You, user! What is your profession?

You, user! What is your profession?

Heavy equipment operator

Crew member maccieDs

Stay-at-home son.

I deliver cookies for a living. Not gay i promise

Sup Forums shitposter


Walgreens Photo "Specialist"

freelance programmer


Construction Engineer


Underground drill rig electrical maintenance specialist

Probationary Firefighter

Contracts and Procurement Manager, aged 40.


doubles guy

Engineering Manager


Dog walker

Im a neet

Network engineer


Well I wouldn't have thought that, except that you brought it up. Now I'm suspicious.

My last job was at Circuit City

>pic related, my office.


Supply chain manager.

I make 70 dollars an hour directing trucks and loading boxes, roflmao you poorfags

Specialist metal fabrication.

Chef at Wendy's

Jeepers (it was like a Chuck E Cheeses)


Do you have a gopro on your head?

Full time autist

Kek no. That's the cabin mounted camera. Helps with legal cases and insurance in case I or someone else fucks up.

I make pies, around 2000 per week

furry porn artist


cca, aka: mailman waiting to get fired

County hired hunter. Population control and animal safety.

Corrections officer


linux support analyst


You guys guess. Current project.

Content mill writer

Curriculum Specialist.

JIDF operative

Certified faggot?

Used to be one. Dishies make the kitchen go.

>Certified faggot?
No that's OP.

I'm a porn performer. I fuck chicks for a living.

horse inspector

Logistics and material manager

grape tester

Callin' bullshit. Post datestamped pic and webm of said profession.

I'm sorry user. The pay for male pornactors is truly crap. You need to borrow 15 bucks?

chief of bathroom temperature control

sixth year university student. 3 years at community and 3 years at my university. fuck grammar.

sock stretcher

Cool. What car, what's it for?

Incarcerated people counter.
>20 out to the yard.
>20 back from the yard, we're good!

dog petter

proof, also why are you here oldfag

nipple analyst

Is that your profession? Calling bullshit? You should check yourself on that.
Save that $15 for your tranny prostitutes.

I play with class 4 lasers all day.

pussy procurement manager

Residential HVAC repair technician by day and recent Uber driver mostly by night.

>What car?
It's a Volvo 240 GL that's been rebuilt completely.
>what's it for?
It's for track racing. A replica of an old STCC car.
>pic related, the original Turbo car from 87.


Financial Analyst

is 23 old to be getting a bachelors degree? im pretty fucking stupid

Actually I'm so yes, my profession is callin' bullshit. Rule number 1; users lie.

>dipshit calls, printer not working
>'Have you rebooted?'
>'Yes I did'
>win+r, cmd, enter, net statistics server, been running for 3 days

professional leg

lol ur whole life is bullshit dog

Awesome. Just the looks or are you fixing the engine and such? The STCC cars were quite fast.

So basically you're an IT nerd. You must feel special.


Yes I am and no I don't. At least I make bank.

apprenticeship as a librarian (officially called professional for information and documentation)

u sure do since u like to call out bullshit dog lmao dont play urself out. get to the dungeon, bitch.

What's your degree in? I'm management with logistics concentration but I wouldn't imagine a degree being necessary.

MechWarrior Pilot!

>At least I make bank.
Don't kid yourself.

Sure. Want me to be your DM pretty boy?

u obviously dont even understand that phrase lmao get out more dog, learn a thing or 2 in the streets

I'll kid myself whenever I feel like it faggot

Server/waiter in a 4 1/2 star restaurant

Oh everything. List of what I've done so far.
>Acid dipped chassis
>Straight cut gearbox, 6 speed.
>B21 engine ( slant straight, race cam, ignition)
>Twin fuel pumps, Brembo brakes.
>Öhlins coilovers.
>All glass has been replaces with plexi (shatter proof)
Tons of other stuff as well. Probably get 280 hp from it eventually.


>MechWarrior Pilot!
Kek. Yes of course I am.

You're bad at your job...

So basically the entire time. Now you're just pathetic.

get to the dungeon, bitch! lmao!

Engineer - like ships, powerplants and shit.

Damn. How much will that cost the buyer in the end?

Like I give a shit if you think I'm kidding myself. Look at me crying all the way to the bank.

Penis Trombonist.

>nice dubs
Sleezy Salesman