se earth again, can you?" character who could have REALLY taken her to task.

Heard where?

Mirror universe Enterprise was goat.

it means they dont have to face fanboy loremasters and can just do whatever they want

>it means they dont have to face fanboy loremasters and can just do whatever they want

They are just gonna shit on lore anyways then.

More human condition episodes please!

That being said, did the Data-centred episodes of TNG exhaust the material? Or would newer episodes pale in comparison?

The exact opposite of what you're talking about is happening. Instead of making random shit up as they like they have to fit into the confines of 2 show settings and a bunch of movies that have already established 90% of what they can do in the time period.

If they wanted to have freedom from lore fanboys they should be doing post-voyager stuff.

I'd love a show about crew of refugee aliens that keeps getting fucked over by random exploring federation ships triggering cosmic landmines.