Why do autistic people get catered to like this?

why do autistic people get catered to like this?

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Autistic kids are a goldmine. Doesn't matter if you're just a parent or an organization. If you have autistic things lined up, rake in the donations.

It's almost as good as cancer kids. Those die and you get to keep their unused donations. Nothing beats that.

because they are REAL autistics, not your level of memetism

It's almost like parents love their children. Crazy, huh?

>he doesn't know how fucking limiting it is having an Autistic child
>he thinks all parents of Autistic children do is look for sympathy online and party with disability benefits

When you leave your mother's basement and actually start mixing with other people and learning shit, you'll realise the tiny majority of disabled people who get 'pampered' are far from typical of the real daily struggle.

B-but, 'autistic' means anyone who disagrees with me online or writes more than three lines of text per post...

are you joking? 150 shirts? this is a spoiled ass brat and nothing more.

>asks nicely for a donation of 1 rare shirt to make her daughter happy
>150 people send in shirts instead
>this is way too many but thank you everyone :)

What a bitch!

now go back to your manly man-cave and masturbate to some loli porn

some autists get fixated on things and literally won't do anything without it. For them to be functioning autists they need to have what theyre fixated on.

Probably for the same reason we have to cater to welfare queens who offer nothing other than to be a drain on society.

when your mind is like that change is scary. all those kids want, pretty much for their entire lives, is to just wear that shirt and have some ice cream. thats it really.

ive worked with a lot of autistic kids and its somehow both heart warming and heart breaking if you get them in that sweet spot where they are obviously still autistic but not so far gone that they are overly burdening.

i knew one, all he really wanted out of life was to just watch power rangers. he cried when he saw the power rangers movie trailer, id never seen anyone so happy. thankfully that shows not going anywhere. hes going to be happy for a long time i think.

ITT: People that don't realize autists are defective and go in the oven. Keep the gene pool healthy.

OP is just a jealous faggot.

it gets worse


There is a huge difference between being autistic and just being awkward. Imagine how you feel watching your wife get hit by a truck, that level of panic and frustration is what an autistic person goes through if they can't find their red socks they ALWAYS wear on Tuesdays.

These weird mental blocks really do limit their ability to function like normal adults or hold down jobs, especially working with other people.

in 2017 autistic means spoiled. We've made being rude and uncivilized a victim status.
Congrats progressives.

What a sad person you are that this bothers you.

Truly awful! I am so angry now that an autistic girl was on the recieving end of kindness! >:(

My bf is Diagnosed with autism but He just seems super smart none of the retrd bs

The only logic conclusion we can draw is that OP is also autistic and is jealous.


Sounds like the lower end of the spectrum, Aspergers?


but what does masculinity have to do with this? nothing.

>a girl will be able to wear a shirt she likes


i get this. i honestly do. but i don't see how catering and coddling them to this extreme will do them well in adulthood.

I want to fuck autistic loli

why are you on Sup Forums if you're not in a basement?

you're one of the few people that got what i was trying to say

The problem is, the latest generation has learned the wrong definitions for words so it confuses them.

Awesome used to be the sight of a sunrise coming over the gran canyon or that photo of Earth from the moon. Now, a cup of coffee with two spoons of sugar is AWESOME.

Similarly, Autism is a very limiting mental disability but children have learned from their may mays that 'autism' just means 'pedantic' or 'dumb'.

So when instead of reacting like an adult to stories involving autistic people, they just think 'haha just like those pepe frogs why shout 'NORMIE' and 'REE', why treat them differently?

I want you to sit and think about your argument here. Do you expect autistic people who can't function independently to... what, grow out of it because they're treated sternly? That someone's gonna just shake off a developmental disorder if someone could just tell them "no"?

thats because you never worked with or raised or had long term interacted with an autistic person.

there is no 'adulthood'. a lot of these people are going to be living with their parents until the day their parents die, then go live with siblings, or worse, get sent to a group home (my parents currently live next door to one).

user, imagine if at the age of 12 you just stopped growing mentally, and you couldnt wrap your mind around any concept beyond those that the average 12 year old could get, and because of that people kept treating you like a 12 year old, and then some asshole comes up and says 'WOW I CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE ARE TREATING THIS 12 YEAR OLD LIKE A 12 YEAR OLD JUST BECAUSE HE CAN'T AGE, HOW IS THIS GOING TO HELP HIM WHEN HES 10 YEARS OLDER BUT STILL A 12 YEAR OLD'.

thats pretty much whats going on now. People with autism do not grow and develop the way you do. its like telling the people taking care of koko the gorrilla that she needs to be prepared for adult life.

there is no adult life. for a lot of these people the best they will ever learn is how to be as little of a burden as possible.

have you ever just bought someone a gift, and spent a few days picking it out to make sure its the right one, just so they can be happy?

thats about the amount of effort htey put in here, they just made a post saying 'hey trying to find this shirt for someone i love, anyone can help?'

and yet you're insisting that its catering to an unhealthy degree.


Hmm supposedly He Has bpd and adhd too maybe his brain is just fried up from all the drugs He Took as a Teen and still is lol

I'd fug her, she's autistic, she wont know anything

There was an autistic 13-year old boy who would only drink from one kind of sippy cup.

Apparently he stopped drinking water after his last one broke. It isn't funny guys, this is life or death if autists stop drinking water.

Based on your ability to type, I'm kinda wondering if he's perfectly normal but tricking some retard for easy sex.

The sad fact is, it's unrealistic and in most cases impossible for an autistic person to adapt. I understand what you're getting at though.

Ordinarily, say a child always demands the have dinner from a blue plastic tray. You can teach them to use a plate and after being upset for a while, they will get used to it and forget all about it.

With an autistic child, it is VERY difficult to go through change and insanely frustrating. You refuse to let them use plastic trays and it just, for want of a better term, does not compute. This is where an autistic person may get violent or even self destructive (head banging is typical), not for attention but because all of a sudden the world doesn't make sense to them.

To an Autistic person, all they want is a clearly defined routine and a life that can be predicted with 100% accuracy so they feel safe. Variation just doesn't make sense.

That is why, say if a TV show is cancelled, it's genuinely traumatic and not just someone having a tantrum, because to them, the world as they know it has changed.

If you're looking it from a purely fascist point of view then yes, they are a 'drain on society' as in the majority of cases they can never expect to put in more than they take out but this is where humanity and not being a psychopath comes into it.

The best thing that can be done is allow them to create a routine for themselves that is not too demanding on others and make sure they have people who care about them and understand around them. It is kinda tragic but that's disabilities for you.

OP is a dumb nigger, leave him alone

This op know's...Do you have a family member with autism?

Maybe he'll stop being a dumb nigger if I don't coddle him, tho. That's how it works, right? You can just shed your nigger skin and become white if people stop catering to you?

ITT a lot of people who surprisingly actually understand autism. where are the usual trolls? april fools?

I don't see anything wrong with this.

so is the summary, "yeah, aspies are a drain to society. they'll never be real humans after a certain age. but we can't say anything about it bescause aspies."?

because that's where i'm getting at.

so autism is where you all draw the line?

Yeah, older sister. I get the whole 'autistic screeching' meme that kids post online, it's edgy and that's fine.

But some people genuinely need educating if they think autism is just 'being a spoiled brat'.


So if they can't contribute to society, why shouldn't we just put them down? They'll be a burden otherwise.

Autism results from poor parenting and lack of discipline. Your parents should have been better.

They went away when normies flooded Sup Forums, but you gotta admit that OP is fucking stupid.

Well to target people with disabilities and want to exclude them from society because they struggle to contribute kinda comes under genuine cold-hearted fascism (no 'ohh Trump is a fascist' definition).

What exactly is it you feel the need to say to people with Autism that isn't just mean spirited digs at their disability?

throwaway contact info?

Your summary is stupid and wrong and I think you know that. I could try to refine it but why bother because you're clearly committed to your stance, and that's fine.

Because your opinion doesn't matter. You don't seem to work with the special needs community, you don't create law, you probably don't have anyone in your life who's special needs. It's like being a flat Earther. Believe what you want, because you don't matter.

People with autism are going to continue to exist. They won't achieve a level of independence that many adults do, and your precious little feelies regarding it have no impact on their continued existence. Feel free to chaw on your pointless bitterness, tho. Rage against the machine, bro.

lost loudly

a drain on society is not a downfall for society.

internet, underwear, decorations for your home, all those extra foods you buy that you don't eat, they are all a drain on your income, but that doens't mean you're going to go homeless. taking care of autistic people doens't mean a society is going to fall.

society is not in such a bad state that taking care of autistic people is going to cause the world to burn. don't be so dramatic.

they are DIFFERENT humans. they are just as real as everyone else, they are just DIFFERENT.

how come only middle class white people get autism

Kek yeah, nothing to do with a lack of oxygen getting to the brain in the developmental stage.

Run on that platform, then. See if society is willing to elect you. If not, then apparently society is cool with it and you're just some fringe asshole. Neat how democracy works, isn't it?

the fuck is lockgate and harambe memes are still DAF

Do some research to prove you don't have autism. Blacks disproportionately make up the community at the national level. Source: special ed teacher.

I've read articles about adults who have siblings with Down Syndrome and they hate the burden they've placed on their lives.

Once their parents hit the bucket, the non Downies are forced to care for their 40 year old siblings.

The fact that Downies are almost certain to get Alzheimer's with age doesn't make the caring any easier.

>People with autism are going to continue to exist.
Only if we continue to inject our children with chemicals labelled "vaccines".
Why do you think there are no records of Autism before vaccines were introduced? Because it didn't exist.

because a burden doesn't equate with a downfall.

you have plenty of financial burdens that don't actually contribute to the necessities of your life, you have some expenses that are down right stupid and offer no actual benefit. it doesn't mean you are going to be homeless because of it.

that being said, how much do you really contribute to society? or are you just a normal person who is carving their own little hole in the wall and acting like that means you're 'good' for society?

your special ed teacher told you that?

>T H I S

lol alright. You're demonstrably wrong and either being a troll, or are too stupid to be bothered with. Enjoy arguing on Sup Forums, I'm out. You've bored the shit out of me.

Best way to fuck autistic girls amd handicap chicks..? I want to betray them

Me buying an iPhone I rarely use vs me caring for a fucking retard for the rest of my life, are on opposite sides of the spectrum (pun intended)

Fuck. Them. All I want is to smoke weed and play video games for my life but I still have to work and do my shit. We have enough humans as it is, weed out the obviously defective ones so the actual contributing citizens can flourish

oh wow, you had us going for quite awhile, but you got cocky.

good bait OP, you had us convinced.

Well you know that's not true but in poorer households, based on the strong correlation between poverty and poor education, a child on the Autistic spectrum is often just written off as 'dumb' or 'slow'. Without things being taken into consideration they become irrationally violent, typically 'bullies' in school and often in jail at an early age. Questions don't get asked because it's 'just a result of being brought up in a poor environment.

they're not actually. they are both just drains. netiher equates to the downfall of what they drain.

Define "flourish." Go ahead, put out a definition that 100% of all people in this country would agree with.

Or even 51%. Then run for political office and get elected because you know how to make a society flourish.

Go ahead, do it faggot. You're so fucking clever and you've got a handle on what society needs.

Or maybe you know you don't hold the secrets to society and you're just a fucking faggot moron? Maybe?

>contributing citizens
>Sup Forums
lmao k user

are you serious? i'm just annoyed about autistic people. not going anti vax, but okay

You expect the world to coddle these retards and have organizations taking funding just to keep the unproductive, literally useless members of society alive? Fuck em

>annoyed about autistic people

But WHY?

Do your research m8

lol these are your peers, tho. Better cozy up. It's like saying the word "nigger" every day. You can totally do it, it isn't illegal, but it does mean that you're going to wind up only being around other people who say "nigger."

wasn't me (op), but okay

We're coddling you right now by trying not to use complicated words when explaining the struggles an autistic person goes through, but it seems we need to dumb it down even further.

we should just exterminate him, hes a drain on society.

where did you get 'flourish'?

I expect them to, because they DO. How stupid are you? It's like saying I don't like trees and therefore I shouldn't expect them to exist. How much of an egotist fuck are you that you think the laws of reality should bend to your little whims?


Read the post I'm replying to. It's the last word, easy to spot. Right there at the end.


It's pretty funny how we're coddling an autistic moron who's whining about fellow autistic children getting shit he isn't getting.

but i'm pro vaccine.

i just don't see the reason why as a society we must go to extravagant lengths to stop an autistic kid's tantrums.

People should just beat their kids.

yep. apologies.

>why do people care about other people

Genuinely think OP may be autistic, many don't recognise it in themselves and struggle with basic concepts such as humanity and morality.

My sister GENUINELY believes that if Hitler had apologised for what he did then he should have been a free man. Because (autistic logic) when you've done something wrong, you apologise and the other person forgives you and you move on.

Similarly, if someone swears (swearing is wrong) and DOESN'T apologise, it would be okay to kill them because they're wrong.

These are hypothetical things I've chatted with my sister about but a massive insight into the 'black or white' mentality of an autistic person.

Like when asked what would she do if she was cornered in a dark alley by a gang of muggers, she said she'd just 'beat them up'. She also has cerebral palsy but doesn't really understand limitations.

You only pay for an iPhone once..

I'm autistic, I didn't get catered to when I was a kid, people just bullied me and beat me.

Sounds like I need to get the broiler going

this user asks the real questions

alright. then when does the coddling stop?

i don't feel like a bad guy here. i honestly don't understand how giving one kid over 150 shirts that they will outgrow once again will help their autism.

when they move on to another item and they run out of that one, will the cycle continue?

when does it stop?

If you think this is "extravagant," you need to look around more, develop your critical eye. Also, what the fuck do you care? Go run for office, yet to get a reasonable rebuttal to that idea. If this is so important to you, and by extension of your argument, important to society, go run for office on this ticket. Surely, since it's such a drain, the people will side with you and you'll be swept into a position of power where you can deal with this extravagance.

Or maybe you'll just be confronted with the fact that you're an impotent, irrelevant asshole? I dunno, maybe the first one.

>as a society
>extravagant lengths

A mother asked if anyone could help her find a shirt for her daughter, you must feel so burdened.

Paying for a comadaty > paying and living my life to serve an almost functional retard. That like buying a car that can shift past 1st gear, gets horrible mileage and I make payment every month until it or I die.