I know a lot of you are level 30 wizards, but I have a serious question

I know a lot of you are level 30 wizards, but I have a serious question.

Lets say you hate the taste of pussy, the smell of pussy, the idea of eating pussy makes you want to puke.

Would you eat pussy for $50?

then talk to a new girl user
most vaginas have little to no smell unless she just got done running a mile

It depends on what comes with it. Is it 50$ just to eat her out and leave? A blowjob costs more than that. If I'm fucking her afterwards, sure, that's more than reasonable.

I don't mind pussy but if I did it would take more than $50 to eat it. Unless I was in a relationship. Then you gotta throw one her way every once in a while.

Nigga I would pay 50 bucks to eat a pussy

It's my friends girl.

She wants me to eat her out and is offering me $50. I'm just not a fan of eating pussy, haven't been since my first ex who had chunky pussy discharge.

Have some pride. That's not even a lot of money. Do it for a blowjob at least.

I think that makes you gay

don't listen to that faggot, 50$ for what is at max 10 minutes of eating poon is okay. Plus hers shouldn't be bad
don't eat her pussy if he really is your friend tho you nigger

Blow jobs are pretty meh in my book.

No one's ever made me cum from one.


Hating pussy does not make you enjoy dick. That's like saying if you hate women you must be a gay guy. Nah I hate how little women take care of their pussy's. Dig deeper user.

what the fuck is wrong with everyone in this thread
this nigga doesn't know good pussy exists
you haven't came from a blowjob
jesus christ

Alright guys, thanks for the advice. I'm gonna eat her pussy because $50 is $50.

It's the same person, hi.

I'm op. Never came from a blow job, never been close, rather have a handy or just jerk myself off, I think eating pussy is fucking nasty.
tastes like salty coins and milk.

My ex had a nasty fucking vagina. I'm pretty sure they are all different though. At least yours won't be as bad as mine was kek

Jesus Christ it sounds like you had a bad first time. Pussy isn't anything like that in my experience.
>describing a pussy as 'chunky'
>absolutely disgusting.

your ex was terrible bro
it gets better

>chunky pussy discharge

Not only would I eat pussy, but I'd grabbed them too just like Trump would do.

You know the tonsil stones you sometimes cough up?

(pictures for reference)

Imagine getting shit like that in your mouth while you're egoing down on the girl.

It's fucking horrible.

I don't know what was wrong with her pussy, because it's not like she didn't shower.
We took showers together twice a day and she would clean herself, but her pussy was just fucking nasty.

Do you have to eat her out after she fucks your friend? Because then you might want to charge more than $50.

Or less, depending on what you're into.


literally never in my life have i ever heard of such a thing. did she live in a trash can?

gross vaginal discharge is the same as dick cheese. it's not a problem if you just bathe or wipe your junk with a baby wipe.


Not that I know of?

All I know is after experiencing what I now call "cottage cheese pussy" I cannot go down on a girl and enjoy it.

once you gargle chunky vaginal mucus you'll begin to understand why I consider pussy so nasty.

Not to mention she had this weird bleeding problem...


No. I'm pretty sure if you hate pussy and women that makes you gay.

>cottage cheese pussy

I don't know whether to laugh or cry

>cottage cheese pussy

well thanks for ruining cottage cheese for me

pussy is good

>Not to mention she had this weird bleeding problem...

it's called a period, all women have them

>salty coins and milk
Ya blew it

>chunky discharge

that had to be a miscarriage, there is nothing else fucking chunky that can come out

If you properly wash the pussy it pretty much almost doesn't smell/taste.

Now go get laid faggot
