Sup Forums, how does that make you feel?

Sup Forums, how does that make you feel?

fuzzy and warm and a bit aroused

Please stop posting about this movie until we hear Mike and Jay's review.

Feels like Sup Forums being BTFO so much

good that i could tell from the onset they both werent worth my time and that critics dont influence me in 2011+5

because I can gauge footage and hollywood

Is Wonder Woman going to get good reviews cause it has a female lead or bad reviews cause it'll probably be a shitty DC movie?

I thought both would be shit from the start, so mildly surprised about Ghostbusters.

Then again I didn't like the original Ghostbusters either.

Feels pretty accurate to me honestly.

It'll get mild-to-good reviews like ghostbusters did

it will get good reviews, all capeshit not just DC is shitty. it will be shit but sill get praised

Will it be a bomb like Ghostbusters?

yes, which will then be blamed on misogynistic nerds

I expected as much. Shit C list characters, what else were people expecting?

>or bad reviews cause it'll probably be a shitty DC movie?

Given the current DC trend I would say this.

Because Marvel/Disney pays critics
Also Sony leak revealed that they paid critics for good score

It's socially unacceptable to publicly speak out against Ghostbusters, so I'm surprised that it only got a 73.

Everyone knew that Suicide Squad would suck.

>leak you just made up




>Sup Forums being BTFO
We are the only board that is consistently, 100% of the time BTFO. Even Sup Forums and Sup Forums have the occasional victory.

who? Real reviewers already did their job. Waiting for some fakey youtube e-celebs. hahahahahhaha


no brexit?

>YFW the GBCU does better than the DC one.




Rotten Tomatoes is completely irrelevant.


As long as I get to drink DCuck tears I'm game

>mfw both Batman and Ghostbusters are saddled with shitty recent movies

Hollywood seems to fuck up everything I enjoy.

Brexit was glorious.

Add brexit to right, and remove Austrian elections from wrong; they're doing the election again

Hardly any of those in the Sup Forums was wrong side are ones we shilled for. Only 2012 is the big one when Romney fags got btfo. Plus /new/ was 08 right? I'm loosing track. Pretty sure we were libertarian leaning at that point and wanted Paul. Anywho, we did meme brexit, and if Trump wins KEK is real.

Sad that critics felt the need to prop up a shitty movie like Ghostbusters because of public perception, but glad they were willing to be truthful with Suicide Squad.

Not that surprised. People were mad at the SJW implications of an all female cast, but Kristen Wiig and the director are legitimately talented. The DCEU is obviousy flailing, and based the first Fast and Furious, the 'damaged' tattoo, and the hot topic marketing, I was predicting David Ayer was tacky and moronic when it came to trying to make a "cool" movie.