Earth vs Sunn O))): who is a better droner and why?



Electrolux ENN2801EOW Fully Integrated 70:30 Fridge Freezer is the best drone.

boris are the better band overall imo, but not the best drone metal act

what an original joke


Probably Sunn live though

better than Earth 2 and Monoliths

I am enjoying the Bismuth/monoliths/ommadon buzz

You know Earth and Sunn O))) released tons of albums other than Earth 2 and Monoliths, right ?

Sure but those are the ones I'd consider their best. (Absolutego is better than the other ones too t b h f a m)

absolutego good album but not that good of a drone album. most of it is more noise than drone, the last quarter is just feedback.

>Absolutego is better than the other ones

hex is on par with earth 2

Also bongripper's heroin is underrated drone but I guess it drifts towards noise

>tfw you prefer Earth's drone country
don't kill me

Sunn is the better drone, but Earth is the better band. Hex, Bees, and AoDDoL 1 are their apex.

mah nigga


Sunn O))) and Earth are both meme drone bands. Boris, Jesu, The Angelic Process and even Nadja are all leagues ahead of them


also, i want to Recc BONG

Bong is good

this album is so good

Not better than Phase 3 or Black One though

shit opnions

>tfw my favorite earth song is plague of angels
i'm sorry

I like Sunn O))) better. Earth 2 is a seminal album and a good drone metal album but I don't think it matches an album like Monoliths and Dimensions in terms of quality. Monoliths did the textural heavy drone parts flawlessly and also managed to be explorative and sonically diverse, which is hard to do when you make drone metal. The choral segments, the spoken word, and the horn arrangements were super cool. I will say that what Earth 2 lacks in variety it gains in its hypnotic effect. Also Earth 2 was the only real drone metal album Earth made so Sunn O))) have a lot more material in the genre.
Wata has looked the same age for the entirety of Boris' existence.

I agree but I'd add that I feel like Earth's chord progressions feel more memorable to me. It's drone so it doesn't really feel like that much of a factor but lots of Sunn O))) tracks feel boring and lifeless unless they have a ton of interesting instrumentation

yea bongripper's heroin is some scary ass shit. i love it.

nahh that's stupid. Boris is my favorite band of all time, i think the angelic process were one of the most creative bands ... but when it comes to drone alone, none of them really come close to Earth and Sunn o))).

i agree. sunn o))) took drone to another level with albums like monoliths and dimensions. I still think there are more creative ambient drone acts like Tim Hecker, but when it comes down to it, Sunn o))) just drone better, heavier, darker

None of those except Boris play anything resembling drone


I agree that Earth have chord progressions that are more memorable to get lost in, but I don't think Sunn O))) are about the riffs, like you said. It's all about the way the music sounds, and how it makes you feel.
I'm also a huge Tim Hecker fan boy but they are completely different. Sunn O))) are pure texture worship sound artists that don't focus on making enjoyable music but rather making evocative sound if that makes any sense. Tim Hecker makes dense, cathartic, melodic ambient stuff.
>not drone
That being said, is obviously either trolling or very stupid.

Honestly this type of music is mostly meme music. Sunn are a meme band. Boris is a double meme band because they're japanese and yall are weeaboos. Earth stopped being a meme band with their later stuff that sounds like Morricone.

There are better types of drone out there.

>There are better types of drone out there
can you name one?

>using the term meme that often without any other substantive argument
can you recc some better drone?

Bad opinion. Just because you don't like metal and want to jerk off to Eliane Radigue all day doesn't mean you are right
T. Someone who jerks off to Eliane Radigue all day and also loves Sunn O)))

>There are better types of drone out there.
drone made with synths sucks cock

>Shlongo DaLUVdrone by Charlemagne Palestine (organ)
>Naldjorlak by Eliane Radigue (strings)
>Maneuvering The Nocturnal Hum by Stars Of The Lid (guitars)
Also fuck you there are tons of good synth drones out there.

confirmed bees and hex are best in the genre

Favorite Earth album

I listened to Strumming Music by Charlemagne Palestine and thought it was good, that one anything like it?
I also listened to one SOTL album and thought it was shit, the tired sounds album, is this one better?

All the butthurt newbs in this thread are ample proof that Sunn and Boris are babby's first drone.

still, nobody has recommended a better drone act so far ITT

Earth. Period.

so)))me would disagree


here come dat album, oh sHit dro)))ne

hex is so fucking good

haha :)