Albums whose cover art is completely indicative of the music on the record

I'll start

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synesthesia: the thread






checked 'em



most of this are just a relatively ethereal album cover for a relatively ethereal record.

Not really desu

you fuckin lied asshole

impressive, very nice



so bland?

>most of this are just a relatively ethereal album cover for a relatively ethereal record.
This. It's really hard for other kinds of visuals to approximate the sound of an album, with maybe a few exceptions.


Radiohead in general always have pretty fitting album covers, I guess its that old Mr. Donwood.


Looking at the cover and listening to the album are practically the same thing.



good taste user.

disgustingly underrated.

Was gonna say this. Donwood is a talented guy


correct, but metal is easy mode

electronic/dance, but very 90s
indie hip hop
pop punk
black metal


Nah not pop punk. More noise/electronic.





Ominous, minimalist, clean, one of the most fitting covers I've ever seen.









nice meme








>indie hip hop

literally what m8

this is cheating


guessing the ones I havent heard/dont know

shoegaze/psychedelic rock

black metal

company flow esque hip hop

lo fi hip hop

atmospheric (optional: baltimore) house

I have heard this, but I dont think the cover fits



funny kid folk

pop punk/new wave

chill comedic hip hop

contemporary classical

prog metal

black dice esque experimental

hip hop

devin townsend like ambient

tom waits esque blues


baroque pop

comedic hip hop


bedroom folk

art pop

Power Electronics

how did I do

You need to listen to more music Man, these answers are not good.

nobody likes people who do this

Tom Waits-like Blues?
Well, strap in...




>doesn't know Hounds of Love

what is it then?

It's a good record, and the album cover works—on one hand, I don't think it really represents the music inside, but something about it fits. Maybe the lack of theming on the cover reflects the lack of a cohesive theme of the album? That might be it.

To be honest, it's my personal favorite Beatles cover.

if those were genuinely naive guesses, then his answers are actually fairly accurate. nevertheless, he does need to listen to more music if he doesn't recognise most of those albums.


I blame this for Apple's aesthetic