Is he the greatest lyricist of all time? How do I write more like him?

Is he the greatest lyricist of all time? How do I write more like him?

>How do I write more like him?

Nobody who asks questions like this will ever accomplish anything creatively. Worry about writing like you.


>How do I write more like him?
Let's not go there. Let's turn this thread into a recommendation for great lyricists. I will start.
>A plastic bag caught by a rail
>Rearing to go, in such a flap
>We set it free
>To join a page of last week's news

>Worry about writing like you.
Who the fuck am I
What's like me?

Fuck you, piece of shit, this is my thread and it won't be turned into anything. Go make your own shitty thread.
This is my property and my questions.

What is wrong with you? How could I've possibly hurt you so much?

These are terrible lyrics by the way.
Rock music almost never has good lyrics.

It's alright OP, I got it. This one was enough.
I'll let your thread die.

Because you're an entitled cunt trying to take away from me for no fucking reason.
Go make your own thread about your own shit music, don't come in here and try to change the topic, I picked this specific topic for a reason and this specific topic is what I want to discuss.

And seriously, what do you hope to achieve? Do you expect someone to "teach you creativity"? Get real.


Your thread is ridiculous. And you're mad, I got it. How could I've possibly been so bold as to dare suggest discuss something reasonable and something people can actually answer?

I just want to get better and be satisfied with what I write.
>teach creativity

Suggest we discuss*

It's not what I want to discuss.

'63–'67 Dylan is the greatest lyricist, he sits alone upon the highest stratum of musical poetry.

this so much. with everything i'm intrested in doing i start my recreating the works of the "greats". and it helped me alot so far.

>and it helped me alot so far.
Seriously? I've been trying to stay away from it, but I haven't progressed at all.

No one can possibly teach you how to become a great lyricist or tell you when you personally would be satisfied by your own creations.

wrong post?

Dude, that's objectively not true. Everyone is a product of their influences.

I'm sorry you're disappointed with reality.