Caturday thread? Caturday thread

Caturday thread? Caturday thread.


Fuck off furfag.














Dumb frogposter


Dumb poster posting about posting frog

Dumb frog poster


Cat knows what cat wants..... or not wants.

One more time and this would look like the shower scene in "Psycho"


Yay orange cat. Reminds me of my Paul.

Good morning orange cat. Have a good Caturday.

Fat cat is fat

They're cute as fuck. But I prefer this kind.
Your cat is cute btw

>orange cat
Usually called marmalade cats.


I let a cat get this fat before because I thought it was adorable. He died of health related issues. I now control the weight of his daughter who is a lot like him.

This is nice, It's a nice break from all the hostility of the Nude rate, and waifu bait threads tonight.

Sup Forums used to be a comfy place, we had one of these every saturday back in the day


Caturday is proof that at least some of the traditions of Sup Forums have not been forsaken

you know what happened? The fucking Muslims invaded the western world, and that is raising tensions, and because of the "freedom from speak" laws now can only be vented here on b/.


That's a bold theory.

I was going to say "newfags did this".

They're so adorable

Marmalade works I guess. Also ginger. Probably a Brit said ginger.

Chilin' in the shop with Charlene this morning in pic related.

That's been done to the death of 9fag and back

I think your cat likes you user

I blame moot selling out to that jap faggot

That guy's a big lush.

>mfw I'm a newfag as well (started lurking 4 years ago)



It's a girl. She's so fucking fluffy




I joined around 2010 so almost 7 years ago now. so I'm a newfag compared to some of the people on here as well.


The rise of the newfags







funny how everyone rags on the Furries... until you start talking about lithe, supple catgirls who lie curled up on your bed giving you that amoral look that says "i'm an animal. i'm not going to give you pointless shit about sex like your uptight human girlfriend. let's get nasty." then she rolls onto her back and stretches, her breasts straining against the material of her top.

I'm running out of cat pictures now. I have three very nice ones but they're too big.



All praise Jeezuscat! The prophecy has been fulfilled.


No. Fuck off.

The look your kitten gives you when it realizes you are standing behind it after it just got done being bad.

let me escort you out

My cat recently died, this thread is providing more value to me than i expected it would.




I'm sorry user, want to talk about it?


furry isn't allowed in /d/. it is allowed in Sup Forums.

Cat-bunny hybrid?

Glad it's helping, user. Happy Caturday!

Nah. However, i will warn ya'll, a cat can in fact starve to death from hyperthyroidism. So if you have a cat that gets that, and you're treating it with medicine, but it still isn't eating, take that fucker back in, it will not "eat if it really really needs to".

Furries arent allowed in caturday threads. This is hallowed ground

Celebrate the caturday!

Mine too. Are you getting another one? What was it's name and colour?



Nah. Or at least not yet.

It was just a white cat. Non-deaf. Named genki, because i am weeabo.


Number one has no problem
Number two wants so much but préfèr to love one
Number three has but worries to make good
Number four looks for sensé in life
And number 5 loves a girl forever and get down to the people
Number 6 From the people maked ecerything to help
Number 7 is hidden by a story of the people

If no cat for a day, who do you call ?

1-7 are cool, but take care of mantra who gets you down and find how to go up again.

Trick for mantra : shall not want to know but love the problèm to find the solution

fucking luv it


this made my weekend :)

Here's my cat


fuck yes!!

She is so pretty.

an oldy but a goody. Heil Catler!

I'm going to Hell. Children annoy me and I love cats, so all I said to this was "This cat gets it." with a chuckle.

Take a seat...

Brilliant, your cat doesn't seem to mind at all.

I believe... saint peter will let that one slide.


It served in the waffen ss on the eastern front, this cat is a bad ass mofo