Favourite album:

Favourite album:
Opinion on cannabis:

That's some really strange looking cannabis.


>Dude Weed
The substance itself is fun, probably the best drug there is when you take everything into account.
Concerning the legality I think it should be legal.


maybe if you're used to dirt weed

No. Untrimmed, no crystals. Looks like a film prop.

like it a little too much tbqh, consumerist weed culture is kinda cringey but its good to see the science community taking pot stuff seriously into consideration

Are you joking dude? There are visibly large fucking leafs you tard

took the b8/10

2 Pimp a Butter Fly
It's gut

always leaves me in some kind of real bad existential crisis i have to get out of


It's not my thing. Not only do I not like the DUDE LMAO culture, I find a lot of the benefits over stated and harmful effects under stated. If I hear another stoner irl say it cures cancer I'll scream. But if people want to smoke it idc.

>Hounds of Love
>Okay but not legal in my country, would use if legal

pretty fun to do socially. Could take it or leave it though desu.

Don't have one favorite album, but I like jazz.

I smoked weed almost every day for about 2 years but then quit for almost a whole year because I thought it was having a negative impact on my life and mental health. Now I smoke maybe 2-3 times a month average, but sometimes I'll go a whole month or longer without smoking at all.

It's incredibly stupid that it's still illegal.

In the Court of the Crimson King
the culture behind it is shit, however, the drug itself is pretty great. nothing is more fun than smoking a couple spliffs with your pals and going for a walk

pic related
I never tried it but I feel like I wouldn't really like it. I'm fine with other people using it though.

Not Available
Don't use. I won't hate you if you use it. But if you link to non-peer-reviewed papers citing how its real medicine then I will hate you.

The pseudoscience cult behind it is horrible and reminds me of the anti-vaxxers and paleodieters.

>Fave album
Person pitch

>Thoughts on cannabis
I mean its cool. Should be legal imo. I like it when im just at home and have nothing to do... Other than that, i dont like the derealization it gives me in public. Id also rather take something like adderall, which would boost my productivity

Bob Dylan - Bringing it All Back Home

Have been a regular user for twelve years. Now fairly moderate, I vape one gram one night a week in my Volcano. I rarely drink and never take any other drugs these days, pot is just something that has always relaxed me as a naturally anxious and overly methodical person. It's definitely not for everyone though and most of my friends have "outgrown it".

I've smoked small amounts multiple times a day since my teens. I would eventually like to move away from cannabis use altogether, although I live in a legal state and things are going pretty well in my life.

Pic related
I have never smoked it. It shouldn't be illegal btw.

Favourite album: spiderland
Opinion on cannabis: smoke weed everyday

the velvet underground & nico
i wish i could smoke, seems like it'd be a fun thing to do, but every time i try it sends me into a hellhole of anxiety and depersonalization.

Favorite album: Wiseblood by Corrosion Of Conformity.

Opinion in cannibas: I do believe it is a gateway drug at present, because one must make contact with the black market to get it, and legalization might remedy this. I feel people who worship this substance are faggots. I wish I had a trashbag full of it and could smoke it without consequences.

>Ariel Pink - The Doldrums

>Used to like it as a teenager, afraid of all substances now and been sober for awhile.

Codename: Dustsucker

I like it and usually have some on hand. Only really smoke once a month socially. I think it should be legal.

It calms me down so I like it.


it should be legal but I don't use it