One Million dollars says you can't prove god didn't create everything

One Million dollars says you can't prove god didn't create everything.

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I agree. Brahma's glory is undeniable.

Do you know the definition of glory?

Physics on the sub-atomic scale, human scale, and macroscopic scale all operate under different laws of physics. That image is a combination of FAKE artist's depictions and false equivalency.

Also the burden of proof is on the one making claims. I don't claim there isn't a god, but you assume there is, so it's your responsibility to prove that.

So you can keep your million dollars, but if the tides were turned, so would I keep mine.

One quadrillion dollars says you cant prove god did create everything.


you don't have a million dollars because you think god created everything

Someone/thing had to create god...

I created this cutter. How do I collect?

That burden of proof concept was created by humans. I don't have to prove something, for something to be true buddy boy. You ain't gonna out wit my ass.

If you aren't up for a challenge don't take my offer.


This one as well

That's not true lol

I wrote this sentence, please mail my money to ISIS

You cant create or destroy energy. Someone obviously created it and you cannot create something from nothing... depending on your definition of nothing. and I don't count anti matter and quarks.

If you aren't up to the challenge then step aside laddy.

Which god?

Nice one m8

What don't you niggers get about God literally being everything

You are on the right track there. Something had to create the beginning or at least the medium for it to exist. aka creationism.

god is just a general term for the creator. not specifically jesus Christ bullshit. That bible shit is all just mans supposed interpretation of gods words. Man is inherently a sinner.. so its all bullshit.

But god did create everything. its a fucking fact.

allah akbar indeed my friend.

Did you create everything? Even so.. the one million was to prove god doesn't exist.. you kind of cut yourself out of the running there dumbfuck,

God created everything. You and what you create are causality.

>fucking fact
its b8 boys. move on

The creator of everything. I aint talking about no religious human mumbo jumbo

I take if you haven't seen the awesomeness of science. If you really follow science.. then you would know that we know that what we don't know is fucking insane.

>autistic screeching
Very good meme

>some shit looks like other shit

I don't speak French and I never said he was great.

Two Million dollars says you can't explain what God is.

The collective wealth of the universe says you can't prove God.

God is the creator of everything.

Do you want my paypal address?

God cant create a rock he cant lift, and if he can then he no longer can lift a rock so he wont be almighty

You're asking for disproving something, ergo you are a faggot and need to fagget the fuck out

God created quarks and antimatter which gave birth to matter and energy. Energy can come from NOWHERE in a vacuum.. but it is borrowed and must be paid back.

That's real science shit.. I keep telling you guys. look it up. I'm not your personal google.

This image doesn't prove that god exists. Putting aside the fact that these aren't actual images of the fucking entire universe, this just compares the universe with humans. The obvious argument linking this to god would be that humans were made in the likeness of god, but this is attempting to prove god's existence under the assumption that he does exist.

It's a challenge that fits the reward don't you think? so STFU and GTFU

If we take out the burden of proof concept we also take out your very human challenge. You end up with your point simply being irrelevant, you don't matter.


God can create a rock he couldn't lift not only can he do that but he can also modify his strength to be able to lift said rock.

Can you elaborate a little more?

How do I know when I'm looking at God? When people say they speak for him, how do I know which ones are lying? What is God exactly? Is it particles? Radiation? Waves? Just elaborate a little more, I'm starting to think God is merely a construct of the human mind due to inclusive evidence

And don't tell me "everything" is evidence of God's existence. That explains nothing. I'm not 6 years old. Tell me the truth.

Everything is God

well he obviously doesn't matter as he is incapable of coherent rational thought

If there is a god, all he has ever done is start everything.

He does nothing and doesn't care about shit.

for two more million ill explain everything. but you must first pay the first 2 million. I'm not stupid.

Your talking about waves and radiation? So you are talking about photons? do you know what the fuck you are talking about? god created everything.

You don't understand anything about God, do you?

I bet you've never even been to church.

>one million dollars says you can't prove unicorns didn't shit on my lawn

>one million dollars says you can't prove that op isn't an leprechaun

>one million dollars says you can't prove that trump isn't a robot being controlled by children

You obviously didn't go to school. When the "Big Bang" happened all of the universes' energy was compressed into that small atom sized particle that exploded. get a fucking education

I'm referring to Einsteins view of God but if you know something he doesn't please enlighten me.

big bang was god exploding


Another million says that you can't prove to us god did create it

I have actually, although my most recent visits were for funerals.

Keep in mind the idea of God as a word for Creator "whatever" it may be has nothing to do with organized religion based on humans. We aren't the center of the universe. We're causality. If it can happen.. it DID happen.

You haven't answered my questions here:

HUMANS CREATED GOD IN THEIR OWN IMAGE. thats why we assume thats what this fictional character looks like. not the other way round

What a roundabout way to say you don't know a damn thing.

And fyi the images in tvere are not those colors besides the eye maybe bit the rest is just shopped photos

I didn't write that, wrong user

I humbly decline your challenge.

the million dollars was "prove god didn't create EVERYTHING", not "god isn't real"
Let's asume God creates everything, and that this ammounts to 99 things because his a lazy God
Then, one of the humans creates one thing

Thus, out of the everything, God created 99% of things, not 100% as was your claim.

Pay to that user, ye faggot

Probably a troll but it's an unfalsifiable hypothesis, you can't prove a negative. While I think dismissing god is arrogant when you can't 100% prove/disprove it (I dislike militant atheists, they give us a bad name), all I can say is that judging from the universe as we know it there are no signs that point to creationism. The image you posted isn't some magical pattern that proves god, it's just how things flow by taking the path of least resistance.

god says you cant prove you have a million dollars, come at me son

Oh you heard of the big bang huh? you must have went to college. Do you know much about space? or theories of other dimensions and antimatter. Space is not empty. literally.. empty space.. is not empty.. look it up. God created everything... even before big old big bang benny.

I know a lot about science.. if you want to brain battle me lets do it. Give me some fucking science bro.

thats because you cant prove a negatice

>One Million dollars says you can't prove an invisible pink unicorn didn't create everything.

PS: the burden of proof falls on the person making the claim, don't ask us to disprove it, you should prove it by submitting evidence to back you claim.

You know how many times the bible has been rewritten and translated? I don't read science fiction.. sorry. Call it what it is.

The burden of proof is of the accuser you cuck tard

God created you. you do things you brain tells you to do which is affected by your senses and experiences. so anything you do is a by product of creation.

I didn't come out here to prove anything nor to start and argument. I simply made an offer and people are fucking idiots trying to argue a point they cant win.

I definitely cannot prove god didn't create everything.. that's why I'm paying someone else to do it.

>you can't prove a negative
oh really? i can prove, that humans don't consist of arsenic. i can prove, that electrons are not positively charged.
the opposite is the case. you can't prove a theory about something, but you can prove a theory wrong

I cant prove god doesn't exist.. that's why I'm offering the money so someone else can.


you two are both idiots who dont even fully understand the big bang, because if you did you would be discussing like a fucking creation theory

philosophically that is actually a flawed assumption, we have no empirical data to support wether or not energu can be created/destroy and even if we did it is still a moot point

did you know singularities break down physics? just inside the singularity of a black whole many laws of physics change, though we still dont see any matter creation (it may be possible, see as the new matter also wouldnt be able to escape, but then wed also see less of black holes "evaporating" unless ofc they simply cant create new matter fast enough) . SIngularity theory talks of BEFORE the big bang when the entire universe was the space less than an atom, there would litterally be no physical laws, and without a universe there are no physics saying that matter cant be spontaneously created

also your argument is an oversimplification of an already simple argment known as "kalams cosmological argument for the existence of god" to which i ask you see this video wich explains how causality isnt applicaple to universal creation and a god wich "exists" cannot cause a universe to "exist"
One Million dollars says you can't prove god didn't create everything.

We cant go outside of our universe.. do you follow science? We cant even look outside of it..EVER.

So your comparison to analyzing a human body and what we are made of because you can look, touch and test it. We cannot do the other..

watch some science shit.

byproduct =/= product, i eat foor and then take a shit does that mean the food company made shit?

just fucking pay the user

you and I haven't started a discussion on what the big bang theory is and you claim I know nothing?

I think you and I are not going to be able to communicate properly. You are officially booted out of the 1 million dollar challenge.

those are all positive claims though you dense motherfucker

"he hasnt talked to me so he must not know how much i know" no but i could see you talking to someone else (i watch the feb 2012 debate, i dont need to talk to ken ham to know hes a fucking lunatic), but ok you got me

what the fuck do you know about big bang theory?

i read it 4 fucking times and still don't get it. what do you want to tell me?
i said: you CAN prove a negative. actually it's the only thing you can prove. you cannot prove a theory right, because of problem of induction. you can however prove a theory wrong.

fuck, you guys are stupid

No you turned the food they made into shit. Its pretty simple.

Everything in existence.. came from nature even if man engineered it into some other element. the atoms that make up everything are all the same. God created that.everything that is ever to come of matter and energy.

I'm not gonna bother.
Because no christfag is down to earth enough to have a million dollars.

At first there was nothing... and then it exploded. Everything in space right now was packed to to the size of one atom.

How much more you want to know? you want to know how fast it expanded at first? Want to know how fast its going now? .. ill give you a hint.. its expanding faster than it was in the beginning.

anyways... i thought you were voted off the island?

>Everything in space right now was packed to to the size of one atom.
shut up idiot.

When it's an unfalsifiable hypothesis you can't prove a negative because people keep moving the goalpost around. If somebody says theres a unicorn in the room but it's invisible and intangible. you can't prove them wrong because the standards for proof change. "we can't see god or hear him etc" you can't get objective proof for that claim

google it.

I love science bro

How do you go from QED vacuum fluctuations to God existing and creating everything? I don't follow you here.

you dont know what positive and negative claims are do you

You also can't disprove that we're just an organism living inside a giant brain.

Then why the fuck are you here, if you don't have objective proof of a claim and you even admit you don't why make the fucking claim?

Because the big bang wasn't the beginning of everything.. it was the beginning of our universe. QED vacuum flux was mentioned because it was around before big bang. He was implying its the beginning and somehow invalidates god.

Sometimes i don't type things clearly.

well i stand corrected. i thought you had a flawed, incomplete understand....but now i know you know nothing

big bang isnt a "creation" theory it is a "farmation" theory, everything that "exploded" (term is used loosely it wasn't an actual explosion it was just energy expanding faster than the speed of light) existed BEFORE the big bang in a singularity, how THAT got there? we dont know and we dont pretend to know, we've yet to be able to observe current singularities in black holes theres no way we can measure the universal singularity that existed 14.5 billion years ago

I'm here to make an offer of one million dollars for a pretty hard challenge. Why did you skip the OP not read it?

>When it's an unfalsifiable hypothesis you can't prove a negative because people keep moving the goalpost around.
what a load of bullshit. when people do that, it's because of unclarity of concepts. if you're terms are well defined, you can't change whatever you want.
>If somebody says theres a unicorn in the room but it's invisible and intangible
that is not the same as to say: "you can't prove a negative." read the wikipedia article for fucks sake. to prove a theory wrong is the only thing science can do and we assume those concepts, that are not proven wrong. it's induction.
>you can't prove them wrong because the standards for proof change.
what? what fucking standards for proof?

>you can't create energy
>someone obviously created it

Are you that retarded ? I cant disprove that fucking 5 underage virgins cures my HIV does that mean its true until someone proves me wrong/right?

No you fuck face its false until i myself prove its right. Unless religious people start proving their mythologies. they are not true.

>Assume god created everything
>Obviously this means god exists
>Therefore "everything" includes god
>God created himself

forward my money to buzzfeed

One million dollars says you can't prove that this is a computer simulation of a universe.
See OP, I can make unfalsifiable claims too!

I didn't say the big bang was the beginning. you did. our universe is small fucking potatoes to the awesomeness of what we don't know.

>When the "Big Bang" happened
Top kek

You keep going on a detailed rant railing away from the points i make. funny.

>I love science bro
no, you don't.

“The region destined to become our present universe was once about the size of a marble,”

oh well, then explain it to me please.

All of the theory is extrapolation, we see the universe today and we see that the galaxies are moving away from each other, so they made a projection that they must have been at one singularity at some point. Funnily enough most scientists don't claim to know the absolute truth 100% they admit that it's a best guess as to what happened judging by the universe today, but religions do claim to be 100% right about how all this shit happened