I unironically respect Hitler. Not for what he did, but how he did it

I unironically respect Hitler. Not for what he did, but how he did it.

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That's a garbage reason to support a failed politician.

He rounded up the jews and torched them, but in the process, ravaged his countries economy.
Regardless of whether that was bad or good, there's definitely a better way to do it.
Worthless, honestly.

why don't you elaborate then OP wtf...

Honestly I agree if it wasn't for D-DAY he might have had world domination. He was pretty smart when it came to taking over countries. very strategic. But still he killed 12 million people so it was time he was stopped.

hmm...lets see...

he took the most technologically advanced country in the world, lost almost a 3rd of its territory permanently, 80% of its urban centers and architectural heritage destroyed, 4million of its citizens killed, its reputation destroyed for 3 generations, and subjected his country to foreign occupation for 50 years by its enemies who partitioned the country and made it their bitch.

not so sure the guy's record is what you'd call "a successful political career".

I live in Poland and am glad there are no more jews. He killed just the right amount imo.

This. Aside from the whole holocaust and genocide aspect of things, how he came to power and the military side of things, are very interesting.

>how he did it
You mean in a haphazard manner before shooting himself?

If you think about it, wouldn't the phrase "one man's hero is another man's villain"?

Now im not a huge history buff but think about it, because of the Treaty of Versailles germany gor fucked ten ways to sunday. Demilitarization, loss of territories, And they had to pay a fuck ton of money which they did not have.

Easy to say germany was not happy. So when Adolf Hitler comes in speaking of uniting the germans and restore the power they held before. From what I understand, to the German people Hitler was their damn messiah that was sent to save them in their time of need.

>But still he killed 12 million people so it was time he was stopped.
There is no real evidence of the Holocau$t happening as it is reported in the media and school system.

Not saying it didn't happen, just that it's exaggerated.

meh. the red army was in poland by the time the allies landed in normandy.

3/4 of germans killed in the war died in russia.

you think the anglo americans would've had a snowballs chance in hell of landing on those beaches if the majority of the german military hadnt already been destroyed in the east?

the russkies would've taken berlin with or without our armies landing in france. they needed us to keep going, sure; we kept them fed, clothed, equipped, and kept their civilian economy from collapsing; but the red army beat the wehrmacht in the same way the US beat japan. The other allies were very jr. partners when it came to fighting killing dying.

the city of leningrad alone lost more citizens during the siege than the US and British militaries did in both theaters.

This. Hitler was a worthless piece of shit

He was a solution to a very real problem. He offered solutions, scapegoated the right groups that made the right friends internally, and got the country in the right direction from the shithole it had become.

Unfortunately, he picked a few fights he couldn't finish and went too far.

Rhineland and Czechslovakia would have been a great place to stop. Power hungry nigger didn't know when to stop.

The rest is history.

You support a meth head that fucked up his country and murdered (however disputable the number is) innocent civilians?


Nazi memes for shock humor is fine and all ut you are a very easily manipulated person if you think fascism is okay.

Guess what faggots? In a real fourth reich you neets would be fucking killed for being sub human garbage.

My Jimmy enrustlment detector is clipping here. Let me squelch out some butthurt, and run that past us again.

USA didn't really beat japan though. Japan was going to hold out for better terms, then russia declared war which meant they would be fighting on two frontd. To put it in perspective, we had already fire bombed about 40 cities into extinction before the numes. They were only a more thorough version of a fire bomb in terms of destruction and probably wouldn't have ended the war. It did however make for some good propaganda to keep russia from claiming victory

When did I say I support him you fucking autist? I said I respect him. How can I support somebody that is fucking dead you stupid idiot.


Fuck you racist cunt. I hope your white family burns in HELLL!

When did you migrate from reddit/9gag?

go back to red dit you fucking cunt

kill your self cunt and gtfo back to 9fag or redit.

fucking cunts this isnt your safe space go to safespace somewhere else

just your typical jew passing by ... MUH 6 gorrilion !!!!!!!!!!!!! oh g_d how could he.

12 million people is the entire population of western europe. when i was in school they told us 6 million, which is still extrememly high.

2 mill max

There's nothing to respect. He was an empty headed front man for American corporate interests.

Like the guy said, everything is a rich man's trick.

you believe this because you are ignorant and hate jews as a way to blame-shift your unhappiness. The sooner you realize this, the sooner you can drop off that useless bagage and get on with life.

Wrong on so many levels.

>Still believing in the Holohoax

>being this bluepilled

It was a gamble.
Germany would've been fine following it, had they won.

/underage/ detected.

Also, racism is totally fine and rational. Hitler did nothing wrong.

You're wrong; it was 120 shekellion.

Threadly reminder that the Holohoax never happened.


Video related.

Dubs confirm.

6 gorillion**

Made me think.

6000 Brazillian.

9,000 Reptilian

120,000 Quadrillion.

This. Did people die in camps? Yes; of disease, malnutrition, & of course the occasional Nazi having a bad day or wanting to get a kick from it (which happens with every military in every war, ever). But there were no gas chambers & no plan to exterminate people at the camps; their ultimate fate was to be decided after the war.
The vast majority of "evidence" was fabricated or purposely misinterpreted; then allowed to stand because Germany were the LOSERS; and history is written by the victors, whose goal is to make the vanquished appear as evil as possible while covering up their own war brutalities, or making them seem "necessary" and far less evil by comparison.

6,000,000,000,000 Kektillion.

Hitler was an effective leader who brought World Peace by negotiating the German defeat with the Jews and Americans and then taking the fall. A true historical hero.

FUCKING ANTISEMITES; you're numbers are all far too low.
Everyone knows 900 vigintillion Jews were executed by Nazi murderbots in the shoah.

Sieg Heil.

If only he used his exceptional orator skills more constructively, let his army do their job, and made the right allies....we'd be speaking German right now.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely

>implying Hitler wanted to conquer the world.
Wew lad.

The guy had a 1k year plan. You'll learn about it when you get out of school


>1k year plan

>Yfw Hitler was actually the second coming

Retard. Hitler was a """NATIONAL"" socialist, not a globalist, you condescending, uninformed retard.

I don't have much of a position on the Holohoax, aside to say that any number, great or small, is blown beyond all relevance. The greatest human tragedy was WW2 itself.

What does shits me hardest, is how questioning it gets you locked up, in what, 14 countries? Talk about owned.

He's not wrong though.

Hitler just wanted a unified Germany after the treaty of Versailles tore Germany apart, and left it at the mercy of subversive jews.

Well he did make the US have a free floating currency. A good start.

The idea that it would have eventually spread globally isn't that stupid tbh; the only reason the idiotic decision to invade Russia happened was because a threat was perceived. Only a matter of time before rebellions or growing power of one country or another expanded the empire globally.

>What does shits me hardest, is how questioning it gets you locked up, in what, 14 countries? Talk about owned.
The truth fears no investigation.

Yet you still fail to know more than textbooks told you. Genetically creating a master race, dealing in the occult, and sending expeditions to find the holy grail doesn't leave much room for localization

>free floating currency
>good start
Yeah; this didn't lead us down a dark road or end up biting us in the ass or anything.

I wish Hitler would have been able to pull something off.



>Yet you still fail to know more than textbooks told you.
My Grandfather fought for the Germans during WW2, and lived to tell the tale. You have no idea how much I know.
>Genetically creating a master race, dealing in the occult, and sending expeditions to find the holy grail doesn't leave much room for localization
Muh slippery slope. You're still making a gigantic leap to come to that conclusion.

It was the right decision for the time. People always want to give Hitler/Nixon flack.

You obviously know less than you thought you knew.

Don't live vicariously through your grandpa boy

yeah yeah. he was a great leader. bad person though. really bad. big time.

Don't talk about Grandpa like that!

>You obviously know less than you thought you knew.
Not an argument.
>Don't live vicariously through your grandpa boy
Living vicariously =/= listening and understanding a unique perspective of history that your (((textbooks))) could never possibly offer me.

I agree with you. My Grandfather Served in Korea and Vietnam, and had some stories about what was wrong that you don't see in books, not to mention censored, convenient, apologist "truths" found in state sanctioned school textbooks.


I'm sure your gamgam was a hell of a guy. Still doesn't cloud the fact that Hitler indeed had more than just Germany on his mind. Why create a master race? It really is a Google search away but I'm sure your too young to admit when you're wrong. It will come with wisdom, and only time provides that.

The facts were stated, accept or don't. Your opinion won't change them.

Holocaust deniers BTFO

> Still doesn't cloud the fact that Hitler indeed had more than just Germany on his mind
I'm sure he did, but certainly not much outside of the few nations that wronged Germany during, before and after WW1.
>Why create a master race?
Why not? Sounds like a good idea to me.
>>It really is a Google search away
>citing google as a source
Wew lad.
>but I'm sure your too young to admit when you're wrong.It will come with wisdom, and only time provides that.
I'm probably older than you, dipshit.
>The facts were stated, accept or don't.
Since when are slippery slope assumptions "facts"?

"Wew lad" speaks volumes

Anyways, don't believe what you read in text books all the time. Take eye witnesses on their opinions. Organize the facts

1k year reich and Germania were very real plans of Hitler. Very poorly executed

>"Wew lad" speaks volumes
Nope. If you say "hurr durr just google it derpdederr" you've already lost the argument.
That's what "speaks volumes".
>Anyways, don't believe what you read in text books all the time
I don't.
>1k year reich and Germania were very real plans of Hitler.
Whatever. Tired of arguing about this. Agree to disagree.

Relax goys, you probably agree about most things. Save your energy for redpilling the normies.

>Agree to disagree


How so? He offered no proof other than his opinion, and I have no way of disproving a negative, so what's your point?

i unironically suspect youre a faggot. we done here?

Don't cut yourself with all that edge, senpai.

Mein Kampf isn't just opinion about Hit let's desire for world domination. Read it some time

he failed. you respect a man for failing. what a loser

The closet thing I've seen Hitler say about "world domination" is that he "respects Britain for creating an Empire", not that he wished to create one himself.

Not once did I read in Mein Kampf (read it twice) that he wished to conquer the world. Which translation are you reading?

You truly are just a dumbass. Read it again. Specifically about the eradication of Jews and moving eastward.

You. Are. Lost

Once again, not an argument.

Also, this post here: seems to prove you dead-wrong.