Why do people love Childish Bambino so much?

Why do people love Childish Bambino so much?

I never understood the dislike for him

cuz people think that if hip-hop isn't gangsta, trap or conscious, then it's shit.


its not that its shit. its that without standing for anything and taking the most middle road white america form of expression he becomes bland and stagnates culture rather than progressing it.

I never understood the like for him

wow what a fucking straw man, he's just shite

No he's pretty shit actually

elaborate plz

>Awaken, My Love!
>Bland culture stagnation


his music is not good when I listen to it

Kauai is a good pop record

best new argument, 9.1

because he's talented

Too Successful

Community. Love Troy's character.

What people? Why don't you just say what you dislike about him if you're gonna make a thread about it lol

He seems like a nice boy.

If he keeps ripping off old funk albums instead of trying to rap I'll start loving him.

It is
no one needs to disinter Funkadelic's corpse

Atlanta was a good show desu

His rap albums are trash to decent (from oldest to newest) and his newest album is really mediocre, but inventive. He's alright, that's it.

I love a couple songs off Awaken, My Love! and love the R&B songs off BTI but his shit is either horrible or painfully mediocre.

This. "La bibliatecha"

I think he's a little pretentious sometimes but his rapping is pretty good and subject matter is unique. He's also incredibly talented - the signing in some of his interludes is just amazing..

I liked him in Atlanta and Community but I can't stand any of his musical output

hardly ever met anyone who has heard of him, let alone likes him.

personally i think he's okay, he's unique at least. i can't take him seriously because i remember watching him on Derrick comedy when he was still a nobody

also he should drop the chilidish gambino moniker and just go by donald glover as his rap name.

why does his voice sound so GAY