Listens to the same 20 critically acclaimed Sup Forumscore and /r/music artists over and over again

>listens to the same 20 critically acclaimed Sup Forumscore and /r/music artists over and over again
>knows nothing about their local scene
>"I'm a huge fan of music"

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What if my local scene is just a bunch of reggaeton, trap rap in Spanish and mediocre indie rock?

Stop being a faggot and living in the Bronx.

>knows shit about his local scene

>caring about your local scene in the year 2017
theyre all antifa larpers anyway

I don't know if you're talking about Puerto Rico but if you are I hope you're joking.

my local scene is very punk

My local scene is emo hipster bullshit and leftover deathcore, I think I'll pass.

>thinks all reggaeton is bad

my local scene is a few groups like layman in terms. and this one dude shield or something. I went to school with both of them, layman family and the shield dude. they are all very talented.

I don't know what type of music they play but one time she played some Hendricks at a local pizza place asking for requests

>listen to classics that have stood the test of time and multiple knowledgeable critics have mutually agreed to be great and important pieces of music
>listen to whatever shitty pop punk/indie/EDM is coming out of your local area just because it's contemporary and nearby


my local scene is garage rock and post-punk

I know that the meme is that you can't say a whole genre is shit, but come on, reggaeton is just bad.

are you from Granada?

I am

My local scene is either folklore (unbereable folk music from the north of argieland), bad indie rock, with some decent bands here and there, and shitty cumbia.

Aren't Los Planetas from Granada?

Artists like Tego Calderón and Calle 13 have done pretty creative things with the genre, especially Calle 13. Tego only had one good album but most of Calle 13 albums where pretty good.

there is no local scene

Yeah but Calle 13 can barely be considered reggaeton, I dont know about the other guy, what is his good album?, maybe I'll check him out

Isn't Calle 13 rap at this point?

>shitty metal
>shitty country blues rock
>worst possible rappers
>only bands that visit are hasbeens, nobodies, and covers
great fucking scene

I'm with these anons from what I've heard of him through my friends he seems more grounded in rap specially in the past few years, maybe he could be called reggaeton in his first couple of years though.

they definitely grew away from reggaeton later in their career but even when reggaeton was pretty noticeable in their sound it was pretty good, it's a shame that nobody has followed, at least for now

I live in montreal. You can probably guess what the music scene is like.

Local scene here consists of upcoming wannabe rappers and Cumbia.
Occasionally a good band pops up but they end up signing a major contract, resulting in them going to the shitter and disappearing into darkness.
Also, rock/blues is pretty predominant in this shithole aswell (Buenos Aires)

the album is El Abayarde, blends reggaeton with other caribbean rhythms and has some pretty good rhymes

I agree that Sup Forums always talks about the same little bubble of artists and if that's all you've got in your library then you haven't really done much exploration

>implying local scene matters
>implying seeing music live isn't massively overrated

they mean "huge" in the literal sense

Yes but here they are considered (specially J, the singer) the absolute elite and an untouchable holy grail of music while the fact is that they only are a good indie pop band with three very good albums. Is their fault that 20 years after their success the only kind of bands that have a minimum attention here are normie indie pop groups for 15 years old girls.

At least you have pretty good obscure bands, porteño, i'm a negro del interior (tucuman), and we dont have shit, just cumbia and (very) shitty indie rock.

Me recomendarías alguna, negrito lindo?

Otherwise, we have a bunch of great flamenco artists so it's not all bad.

it depends tho'
talked with some that are in the scene and it's either metal or post-hardcore
the poor ones just want to play national rock

I don't even have a local scene


Im not gonna lie, they are the only spanish band I like, I fucking love Super 8, Una Semana en el Motor..., Unidad de Desplazamiento and Encuentros con Entidades. What are some similar spanish bands?

is it Of Montreal?

if what you're looking for is shoegaze in spanish I would recommend Dynamo from Soda Stereo

Yeah but Soda Stereo is from my country, of course I know Dynamo, I meant spanish bands.

French trap and hipster bands

what genre is hipster

Sorry, i should have been more specific. I would say everything from contemporary jazz to django reinhardt sounding stuff

ah sorry

Sounds like new york

>Tfw when you did all your discovery on your own, then came across Sup Forums last month and Sup Forumscore seems to pretty much be all the same music and nobody thinks you have unique taste.

does anyone actually LIKE their local scene?
i dont mind mine its lots of hardcore punk and metal stuff and i go to shows and dance around and have a good time

>when your local scene is like two of folk/country artists and one guy that is self-described "acid folk"
>"acid folk"

>Never see any newer artist live even if out of maybe the 50 you see, only one turns out to be interesting
>Never see that one interesting band go on to be regarded as a "classic"
>Never get to tell people that you saw them live in their prime when hardly anyone knew about them
>Never get to buy their releases before they become rare/expensive
>Have "safe" tastes that mimics critics instead of discovering what makes music "youcore" yet thinking you can make fun of normies who only like Top 40

fuck you dude

i have a lot of shit to do, i'm a very busy guy. I work in the financial services industry and most of my free time I have to go to normie places in order to maintain a stressful yet highly profitable and sexually pleasurable lifestyle

I don't have time to go to shitty little indie fuckholes to get to know my 'local scene'. why else do i have the internet you cuck fuck

Most local scenes are absolute trash

Why would I waste my time on that when I can listen to good music?